外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 09 期, 页码:38 - 51
[1]Bhatnagar J.Management of innovation role of psychological empowerment,work engagement and turnover intention in the Indian context[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2012,23(5):928-951.
[2]Bolden R.Distributed leadership in organizations:A review of theory and research[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2011,13(3):251-269.
[3]Bowling N A,et al.A meta-analysis of the predictors and consequences of organization-based self-esteem[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2010,83(3):601-626.
[4]Chang I H.A study of the relationships between distributed leadership,teacher academic optimism and student achievement in Taiwanese elementary schools[J].School Leadership and Management,2011,31(5):491-515.
[5]Chiaburu D S,et al.Relative importance of leader influences for subordinates’proactive behaviors,prosocial behaviors,and task performance[J].Journal of Personnel Psychology,2014,13(2):70-86.
[6]Den Hartog,et al.When does transformational leadership enhance employee proactive behavior?The role of autonomy and role breadth self-efficacy[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(1):194-202.
[7]Dierckx de CasterléB,et al.Impact of clinical leadership development on the clinical leader,nursing team and care-giving process:A case study[J].Journal of Nursing Management,2008,16(6):753-763.
[8]Dunham A H and Burt C D B.Organizational memory and empowerment[J].Journal of Knowledge Management,2011,15(5):851-868.
[9]Fitzsimons D,et al.Alternative approaches for studying shared and distributed leadership[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2011,13(3):313-328.
[10]Frese M.The word is out:We need an active performance concept for modern workplaces[J].Industrial and Organizational Psycho-logy:Perspectives on Science and Practice,2008,1(1):67-69.
[11]Heck A K,et al.Mountains out of molehills?Tests of the mediating effects of self-esteem in predicting workplace complaining[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2005,35(11):2262-2289.
[12]Heck R H and Hallinger P.Testing a longitudinal model of distributed leadership effects on school improvement[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(5):867-885.
[13]Hui C,et al.The moderating effects of polychronicity and achievement striving on the relationship between task variety and organization-based self-esteem of mid-level managers in China[J].Human Relations,2010,63(9):1395-1416.
[14]Hulpia H and Devos G.How distributed leadership can make a difference in teachers’organizational commitment?A qualitative study[J].Teaching and Teacher Education,2010,26(3):565-575.
[15]Hulpia H,et al.Development and validation of scores on the distributed leadership inventory[J].Educational and Psychological Measurement,2009a,69(6):1013-1034.
[16]Hulpia H,et al.The influence of distributed leadership on teachers’organizational commitment:A multilevel approach[J].Journal of Educational Research,2009b,103(1):40-52.
[17]Hulpia H,et al.The relationship between the perception of distributed leadership in secondary schools and teachers’and teacher leaders’job satisfaction and organizational commitment[J].School Effectiveness and School Improvement,2009c,20(3):291-317.
[18]Knol J and Van Linge R.Innovative behaviour:The effect of structural and psychological empowerment on nurses[J].Journal of Advanced Nursing,2009,65(2):359-370.
[19]Leung L.User-generated content on the internet:An examination of gratifications,civic engagement and psychological empowerment[J].New Media and Society,2009,11(8):1327-1347.
[20]Li C,et al.Moral leadership and psychological empowerment in China[J].Journal of Managerial Psychology,2012,27(1):90-108.
[21]Liang J,et al.Psychological antecedents of promotive and prohibitive voice:A two-wave examination[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(1):71-92.
[22]Ohly S and Fritz C.Work characteristics,challenge appraisal,creativity,and proactive behavior:A multi-level study[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2010,31(4):543-565
[23]Ojedokun O.Role of perceived fair interpersonal treatment and organization-based self-esteem in innovative work behavior in a Nigerian Bank[J].Psychological Thought,2012,5(2):124-140.
[24]Peterson N A.Empowerment theory:Clarifying the nature of higher-order multidimensional constructs[J].American Journal of Community Psychology,2014,53(1-2):96-108.
[25]Pieterse A N,et al.Transformational and transactional leadership and innovative behavior:The moderating role of psychological empowerment[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2010,31(4):609-623.
[26]Sheppard B,et al.Distributed leadership,teacher morale,and teacher enthusiasm:Unravelling the leadership pathways to school success[R].Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association,2010.
[27]Spillane J P.Distributed leadership[M].New Jersey:John Wiley and Sons,2012.
[28]Terrell H P.The relationship of the dimensions of distributed leadership in elementary schools of urban districts and student achievement[D].The George Washington University,2010.
[29]Thorpe R,et al.Towards “leaderful” communities in the North of England:Stories from the Northern Leadership Academy[M].Cork:Oak Tree Press,2008.
[30]Tomlinson J.Exploration of transformational and distributed leadership[J].Nursing Management,2012,19(4):30-34.
[31]Van Ameijde J D J,et al.Improving leadership in higher education institutions:A distributed perspective[J].Higher Education,2009,58(6):763-779.
[32]Wilke L A and Speer P W.The mediating influence of organizational characteristics in the relationship between organizational type and relational power:An extension of psychological empowerment research[J].Journal of Community Psychology,2011,39(8):972-986.
[33]Zahrani A A L.Psychological empowerment and workplace learning:An empirical study of Saudi Telecom Company[J].Advances in Management,2012,5(2):37-46.
[2]Bolden R.Distributed leadership in organizations:A review of theory and research[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2011,13(3):251-269.
[3]Bowling N A,et al.A meta-analysis of the predictors and consequences of organization-based self-esteem[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2010,83(3):601-626.
[4]Chang I H.A study of the relationships between distributed leadership,teacher academic optimism and student achievement in Taiwanese elementary schools[J].School Leadership and Management,2011,31(5):491-515.
[5]Chiaburu D S,et al.Relative importance of leader influences for subordinates’proactive behaviors,prosocial behaviors,and task performance[J].Journal of Personnel Psychology,2014,13(2):70-86.
[6]Den Hartog,et al.When does transformational leadership enhance employee proactive behavior?The role of autonomy and role breadth self-efficacy[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(1):194-202.
[7]Dierckx de CasterléB,et al.Impact of clinical leadership development on the clinical leader,nursing team and care-giving process:A case study[J].Journal of Nursing Management,2008,16(6):753-763.
[8]Dunham A H and Burt C D B.Organizational memory and empowerment[J].Journal of Knowledge Management,2011,15(5):851-868.
[9]Fitzsimons D,et al.Alternative approaches for studying shared and distributed leadership[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2011,13(3):313-328.
[10]Frese M.The word is out:We need an active performance concept for modern workplaces[J].Industrial and Organizational Psycho-logy:Perspectives on Science and Practice,2008,1(1):67-69.
[11]Heck A K,et al.Mountains out of molehills?Tests of the mediating effects of self-esteem in predicting workplace complaining[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2005,35(11):2262-2289.
[12]Heck R H and Hallinger P.Testing a longitudinal model of distributed leadership effects on school improvement[J].Leadership Quarterly,2010,21(5):867-885.
[13]Hui C,et al.The moderating effects of polychronicity and achievement striving on the relationship between task variety and organization-based self-esteem of mid-level managers in China[J].Human Relations,2010,63(9):1395-1416.
[14]Hulpia H and Devos G.How distributed leadership can make a difference in teachers’organizational commitment?A qualitative study[J].Teaching and Teacher Education,2010,26(3):565-575.
[15]Hulpia H,et al.Development and validation of scores on the distributed leadership inventory[J].Educational and Psychological Measurement,2009a,69(6):1013-1034.
[16]Hulpia H,et al.The influence of distributed leadership on teachers’organizational commitment:A multilevel approach[J].Journal of Educational Research,2009b,103(1):40-52.
[17]Hulpia H,et al.The relationship between the perception of distributed leadership in secondary schools and teachers’and teacher leaders’job satisfaction and organizational commitment[J].School Effectiveness and School Improvement,2009c,20(3):291-317.
[18]Knol J and Van Linge R.Innovative behaviour:The effect of structural and psychological empowerment on nurses[J].Journal of Advanced Nursing,2009,65(2):359-370.
[19]Leung L.User-generated content on the internet:An examination of gratifications,civic engagement and psychological empowerment[J].New Media and Society,2009,11(8):1327-1347.
[20]Li C,et al.Moral leadership and psychological empowerment in China[J].Journal of Managerial Psychology,2012,27(1):90-108.
[21]Liang J,et al.Psychological antecedents of promotive and prohibitive voice:A two-wave examination[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(1):71-92.
[22]Ohly S and Fritz C.Work characteristics,challenge appraisal,creativity,and proactive behavior:A multi-level study[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2010,31(4):543-565
[23]Ojedokun O.Role of perceived fair interpersonal treatment and organization-based self-esteem in innovative work behavior in a Nigerian Bank[J].Psychological Thought,2012,5(2):124-140.
[24]Peterson N A.Empowerment theory:Clarifying the nature of higher-order multidimensional constructs[J].American Journal of Community Psychology,2014,53(1-2):96-108.
[25]Pieterse A N,et al.Transformational and transactional leadership and innovative behavior:The moderating role of psychological empowerment[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2010,31(4):609-623.
[26]Sheppard B,et al.Distributed leadership,teacher morale,and teacher enthusiasm:Unravelling the leadership pathways to school success[R].Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association,2010.
[27]Spillane J P.Distributed leadership[M].New Jersey:John Wiley and Sons,2012.
[28]Terrell H P.The relationship of the dimensions of distributed leadership in elementary schools of urban districts and student achievement[D].The George Washington University,2010.
[29]Thorpe R,et al.Towards “leaderful” communities in the North of England:Stories from the Northern Leadership Academy[M].Cork:Oak Tree Press,2008.
[30]Tomlinson J.Exploration of transformational and distributed leadership[J].Nursing Management,2012,19(4):30-34.
[31]Van Ameijde J D J,et al.Improving leadership in higher education institutions:A distributed perspective[J].Higher Education,2009,58(6):763-779.
[32]Wilke L A and Speer P W.The mediating influence of organizational characteristics in the relationship between organizational type and relational power:An extension of psychological empowerment research[J].Journal of Community Psychology,2011,39(8):972-986.
[33]Zahrani A A L.Psychological empowerment and workplace learning:An empirical study of Saudi Telecom Company[J].Advances in Management,2012,5(2):37-46.
朱瑜, 黄丽君, 曾程程. 分布式领导是员工主动行为的驱动因素吗?——一个基于多重中介效应模型的检验[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(9): 38–51.