外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 09 期, 页码:73 - 80
[1]Arnold J A,et al.The empowering leadership questionnaire:The construction and validation of a new scale for measuringleader behaviors[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2000,21(3):249-269.
[2]Ahearne J M,et al.To empower or not to empower your sales force?An empirical examination of influence of leadership em-powerment behavior on customer satisfaction and performance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2005,90(5):945-955.
[3]Birdi K,et al.The impact of human resource and operational management practices on company productivity:A longitudinal study[J].Personnel Psychology,2008,61(3):467-501.
[4]Carmeli A,et al.How CEO empowering leadership shapes top management team processes:Implications for firm perfor-mance[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(2):399-411.
[5]Chen G,et al.Motivation and demotivating forces in teams:Cross-level influences of empowering leadership and relation-ship conflict[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(3):541-557.
[6]Conger J A and Kanungo R N.The empowerment process:In-tegrating theory and practice[J].Academy of Management Review,1988,13(3):471-482.
[7]Dijke M V,et al.When does procedural fairness promote organi-zational citizenship behavior?Integrating empowering leadership types in relational justice models[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2012,117(2):235-248.
[8]Forrester R.Empowerment:Rejuvenating apotent idea[J].Academy of Management Executive,2000,14(3):67-80.
[9]Gao L P,et al.Leader trust and employee voice:The modera-ting role of empowering leader behaviors[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(4):787-798.
[10]Hakimi N,et al.Leader empowering behavior:The leader’s perspective[J].British Journal of Management,2010,21(3):701-716.
[11]Kirkman B L and Rosen B.Beyond self-management:Ante-cedents and consequences of team empowerment[J].Acade-my of Management Journal,1999,42(1):58-74.
[12]Konczak L J,et al.Defining and measuring empowering leader behaviors:Development of an upward feedback instru-ment[J].Educational and Psychological Measurement,2000,60(2):301-313.
[13]Leach D J,et al.The effect of empowerment on job knowledge:A empirical test involving operators of complex technology[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2003,76(1):27-52.
[14]Manz C C and Sims H P.Self-management as a substitute for leadership:A social learning theory perspective[J].Aca-demy of Management Review,1980,5(3):361-367.
[15]Manz C C.Self-leadership:Toward an expanded theory of self-influence processes in organizations[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Review,1986,11(3):585-600.
[16]Manz C C and Sims H P.Leading workers to lead them-selves:The external leadership of self-management workteams[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1987,32(1):106-129.
[17]Manz C C and Sims H P.Super leadership:Leading others to lead themselves[M].New York:Prentice-Hall,1989.
[18]Pearce C L and Sims H P.Vertical versus shared leadership as predictors of the effectiveness of change management teams:An examination of aversive,directive,transactional,transformational,and empowering leader behaviors[J].Group Dynamics:Theory,Research,and Practice,2002,6(2):172-197.
[19]Pearce C L,et al.Transactors,transformers and beyond:A multi-method development of a theoretical typology of leader-ship[J].Journal of Management Development,2003,22(4):273-307.
[20]Raub S and Robert C.Differential effects of empowering leadership on in-role and extra-role employee behaviors:Ex-ploring the role of psychological empowerment and power va-lues[J].Human Relations,2010,63(11):1743-1770.
[21]Salam S,et al.How to make a team work:Mediating effects of job satisfaction between leadership and team citizenship[R].Academy of Management Proceedings,1996:293-297.
[22]Slaughter B B.The relationship between leader gender and empowering behavior[D].Fielding Graduate University,2012.
[23]Spreitzer G M.Psychological empowerment in the work-place:Dimensions,measurement,and validation[J].Academyof Management Journal,1995,38(5):1442-1465.
[24]Srivastava A,et al.Empowering leadership in management teams:Effects on knowledge sharing,efficacy,and perfor-mance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(6):1239-1251.
[25]Thomas K W and Velthouse B A.Cognitive elements of em-powerment:An“interpretive”model of intrinsic task motiva-tion[J].Academy of Management Review,1990,15(4):666-681.
[26]Vecchio R P,et al.Empowering leadership:An examination of mediating mechanisms within a hierarchical structure[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(3):530-542.
[27]Xue Y J,et al.Team climate,empowering leadership,and knowledge sharing[J].Journal of Knowledge Management,2011,15(2):299-312.
[28]Zhang X M and Bartol K M.Linking empowering leadership and employee creativity:The influence of psychological em-powerment,intrinsic motivation,and creative process engage-ment[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(1):107-128.
[2]Ahearne J M,et al.To empower or not to empower your sales force?An empirical examination of influence of leadership em-powerment behavior on customer satisfaction and performance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2005,90(5):945-955.
[3]Birdi K,et al.The impact of human resource and operational management practices on company productivity:A longitudinal study[J].Personnel Psychology,2008,61(3):467-501.
[4]Carmeli A,et al.How CEO empowering leadership shapes top management team processes:Implications for firm perfor-mance[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(2):399-411.
[5]Chen G,et al.Motivation and demotivating forces in teams:Cross-level influences of empowering leadership and relation-ship conflict[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(3):541-557.
[6]Conger J A and Kanungo R N.The empowerment process:In-tegrating theory and practice[J].Academy of Management Review,1988,13(3):471-482.
[7]Dijke M V,et al.When does procedural fairness promote organi-zational citizenship behavior?Integrating empowering leadership types in relational justice models[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2012,117(2):235-248.
[8]Forrester R.Empowerment:Rejuvenating apotent idea[J].Academy of Management Executive,2000,14(3):67-80.
[9]Gao L P,et al.Leader trust and employee voice:The modera-ting role of empowering leader behaviors[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(4):787-798.
[10]Hakimi N,et al.Leader empowering behavior:The leader’s perspective[J].British Journal of Management,2010,21(3):701-716.
[11]Kirkman B L and Rosen B.Beyond self-management:Ante-cedents and consequences of team empowerment[J].Acade-my of Management Journal,1999,42(1):58-74.
[12]Konczak L J,et al.Defining and measuring empowering leader behaviors:Development of an upward feedback instru-ment[J].Educational and Psychological Measurement,2000,60(2):301-313.
[13]Leach D J,et al.The effect of empowerment on job knowledge:A empirical test involving operators of complex technology[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2003,76(1):27-52.
[14]Manz C C and Sims H P.Self-management as a substitute for leadership:A social learning theory perspective[J].Aca-demy of Management Review,1980,5(3):361-367.
[15]Manz C C.Self-leadership:Toward an expanded theory of self-influence processes in organizations[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Review,1986,11(3):585-600.
[16]Manz C C and Sims H P.Leading workers to lead them-selves:The external leadership of self-management workteams[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1987,32(1):106-129.
[17]Manz C C and Sims H P.Super leadership:Leading others to lead themselves[M].New York:Prentice-Hall,1989.
[18]Pearce C L and Sims H P.Vertical versus shared leadership as predictors of the effectiveness of change management teams:An examination of aversive,directive,transactional,transformational,and empowering leader behaviors[J].Group Dynamics:Theory,Research,and Practice,2002,6(2):172-197.
[19]Pearce C L,et al.Transactors,transformers and beyond:A multi-method development of a theoretical typology of leader-ship[J].Journal of Management Development,2003,22(4):273-307.
[20]Raub S and Robert C.Differential effects of empowering leadership on in-role and extra-role employee behaviors:Ex-ploring the role of psychological empowerment and power va-lues[J].Human Relations,2010,63(11):1743-1770.
[21]Salam S,et al.How to make a team work:Mediating effects of job satisfaction between leadership and team citizenship[R].Academy of Management Proceedings,1996:293-297.
[22]Slaughter B B.The relationship between leader gender and empowering behavior[D].Fielding Graduate University,2012.
[23]Spreitzer G M.Psychological empowerment in the work-place:Dimensions,measurement,and validation[J].Academyof Management Journal,1995,38(5):1442-1465.
[24]Srivastava A,et al.Empowering leadership in management teams:Effects on knowledge sharing,efficacy,and perfor-mance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(6):1239-1251.
[25]Thomas K W and Velthouse B A.Cognitive elements of em-powerment:An“interpretive”model of intrinsic task motiva-tion[J].Academy of Management Review,1990,15(4):666-681.
[26]Vecchio R P,et al.Empowering leadership:An examination of mediating mechanisms within a hierarchical structure[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(3):530-542.
[27]Xue Y J,et al.Team climate,empowering leadership,and knowledge sharing[J].Journal of Knowledge Management,2011,15(2):299-312.
[28]Zhang X M and Bartol K M.Linking empowering leadership and employee creativity:The influence of psychological em-powerment,intrinsic motivation,and creative process engage-ment[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(1):107-128.
唐贵瑶, 李鹏程, 李骥. 国外授权型领导研究前沿探析与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(9): 73–80.