外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 10 期, 页码:40 - 53
[1]Aiken L S and West S G.Multiple regression:Testing and interpreting interactions[M].Newbury Park,CA:Sage,1991.
[2]Allen D G and Shanock L R.Perceived organizational support and embeddedness as key mechanisms connecting socialization tactics to commitment and turnover among new employees[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013,34(3):350-369.
[3]Armstrong-Stassen M and Schlosser F.Perceived organizational membership and the retention of older workers[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2011,32(2):319-344.
[4]Baron R M and Kenny D A.The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research:Conceptual,strategic and statistical considerations[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1986,51(6):1173-1182.
[5]Carmeli A and Tishler A.The relationships between intangible organizational elements and organizational performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(13):1257-1278.
[6]Chen Z G,et al.Leader-member exchange and member performance:A new look at individual-level negative feedback-seeking beha-vior and team-level empowerment climate[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(1):202-212.
[7]Chen Z X and Aryee S.Delegation and employee work outcomes:An examination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(1):226-238.
[8]Cheng C Y.A longitudinal study of newcomer job embeddedness and sales outcomes for life insurance salespersons[J].Journal of Bu-siness Research,2014,67(7):1430-1438.
[9]Cho J and Dansereau F.Are transformational leaders fair?A multi-level study of transformational leadership,justice perceptions,and organizational citizenship behaviors[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(3):409-421.
[10]Crossley C D,et al.Development of a global measure of job embeddedness and integration into a traditional model of voluntary turnover[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):1031-1042.
[11]Diedericks E and Rothmann S.Flourishing of information technology professionals:Effects on individual and organizational outcomes[J].South African Journal of Business Management,2014,45(1):27-41.
[12]Edwards J R and Lambert L S.Methods for integrating moderation and mediation:A general analytical framework using moderated path analysis[J].Psychological Methods,2007,12(1):1-22.
[13]Fakhraddin M.Survey mediation role of perceived insider position and the controlling role of supervisors’traditionality[J].Journal of Applied Sciences,2014,14(5):415-425.
[14]Guerrero S,et al.Pro-diversity practices and perceived insider status[J].Cross Cultural Management:An International Journal,2013,20(1):5-19.
[15]Jafri M H.Organizational commitment and employee’s innovative behavior:a study in retail sector[J].Journal of Management Research,2010,10(1):62-68.
[16]Jiang K,et al.When and how is job embeddedness predictive of turnover?A meta-analytic investigation[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(5):1077-1096.
[17]Kazeminpour F and Amin S M.The impact of workplace spirituality dimensions on organizational citizenship behavior among nurse with the mediating effect of affective organizational commitment[J].Journal of Nursing Management,2012,20(8):1039-1048.
[18]Knapp J R,et al.Clarifying the relational ties of organizational belonging:Understanding the roles of perceived insider status,psychological ownership,and organizational identification[J].Journal of Leadership&Organizational Studies,2014,21(3):273-285.
[19]Lapalme M E,et al.Bringing the outside in:Can“external”workers experience insider status?[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2009,30(7):919-940.
[20]Liu D,et al.Human resources management and creativity:A cross-level examination of underlying mechanisms[J].Academy of Management Journal,2013,12(1):780-783.
[21]Mitchell T R,et al.Why people stay:Using job embeddedness to predict voluntary turnover[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(6):1102-1121.
[22]Mohd H J.Organizational commitment and employee’s innovative behavior:A study in retail sector[J].Journal of Management Research,2010,10(1):62-68.
[23]Ng T W H,et al.Psychological contract breaches,organizational commitment,and innovation-related behavior:A latent growth modeling approach[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(4):744-751.
[24]Organ D W,et al.Organizational citizenship behavior:Its nature,antecedents,and consequences[M].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,2006.
[25]Podsakoff P M,et al.Common method biases in behavioral research:A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(5):879-903.
[26]Portoghese I,et al.The effects of work-family conflict and community embeddedness on employee satisfaction:The role of leader-member exchange[J].International Journal of Business and Management,2011,6(4):39-48.
[27]Ramesh A and Gelfand M J.Will they stay or will they go?The role of job embeddedness in predicting turnover in individualistic and collectivistic cultures[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(5):807-823.
[28]Shalley C E,et al.The effects of personal and contextual characteristics on creativity:Where should we go from here?[J].Journal of Management,2004,30(6):933-958.
[29]Stamper C L and Masterson S S.Insider or outsider?How employee perceptions of insider status affect their work behavior[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2002,23(8):875-894.
[30]Stets J E.Identity theory[A].In Burke P J(Ed.).Contemporary social psychological theories[C].California:Stanford Social Sciences,2006:88-110.
[31]Sweetman D,et al.Relationship between positive psychological capital and creative performance[J].Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,2011,28(1):4-13.
[32]Swider B W,et al.Examining the job search-turnover relationship:The role of embeddedness,job satisfaction,and available alternatives[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(2):432-441.
[33]Tierney P and Farmer S M.Creative self-efficacy development and creative performance over time[J].Journal of Applied Psycho-logy,2011,96(2):1277-1293.
[34]Thomas W H and Daniel C F.The impact of job embeddedness on innovation-related behaviors[J].Human Resource Management,2010,49(6):1067-1087.
[35]Van Dyne L and Pierce J L.Psychological ownership and feelings of possession:Three field studies predicting employee attitudes and organizational citizenship behavior[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2004,25(4):439-459.
[36]Wang J and Kim T Y.Proactive socialization behavior in China:The mediating role of perceived insider status and the moderating role of supervisors’traditionality[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013,34(3):389-406.
[37]Wang Y F,et al.Organizational socialization and employee job performance:An examination on the role of the job satisfaction and organizational commitment[R].Paper presented at the 8 th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011.
[38]Wang Y F and Zhu Y.The relationships among organizational socialization,trust,knowledge sharing and creative behavior[R].Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Conference on Management and Service Science,2009.
[2]Allen D G and Shanock L R.Perceived organizational support and embeddedness as key mechanisms connecting socialization tactics to commitment and turnover among new employees[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013,34(3):350-369.
[3]Armstrong-Stassen M and Schlosser F.Perceived organizational membership and the retention of older workers[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2011,32(2):319-344.
[4]Baron R M and Kenny D A.The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research:Conceptual,strategic and statistical considerations[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1986,51(6):1173-1182.
[5]Carmeli A and Tishler A.The relationships between intangible organizational elements and organizational performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(13):1257-1278.
[6]Chen Z G,et al.Leader-member exchange and member performance:A new look at individual-level negative feedback-seeking beha-vior and team-level empowerment climate[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(1):202-212.
[7]Chen Z X and Aryee S.Delegation and employee work outcomes:An examination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(1):226-238.
[8]Cheng C Y.A longitudinal study of newcomer job embeddedness and sales outcomes for life insurance salespersons[J].Journal of Bu-siness Research,2014,67(7):1430-1438.
[9]Cho J and Dansereau F.Are transformational leaders fair?A multi-level study of transformational leadership,justice perceptions,and organizational citizenship behaviors[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(3):409-421.
[10]Crossley C D,et al.Development of a global measure of job embeddedness and integration into a traditional model of voluntary turnover[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):1031-1042.
[11]Diedericks E and Rothmann S.Flourishing of information technology professionals:Effects on individual and organizational outcomes[J].South African Journal of Business Management,2014,45(1):27-41.
[12]Edwards J R and Lambert L S.Methods for integrating moderation and mediation:A general analytical framework using moderated path analysis[J].Psychological Methods,2007,12(1):1-22.
[13]Fakhraddin M.Survey mediation role of perceived insider position and the controlling role of supervisors’traditionality[J].Journal of Applied Sciences,2014,14(5):415-425.
[14]Guerrero S,et al.Pro-diversity practices and perceived insider status[J].Cross Cultural Management:An International Journal,2013,20(1):5-19.
[15]Jafri M H.Organizational commitment and employee’s innovative behavior:a study in retail sector[J].Journal of Management Research,2010,10(1):62-68.
[16]Jiang K,et al.When and how is job embeddedness predictive of turnover?A meta-analytic investigation[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(5):1077-1096.
[17]Kazeminpour F and Amin S M.The impact of workplace spirituality dimensions on organizational citizenship behavior among nurse with the mediating effect of affective organizational commitment[J].Journal of Nursing Management,2012,20(8):1039-1048.
[18]Knapp J R,et al.Clarifying the relational ties of organizational belonging:Understanding the roles of perceived insider status,psychological ownership,and organizational identification[J].Journal of Leadership&Organizational Studies,2014,21(3):273-285.
[19]Lapalme M E,et al.Bringing the outside in:Can“external”workers experience insider status?[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2009,30(7):919-940.
[20]Liu D,et al.Human resources management and creativity:A cross-level examination of underlying mechanisms[J].Academy of Management Journal,2013,12(1):780-783.
[21]Mitchell T R,et al.Why people stay:Using job embeddedness to predict voluntary turnover[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(6):1102-1121.
[22]Mohd H J.Organizational commitment and employee’s innovative behavior:A study in retail sector[J].Journal of Management Research,2010,10(1):62-68.
[23]Ng T W H,et al.Psychological contract breaches,organizational commitment,and innovation-related behavior:A latent growth modeling approach[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(4):744-751.
[24]Organ D W,et al.Organizational citizenship behavior:Its nature,antecedents,and consequences[M].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,2006.
[25]Podsakoff P M,et al.Common method biases in behavioral research:A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(5):879-903.
[26]Portoghese I,et al.The effects of work-family conflict and community embeddedness on employee satisfaction:The role of leader-member exchange[J].International Journal of Business and Management,2011,6(4):39-48.
[27]Ramesh A and Gelfand M J.Will they stay or will they go?The role of job embeddedness in predicting turnover in individualistic and collectivistic cultures[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(5):807-823.
[28]Shalley C E,et al.The effects of personal and contextual characteristics on creativity:Where should we go from here?[J].Journal of Management,2004,30(6):933-958.
[29]Stamper C L and Masterson S S.Insider or outsider?How employee perceptions of insider status affect their work behavior[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2002,23(8):875-894.
[30]Stets J E.Identity theory[A].In Burke P J(Ed.).Contemporary social psychological theories[C].California:Stanford Social Sciences,2006:88-110.
[31]Sweetman D,et al.Relationship between positive psychological capital and creative performance[J].Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,2011,28(1):4-13.
[32]Swider B W,et al.Examining the job search-turnover relationship:The role of embeddedness,job satisfaction,and available alternatives[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(2):432-441.
[33]Tierney P and Farmer S M.Creative self-efficacy development and creative performance over time[J].Journal of Applied Psycho-logy,2011,96(2):1277-1293.
[34]Thomas W H and Daniel C F.The impact of job embeddedness on innovation-related behaviors[J].Human Resource Management,2010,49(6):1067-1087.
[35]Van Dyne L and Pierce J L.Psychological ownership and feelings of possession:Three field studies predicting employee attitudes and organizational citizenship behavior[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2004,25(4):439-459.
[36]Wang J and Kim T Y.Proactive socialization behavior in China:The mediating role of perceived insider status and the moderating role of supervisors’traditionality[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013,34(3):389-406.
[37]Wang Y F,et al.Organizational socialization and employee job performance:An examination on the role of the job satisfaction and organizational commitment[R].Paper presented at the 8 th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011.
[38]Wang Y F and Zhu Y.The relationships among organizational socialization,trust,knowledge sharing and creative behavior[R].Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Conference on Management and Service Science,2009.
王雁飞, 蔡如茵, 林星驰. 内部人身份认知与创新行为的关系——一个有调节的中介效应模型研究[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(10): 40–53.