外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 09 期, 页码:66 - 72
[1]Alam I.Removing the fuzziness from the fuzzy front-end of service innovations through customer interactions[J].Indus-trial Marketing Management,2006,35(4):468-480.
[2]Atuahene-Gima K.Differential potency of factors affecting in-novation performance in manufacturing and services firms in Australia[J].Journal of Production Innovation Management,1996,13(1):35-52.
[3]Bogers M,et al.Users as innovators:A review,critique,and future research directions[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(4):857-875.
[4]Carbonell P,et al.Customer involvement in new service de-velopment:An examination of antecedents and outcomes[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2009,26(5):536-550.
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[6]Comer J M and Zirger B J.Building a supplier-customer rela-tionship using joint new product development[J].Industrial Marketing Management,1997,26(2):203-211.
[7]Enkel E,et al.Managing the risk of customer integration[J].European Management Journal,2005,23(2):203-213.
[8]Etgar M.A descriptive model of the consumer co-production process[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2008,36(1):97-108.
[9]Fang E.Customer participation and the trade-off between new product innovativeness and speed to market[J].Journal of Marketing,2008,72(4):90-104.
[10]Foss N J,et al.Linking customer interaction and innovation:The mediating role of new organizational practices[J].Orga-nization Science,2011,22(4):980-999.
[11]Greer C R and Lei D.Collaborative innovation with custo-mers:A review of the literature and suggestions for future re-search[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2012,14(1):63-84.
[12]Gruner K E and Homburg C.Does customer interaction en-hance new product success?[J].Journal of Business Re-search,2000,49(1):1-14.
[13]Hamel G and Prahalad C K.Competing for the future[M].Boston:Harvard Business Press,1994.
[14]Hertog P D and Bilderbeek R.Conceptualizing(service)in-novation and the knowledge flow between KIBS and their clients[R].SI4STopical Paper,1998.
[15]Kristensson P,et al.Harnessing the creative potential among users[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2004,21(1):4-14.
[16]Lichtenthaler U.Open innovation in practice:An analysis of strategic approaches to technology transactions[R].Paper presented at the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Manage-ment,2008.
[17]Lilien G L,et al.Performance assessment of the lead user idea-generation process for new product development[J].Management Science,2002,48(8):1042-1059.
[18]Lundkvist A and Yakhlef A.Customer involvement in new service development:A conversational approach[J].Mana-ging Service Quality,2004,14(2/3):249-257.
[19]Magnusson P R.Customer-oriented product development:Experiments involving users in service innovation[D].Eco-nomic Research Institute,Stockholm School of Economics,2003.
[20]Martin C R.Retail service innovations inputs for success[J].Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,1996,3(2):63-71.
[21]Michel S,et al.Service-logic innovations:How to innovatecustomers,not products[J].California Management Review,2008,50(3):49-65.
[22]Miles I,et al.Knowledge-intensive business services:Users,carriers and sources of innovation[J].EIMS publication,1995,(15):25-90.
[23]Mills P K and Morris J H.Clients as“partial”employees of service organizations:Role development in client participation[J].Academy of Management Review,1986,11(4):726-735.
[24]Muller E and Zenker A.Business services as actors of knowledge transformation:The role of KIBS in regional and national innovation systems[J].Research Policy,2001,30(9):1501-1516.
[25]Narver J C and Slater S F.The effect of a market orientation on business profitability[J].Journal of Marketing,1990,54(4):20-35.
[26]Pfeffer J and Salancik G R.The external control of organiza-tions:A resource dependence perspective[M].New York:Harper and Row,1978.
[27]Scott W R.Organizations:Rational,natural,and open sys-tems[M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hall,1992.
[28]Van de Ven A H.On the nature,formation,and maintenance of relations among organizations[J].Academy of Manage-ment Review,1976,1(4):24-36.
[29]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2004,68(1):1-17.
[30]von Hippel E.Lead users:A source of novel product con-cepts[J].Management Science,1986,32(7):791-805.
[2]Atuahene-Gima K.Differential potency of factors affecting in-novation performance in manufacturing and services firms in Australia[J].Journal of Production Innovation Management,1996,13(1):35-52.
[3]Bogers M,et al.Users as innovators:A review,critique,and future research directions[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(4):857-875.
[4]Carbonell P,et al.Customer involvement in new service de-velopment:An examination of antecedents and outcomes[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2009,26(5):536-550.
[5]Chesbrough H.Open innovation:A new paradigm for under-standing industrial innovation[A].Chesbrough H,et al.Open innovation:Researching a new paradigm[C].Boston,MA:Oxford University Press,2006.
[6]Comer J M and Zirger B J.Building a supplier-customer rela-tionship using joint new product development[J].Industrial Marketing Management,1997,26(2):203-211.
[7]Enkel E,et al.Managing the risk of customer integration[J].European Management Journal,2005,23(2):203-213.
[8]Etgar M.A descriptive model of the consumer co-production process[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2008,36(1):97-108.
[9]Fang E.Customer participation and the trade-off between new product innovativeness and speed to market[J].Journal of Marketing,2008,72(4):90-104.
[10]Foss N J,et al.Linking customer interaction and innovation:The mediating role of new organizational practices[J].Orga-nization Science,2011,22(4):980-999.
[11]Greer C R and Lei D.Collaborative innovation with custo-mers:A review of the literature and suggestions for future re-search[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2012,14(1):63-84.
[12]Gruner K E and Homburg C.Does customer interaction en-hance new product success?[J].Journal of Business Re-search,2000,49(1):1-14.
[13]Hamel G and Prahalad C K.Competing for the future[M].Boston:Harvard Business Press,1994.
[14]Hertog P D and Bilderbeek R.Conceptualizing(service)in-novation and the knowledge flow between KIBS and their clients[R].SI4STopical Paper,1998.
[15]Kristensson P,et al.Harnessing the creative potential among users[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2004,21(1):4-14.
[16]Lichtenthaler U.Open innovation in practice:An analysis of strategic approaches to technology transactions[R].Paper presented at the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Manage-ment,2008.
[17]Lilien G L,et al.Performance assessment of the lead user idea-generation process for new product development[J].Management Science,2002,48(8):1042-1059.
[18]Lundkvist A and Yakhlef A.Customer involvement in new service development:A conversational approach[J].Mana-ging Service Quality,2004,14(2/3):249-257.
[19]Magnusson P R.Customer-oriented product development:Experiments involving users in service innovation[D].Eco-nomic Research Institute,Stockholm School of Economics,2003.
[20]Martin C R.Retail service innovations inputs for success[J].Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,1996,3(2):63-71.
[21]Michel S,et al.Service-logic innovations:How to innovatecustomers,not products[J].California Management Review,2008,50(3):49-65.
[22]Miles I,et al.Knowledge-intensive business services:Users,carriers and sources of innovation[J].EIMS publication,1995,(15):25-90.
[23]Mills P K and Morris J H.Clients as“partial”employees of service organizations:Role development in client participation[J].Academy of Management Review,1986,11(4):726-735.
[24]Muller E and Zenker A.Business services as actors of knowledge transformation:The role of KIBS in regional and national innovation systems[J].Research Policy,2001,30(9):1501-1516.
[25]Narver J C and Slater S F.The effect of a market orientation on business profitability[J].Journal of Marketing,1990,54(4):20-35.
[26]Pfeffer J and Salancik G R.The external control of organiza-tions:A resource dependence perspective[M].New York:Harper and Row,1978.
[27]Scott W R.Organizations:Rational,natural,and open sys-tems[M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hall,1992.
[28]Van de Ven A H.On the nature,formation,and maintenance of relations among organizations[J].Academy of Manage-ment Review,1976,1(4):24-36.
[29]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2004,68(1):1-17.
[30]von Hippel E.Lead users:A source of novel product con-cepts[J].Management Science,1986,32(7):791-805.
王琳, 郑长娟, 彭新敏. 国外企业-顾客合作创新研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(9): 66–72.