外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 08 期, 页码:43 - 49
[1]Ancona D,et al.Time:A new research lens[J].Academy ofManagement Review,2001,26(4):645-663.
[2]Ballard D I and Seibold D R.Communicating and organizing intime:A meso-level model of organizational temporality[J].Management Communication Quarterly,2003,16(3):380-415.
[3]Benner M J and Tushman M L.Exploitation,exploration,andprocess management:The productivity dilemma revisited[J].Academy of Management Review,2003,28(2):238-256.
[4]Blount S and Janicik G A.When plans change:Examininghow people evaluate timing changes in work organizations[J].Academy of Management Review,2001,26(4):566-585.
[5]Das T K.The time dimension:An interdisciplinary guide[M].New York:Praeger,1990.
[6]Eisenhardt K M and Brown S L.Time pacing:Competing inmarkets that won’t stand still[J].Harvard Business Review,1998,76(2):59-69.
[7]Gersick C J G.Pacing strategic change:The case of a newventure[J].Academy of Management Journal,1994,37(1):9-45.
[8]Gherardi S and Strati A.The temporal dimension of organiza-tional studies[J].Organization Study,1988,9(2):149-164.
[9]Haveman H A,et al.Organizational environments in flux:The impact of regulatory punctuations on organizational do-mains,CEO succession,and performance[J].OrganizationScience,2001,12(3):253-273.
[10]Fine C H.Clockspeed:Winning industry control in the age oftemporary advantage[M].New York:Perseus,1998.
[11]Khavul S,et al.Organizational entrainment and internationalnew ventures from emerging markets[J].Journal of Busi-ness Venturing,2010,25(1):104-119.
[12]Koka B R,et al.The evolution of interflrm networks:Envi-ronmental effects on patterns of network change[J].Acade-my of Management Review,2006,31(3):721-737.
[13]Lawrence T B,et al.The temporal dynamics of institutiona-lization[J].Academy of Management Review,2001,26(4):624-644.
[14]Meyer A D.Adapting to environmental jolts[J].Adminis-trative Science Quarterly,1982,27(4):515-537.
[15]McGrath J E,et al.The social psychology of time:Entrain-ment of behavior in social and organizational settings[A].Oskamp S(Ed.).Applied social psychology annual(Vol.5)[C].Beverly Hills,CA:Sage,1984:21-44.
[16]Montoya-Weiss M M,et al.Getting it together:Temporalcoordination and conflict management in global virtual teams[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(6):1251-1262.
[17]Orlikowski W J and Yates J.It’s about time:Temporalstructuring in organizations[J].Organization Science,2002,13(6):684-700.
[18]Pérez-Nordtvedt L,et al.An entrainment-based model oftemporal organizational fit,misfit,and performance[J].Or-ganization Science,2008,19(5):785-801.
[19]Schein E H.Organizational culture and leadership[M].(2nded.).San Francisco:Jossey Bass,1992.
[20]Standifer R L and Bluedorn A C.Alliance managementteams and entrainment:Sharing temporal mental models[J].Human Relations,2006,59(7):903-927.
[21]Thomas P R,et al.Quality alone is not enough[M].NewYork:AMA Membership Publications Division,1992.
[22]Venkataraman N and Camillus J C.Exploring the concept of“flt”in strategic management[J].Academy of ManagementReview,1984,9(5):513-525.
[2]Ballard D I and Seibold D R.Communicating and organizing intime:A meso-level model of organizational temporality[J].Management Communication Quarterly,2003,16(3):380-415.
[3]Benner M J and Tushman M L.Exploitation,exploration,andprocess management:The productivity dilemma revisited[J].Academy of Management Review,2003,28(2):238-256.
[4]Blount S and Janicik G A.When plans change:Examininghow people evaluate timing changes in work organizations[J].Academy of Management Review,2001,26(4):566-585.
[5]Das T K.The time dimension:An interdisciplinary guide[M].New York:Praeger,1990.
[6]Eisenhardt K M and Brown S L.Time pacing:Competing inmarkets that won’t stand still[J].Harvard Business Review,1998,76(2):59-69.
[7]Gersick C J G.Pacing strategic change:The case of a newventure[J].Academy of Management Journal,1994,37(1):9-45.
[8]Gherardi S and Strati A.The temporal dimension of organiza-tional studies[J].Organization Study,1988,9(2):149-164.
[9]Haveman H A,et al.Organizational environments in flux:The impact of regulatory punctuations on organizational do-mains,CEO succession,and performance[J].OrganizationScience,2001,12(3):253-273.
[10]Fine C H.Clockspeed:Winning industry control in the age oftemporary advantage[M].New York:Perseus,1998.
[11]Khavul S,et al.Organizational entrainment and internationalnew ventures from emerging markets[J].Journal of Busi-ness Venturing,2010,25(1):104-119.
[12]Koka B R,et al.The evolution of interflrm networks:Envi-ronmental effects on patterns of network change[J].Acade-my of Management Review,2006,31(3):721-737.
[13]Lawrence T B,et al.The temporal dynamics of institutiona-lization[J].Academy of Management Review,2001,26(4):624-644.
[14]Meyer A D.Adapting to environmental jolts[J].Adminis-trative Science Quarterly,1982,27(4):515-537.
[15]McGrath J E,et al.The social psychology of time:Entrain-ment of behavior in social and organizational settings[A].Oskamp S(Ed.).Applied social psychology annual(Vol.5)[C].Beverly Hills,CA:Sage,1984:21-44.
[16]Montoya-Weiss M M,et al.Getting it together:Temporalcoordination and conflict management in global virtual teams[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(6):1251-1262.
[17]Orlikowski W J and Yates J.It’s about time:Temporalstructuring in organizations[J].Organization Science,2002,13(6):684-700.
[18]Pérez-Nordtvedt L,et al.An entrainment-based model oftemporal organizational fit,misfit,and performance[J].Or-ganization Science,2008,19(5):785-801.
[19]Schein E H.Organizational culture and leadership[M].(2nded.).San Francisco:Jossey Bass,1992.
[20]Standifer R L and Bluedorn A C.Alliance managementteams and entrainment:Sharing temporal mental models[J].Human Relations,2006,59(7):903-927.
[21]Thomas P R,et al.Quality alone is not enough[M].NewYork:AMA Membership Publications Division,1992.
[22]Venkataraman N and Camillus J C.Exploring the concept of“flt”in strategic management[J].Academy of ManagementReview,1984,9(5):513-525.
张钢, 岑杰. 组织适应理论扩展——组织时间适应研究探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(8): 43–49.