外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 08 期, 页码:50 - 56
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[14]Roche W K.Social partnership in Ireland and new socialpacts[J].Industrial Relations:A Journal of Economy andSociety,2007,46(3):395-425
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[16]Rubinstein S A and Kochan T.Learning from Saturn:Possi-bilities for corporate governance and employee relations[M].New York:Cornell University Press,2001.
[17]Rubinstein S and Heckscher C.Partnerships and flexiblenetworks[A].Kochan T and Lipsky P(Eds.).Negotiationsand change:From the workplace to society[C].New York:Sage,2003:189-205.
[18]Stuart M and Martínez-Lucio M.Partnership and modernisa-tion in employment relations[M].London:PsychologyPress,2005.
[19]Sullivan H and Skelcher C X.Working across boundaries:Collaboration in public services[M].England:Palgrave,2002.
[20]Teague P and Hann D.Problems with partnership at work:Lessons from an Irish case study[J].Human Resource Ma-nagement Journal,2010,20(1):100-114.
[2]Aoki M.Toward an economic model of the Japanese firm[J].Journal of Economic Literature,1990,28(1):1-27.
[3]Bendersky C.Organizational dispute resolution systems:Acomplementarities model[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2003,28(4):643-656.
[4]Dobbins A and Gunnigle P.Can voluntary workplace partner-ship deliver sustainable mutual gains?[J].British Journal ofIndustrial Relations,2009,47(3):546-570.
[5]Geary J and Trif A.Workplace partnership and the balance ofadvantage:A critical case analysis[J].British Journal of In-dustrial Relations,2011,49(S1):44-69.
[6]Guest D E and Peccei R.Partnership at work:Mutuality andthe balance of advantage[J].British Journal of Industrial Re-lations,2001,39(2):207-236.
[7]Guest D,et al.Does partnership at work increase trust?An a-nalysis based on the 2004Workplace Employment RelationsSurvey[J].Industrial Relations Journal,2008,39(2):124-152.
[8]Johnstone S,et al.The British partnership phenomenon:Aten year review[J].Human Resource Management Journal,2009,19(3):260-279.
[9]Kelly J.Social partnership agreements in Britain:Labor coope-ration and compliance[J].Industrial Relations:A Journal ofEconomy and Society,2004,43(1):267-292.
[10]Kochan T and Osterman P.Mutual gains bargaining[M].Boston:Harvard Business School Press,1994.
[11]Martínez-Lucio M and Stuart M.Assessing partnership:Theprospects for,and challenges of,modernisation[J].Employee Re-lations,2002,24(3):252-261.
[12]Masters M F,et al.What did partnership do?Evidence fromthe federal sector[J].Industrial&Labor Relations Review,2006,59(3):367-385.
[13]McKersie R and Walton R.A retrospective on the behavioraltheory of labor negotiations[J].Journal of OrganizationalBehavior,1992,13(3):277-285.
[14]Roche W K.Social partnership in Ireland and new socialpacts[J].Industrial Relations:A Journal of Economy andSociety,2007,46(3):395-425
[15]Roche W K.Who gains from workplace partnership?[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2009,20(1):1-33.
[16]Rubinstein S A and Kochan T.Learning from Saturn:Possi-bilities for corporate governance and employee relations[M].New York:Cornell University Press,2001.
[17]Rubinstein S and Heckscher C.Partnerships and flexiblenetworks[A].Kochan T and Lipsky P(Eds.).Negotiationsand change:From the workplace to society[C].New York:Sage,2003:189-205.
[18]Stuart M and Martínez-Lucio M.Partnership and modernisa-tion in employment relations[M].London:PsychologyPress,2005.
[19]Sullivan H and Skelcher C X.Working across boundaries:Collaboration in public services[M].England:Palgrave,2002.
[20]Teague P and Hann D.Problems with partnership at work:Lessons from an Irish case study[J].Human Resource Ma-nagement Journal,2010,20(1):100-114.
彭娟, 刘善仕, 滕莉莉. 国外雇佣双方合作伙伴关系研究回顾与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(8): 50–56.