外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 12 期, 页码:59 - 72
[1] Bandura A.Aggression:A social learning analysis[M].Englewood Gliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall,1973.
[2] Blau P M.Exchange and power in social life[M].New York,NY:Wiley,1964.
[3] Bolger N,et al.The contagion of stress across multiple roles[J].Journal of Marriage and the Family,1989,51(1):175-183.
[4] Burton J P,et al.Understanding internal,external,and relational attributions for abusive supervision[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2014,35(6):871-891.
[5] Byrne A,et al.The depleted leader:The influence of leaders' diminished psychological resources on leadership behaviors[J].Leadership Quarterly,2014,25(2):344-357.
[6] Carlson D,et al.Abusive supervision and work-family conflict:The path through emotional labor and burnout[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(5):849-859.
[7] Carlson D S,et al.The fallout from abusive supervision:An examination of subordinates and their partners[J].Personnel Psychology,2011,64(4):937-961.
[8] Chan M E and McAllister D J.Abusive supervision through the lens of employee state paranoia[J].Academy of Management Review,2014,39(1):44-66.
[9] Chi S S and Liang S.When do subordinates' emotion-regulation strategies matter? Abusive supervision,subordinates' emotional exhaustion,and work withdrawal[J].Leadership Quarterly,2013,24(1):125-137.
[10] Costa P T and McCrae R R.The NEO personality inventory manual[M].Odessa,FL:Psychological Assessment Resources,1985.
[11] Cropanzano R,et al.Deontic justice:The role of moral principles in workplace fairness[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2003,24(8):1019-1024.
[12] Dahling J J,et al.The development and validation of a new Machiavellianism scale[J].Journal of Management,2008,35(2):219-257.
[13] Deci E L and Ryan R M.The "what" and "why" of goal pursuits:Human needs and the self-determination of behavior[J].Psychological Inquiry,2000,11(4):227-268.
[14] Decoster S,et al.Standing by your organization:The impact of organizational identification and abusive supervision on followers' perceived cohesion and tendency to gossip[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2013,118(3):623-634.
[15] Dienesch R M and Liden R C.Leader-member exchange model of leadership:A critique and further development[J].Academy of Management Review,1986,11(3):618-634.
[16] Eisenberger R,et al.Leader-member exchange and affective organizational commitment:The contribution of supervisor's organizational embodiment[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(6):1085-1103.
[17] Farh C I C and Chen Z.Beyond the individual victim:Multilevel consequences of abusive supervision in teams[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2014,99(6):1074-1095.
[18] Gouldner A W.The norm of reciprocity:A preliminary statement[J].American Sociological Review,1960,25(2):161-178.
[19] Greenbaum R L,et al.Employee Machiavellianism to unethical behavior:The role of abusive supervision as a trait activator[J].Journal of Management,2014,doi:10.1177/0149206314535434.
[20] Hannah S T,et al.Joint influences of individual and work unit abusive supervision on ethical intentions and behaviors:A moderated mediation model[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2013,98(4):579-592.
[21] Harris K J,et al.Abusive supervisory reactions to coworker relationship conflict[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(5):1010-1023.
[22] Harris K J,et al.HRM effectiveness as a moderator of the relationships between abusive supervision and technology work overload and job outcomes for technology end users[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2013a,43(8):1686-1695.
[23] Harris K J,et al.An investigation of abusive supervision,vicarious abusive supervision,and their joint impacts[J].Journal of Social Psychology,2013b,153(1):38-50.
[24] Henle C A and Gross M A.What have I done to deserve this? Effects of employee personality and emotion on abusive supervision[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2014,122(3):461-474.
[25] Hobfoll S E.Conservation of resources:A new attempt at conceptualizing stress[J].American Psychologist,1989,44(3):513-524.
[26] Hobfoll S E.The influence of culture,community,and the nested-self in the stress process:Advancing conservation of resources theory[J].Applied Psychology,2001,50(3):337-421.
[27] Hoobler J M and Hu J.A model of injustice,abusive supervision,and negative affect[J].Leadership Quarterly,2013,24(1):256-269.
[28] Hu C,et al.Measurement equivalence/invariance of the abusive supervision measure across workers from Taiwan and the United States[J].Journal of Psychology,2011,145(2):111-131.
[29] Kelley H H.Attribution theory in social psychology[A].in Levine D(Ed.).Nebraska symposium on motivation[C].Lincoln,NE:University of Nebraska Press,1967:192-238.
[30] Kiewitz C,et al.Sins of the parents:Self-control as a buffer between supervisors' previous experience of family undermining and subordinates' perceptions of abusive supervision[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(5):869-882.
[31] Lazarus R S.Emotion and adaptation[M].New York:Oxford University Press,1991.
[32] Lazarus R S.From psychological stress to the emotions:A history of changing outlooks[J].Annual Review of Psycho-logy,1993,44(1):1-22.
[33] Lian H,et al.Does power distance exacerbate or mitigate the effects of abusive supervision? It depends on the outcome[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012a,97(1):107-123.
[34] Lian H,et al.Does taking the good with the bad make things worse? How abusive supervision and leader-member exchange interact to impact need satisfaction and organizational deviance[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2012b,117(1):41-52.
[35] Lian H,et al.Abusive supervision and retaliation:A self-control framework[J].Academy of Management Journal,2014a,57(1):116-139.
[36] Lian H,et al.Blame it on the supervisor or the subordinate? Reciprocal relations between abusive supervision and organizational deviance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2014b,99(4):651-664.
[37] Liu D,et al.The dark side of leadership:A three-level investigation of the cascading effect of abusive supervision on employee creativity[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(5):1187-1212.
[38] Liu J,et al.Abusive supervision and subordinate supervisor-directed deviance:The moderating role of traditional values and the mediating role of revenge cognitions[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2010,83(4):835-856.
[39] Liu X and Wang J.Abusive supervision and organizational citizenship behaviour:Is supervisor-subordinate Guanxi a mediator?[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2013,24(7):1471-1489.
[40] Mackey J D,et al.Subordinate social adaptability and the consequences of abusive supervision perceptions in two samples[J].Leadership Quarterly,2013,24(5):732-746.
[41] Martinko M J,et al.Perceptions of abusive supervision:The role of subordinates' attribution styles[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(4):751-764.
[42] Mawritz M B,et al.A trickle-down model of abusive supervision[J].Personnel Psychology,2012,65(2):325-357.
[43] Martinko M J,et al.A review of abusive supervision research[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013,34(S1):S120-S137.
[44] Mawritz M B,et al.Supervisors' exceedingly difficult goals and abusive supervision:The mediating effects of hindrance stress,anger,and anxiety[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2014a,35(3):358-372.
[45] Mawritz M B,et al.Hostile climate,abusive supervision,and employee coping:Does conscientiousness matter?[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2014b,99(4):737-747.
[46] Mischel W.Processes in delay of gratification[A].in Berkowitz L(Ed.).Advances in experimental social psychology[C].New York,NY:Academic Press,1974:249-292.
[47] Mitchell M S and Ambrose M L.Abusive supervision and workplace deviance and the moderating effects of negative reciprocity beliefs[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):1159-1168.
[48] Nandkeolyar A K,et al.Surviving an abusive supervisor:The joint roles of conscientiousness and coping strategies[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2014,99(1):138-150.
[49] Ogunfowora B.When the abuse is unevenly distributed:The effects of abusive supervision variability on work attitudes and behaviors[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013,34(8):1105-1123.
[50] Palanski M,et al.The effects of ethical leadership and abusive supervision on job search behaviors in the turnover process[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2014,121(1):135-146.
[51] Peng A C,et al.Social exchange implication of own and coworkers' experience of supervisory abuse[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Journal,2014,57(5):1385-1405.
[52] Priesemuth M,et al.Abusive supervision climate:A multiple-mediation model of its impact on group outcome[J].Academy of Management Journal,2013,57(5):1513-1534.
[53] Restubog S L D,et al.When distress hits home:The role of contextual factors and psychological distress in predicting employees' responses to abusive supervision[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(4):713-729.
[54] Salancik G R and Pfeffer J A.Social information processing approach to job attitudes and task design[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1978,23(2):224-253.
[55] Shoss M K,et al.Blaming the organization for abusive supervision:The roles of perceived organizational support and supervisor's organizational embodiment[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2013,98(1):158-168.
[56] Simon L S,et al.Understanding cycles of abusive:A multimotive approach[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2015,100(6):1798-1810.
[57] Tepper B J.Consequences of abusive supervision[J].Academy of Management Journal,2000,43(2):178-190.
[58] Tepper B J.Abusive supervision in work organizations:Review,synthesis,and research agenda[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):261-289.
[59] Tepper B J,et al.Predictors of abusive supervision:Supervisor perceptions of deep-level dissimilarity,relationship conflict,and subordinate performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2011,54(2):279-294.
[60] Thau S and Mitchell M S.Self-gain or self-regulation impairment? Tests of competing explanations of the supervisor abuse and employee deviance relationship through perceptions of distributive justice[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(6):1009-1031.
[61] van Knippenberg D and Hogg M A.A social identity model of leadership effectiveness in organizations[J].Research in Organization Behavior,2003,25(2):243-295.
[62] Walter F,et al.Abusive supervision and subordinate performance:Instrumentality consideration in the emergence and consequences of abusive supervision[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2015,100(4):1056-1072.
[63] Wei F and Si S.Psychological contract breach,negative reciprocity,and abusive supervision:The mediated effect of organizational identification[J].Management and Organization Review,2013,9(3):541-561.
[64] Westman M.Crossover of stress and strain in the work-family context[A].in Jones F,et al(Eds.).Work-life balance:A psychological perspective[C].New York,NY:Psychology Press,2006:163-184.
[65] Wheeler A R,et al.The interactive effects of abusive supervision and entitlement on emotional exhaustion and co-worker abuse[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2013,86(4):477-496.
[66] Whitman M V,et al.Abusive supervision and feedback avoidance:The mediating role of emotional exhaustion[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2014,35(1):38-53.
[67] Wu T and Hu C.Abusive supervision and subordinate emotional labor:The moderating role of openness personality[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2013,43(5):956-970.
[68] Xu E,et al.Abusive supervision and work behaviors:The mediating role of LMX[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(4):531-543.
[69] Yagil D,et al.Do employees cope effectively with abusive supervision at work? An exploratory study[J].International Journal of Stress Management,2011,18(1):5-23.
[70] Zhang H,et al.High core self-evaluators maintain creativity:A motivational model of abusive supervision[J].Journal of Management,2014,40(4):1151-1174.
[71] 李爱梅等.辱虐管理研究的"特征-过程-结果"理论框架[J].心理科学进展,2013,21(11):1901-1912.
[72] 刘军等.应对辱虐管理:下属逢迎与政治技能的作用机制研究[J].南开管理评论,2009,12(2):52-58.
[73] 毛江华等.辱虐管理从何而来?来自期望理论的解释[J].南开管理评论,2014,17(5):4-12.
[74] 朱月龙等.辱虐管理的概念界定与影响因素及结果探讨[J].外国经济与管理,2009,31(12):25-32.
[2] Blau P M.Exchange and power in social life[M].New York,NY:Wiley,1964.
[3] Bolger N,et al.The contagion of stress across multiple roles[J].Journal of Marriage and the Family,1989,51(1):175-183.
[4] Burton J P,et al.Understanding internal,external,and relational attributions for abusive supervision[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2014,35(6):871-891.
[5] Byrne A,et al.The depleted leader:The influence of leaders' diminished psychological resources on leadership behaviors[J].Leadership Quarterly,2014,25(2):344-357.
[6] Carlson D,et al.Abusive supervision and work-family conflict:The path through emotional labor and burnout[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(5):849-859.
[7] Carlson D S,et al.The fallout from abusive supervision:An examination of subordinates and their partners[J].Personnel Psychology,2011,64(4):937-961.
[8] Chan M E and McAllister D J.Abusive supervision through the lens of employee state paranoia[J].Academy of Management Review,2014,39(1):44-66.
[9] Chi S S and Liang S.When do subordinates' emotion-regulation strategies matter? Abusive supervision,subordinates' emotional exhaustion,and work withdrawal[J].Leadership Quarterly,2013,24(1):125-137.
[10] Costa P T and McCrae R R.The NEO personality inventory manual[M].Odessa,FL:Psychological Assessment Resources,1985.
[11] Cropanzano R,et al.Deontic justice:The role of moral principles in workplace fairness[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2003,24(8):1019-1024.
[12] Dahling J J,et al.The development and validation of a new Machiavellianism scale[J].Journal of Management,2008,35(2):219-257.
[13] Deci E L and Ryan R M.The "what" and "why" of goal pursuits:Human needs and the self-determination of behavior[J].Psychological Inquiry,2000,11(4):227-268.
[14] Decoster S,et al.Standing by your organization:The impact of organizational identification and abusive supervision on followers' perceived cohesion and tendency to gossip[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2013,118(3):623-634.
[15] Dienesch R M and Liden R C.Leader-member exchange model of leadership:A critique and further development[J].Academy of Management Review,1986,11(3):618-634.
[16] Eisenberger R,et al.Leader-member exchange and affective organizational commitment:The contribution of supervisor's organizational embodiment[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(6):1085-1103.
[17] Farh C I C and Chen Z.Beyond the individual victim:Multilevel consequences of abusive supervision in teams[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2014,99(6):1074-1095.
[18] Gouldner A W.The norm of reciprocity:A preliminary statement[J].American Sociological Review,1960,25(2):161-178.
[19] Greenbaum R L,et al.Employee Machiavellianism to unethical behavior:The role of abusive supervision as a trait activator[J].Journal of Management,2014,doi:10.1177/0149206314535434.
[20] Hannah S T,et al.Joint influences of individual and work unit abusive supervision on ethical intentions and behaviors:A moderated mediation model[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2013,98(4):579-592.
[21] Harris K J,et al.Abusive supervisory reactions to coworker relationship conflict[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(5):1010-1023.
[22] Harris K J,et al.HRM effectiveness as a moderator of the relationships between abusive supervision and technology work overload and job outcomes for technology end users[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2013a,43(8):1686-1695.
[23] Harris K J,et al.An investigation of abusive supervision,vicarious abusive supervision,and their joint impacts[J].Journal of Social Psychology,2013b,153(1):38-50.
[24] Henle C A and Gross M A.What have I done to deserve this? Effects of employee personality and emotion on abusive supervision[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2014,122(3):461-474.
[25] Hobfoll S E.Conservation of resources:A new attempt at conceptualizing stress[J].American Psychologist,1989,44(3):513-524.
[26] Hobfoll S E.The influence of culture,community,and the nested-self in the stress process:Advancing conservation of resources theory[J].Applied Psychology,2001,50(3):337-421.
[27] Hoobler J M and Hu J.A model of injustice,abusive supervision,and negative affect[J].Leadership Quarterly,2013,24(1):256-269.
[28] Hu C,et al.Measurement equivalence/invariance of the abusive supervision measure across workers from Taiwan and the United States[J].Journal of Psychology,2011,145(2):111-131.
[29] Kelley H H.Attribution theory in social psychology[A].in Levine D(Ed.).Nebraska symposium on motivation[C].Lincoln,NE:University of Nebraska Press,1967:192-238.
[30] Kiewitz C,et al.Sins of the parents:Self-control as a buffer between supervisors' previous experience of family undermining and subordinates' perceptions of abusive supervision[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(5):869-882.
[31] Lazarus R S.Emotion and adaptation[M].New York:Oxford University Press,1991.
[32] Lazarus R S.From psychological stress to the emotions:A history of changing outlooks[J].Annual Review of Psycho-logy,1993,44(1):1-22.
[33] Lian H,et al.Does power distance exacerbate or mitigate the effects of abusive supervision? It depends on the outcome[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012a,97(1):107-123.
[34] Lian H,et al.Does taking the good with the bad make things worse? How abusive supervision and leader-member exchange interact to impact need satisfaction and organizational deviance[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2012b,117(1):41-52.
[35] Lian H,et al.Abusive supervision and retaliation:A self-control framework[J].Academy of Management Journal,2014a,57(1):116-139.
[36] Lian H,et al.Blame it on the supervisor or the subordinate? Reciprocal relations between abusive supervision and organizational deviance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2014b,99(4):651-664.
[37] Liu D,et al.The dark side of leadership:A three-level investigation of the cascading effect of abusive supervision on employee creativity[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(5):1187-1212.
[38] Liu J,et al.Abusive supervision and subordinate supervisor-directed deviance:The moderating role of traditional values and the mediating role of revenge cognitions[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2010,83(4):835-856.
[39] Liu X and Wang J.Abusive supervision and organizational citizenship behaviour:Is supervisor-subordinate Guanxi a mediator?[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2013,24(7):1471-1489.
[40] Mackey J D,et al.Subordinate social adaptability and the consequences of abusive supervision perceptions in two samples[J].Leadership Quarterly,2013,24(5):732-746.
[41] Martinko M J,et al.Perceptions of abusive supervision:The role of subordinates' attribution styles[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(4):751-764.
[42] Mawritz M B,et al.A trickle-down model of abusive supervision[J].Personnel Psychology,2012,65(2):325-357.
[43] Martinko M J,et al.A review of abusive supervision research[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013,34(S1):S120-S137.
[44] Mawritz M B,et al.Supervisors' exceedingly difficult goals and abusive supervision:The mediating effects of hindrance stress,anger,and anxiety[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2014a,35(3):358-372.
[45] Mawritz M B,et al.Hostile climate,abusive supervision,and employee coping:Does conscientiousness matter?[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2014b,99(4):737-747.
[46] Mischel W.Processes in delay of gratification[A].in Berkowitz L(Ed.).Advances in experimental social psychology[C].New York,NY:Academic Press,1974:249-292.
[47] Mitchell M S and Ambrose M L.Abusive supervision and workplace deviance and the moderating effects of negative reciprocity beliefs[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):1159-1168.
[48] Nandkeolyar A K,et al.Surviving an abusive supervisor:The joint roles of conscientiousness and coping strategies[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2014,99(1):138-150.
[49] Ogunfowora B.When the abuse is unevenly distributed:The effects of abusive supervision variability on work attitudes and behaviors[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2013,34(8):1105-1123.
[50] Palanski M,et al.The effects of ethical leadership and abusive supervision on job search behaviors in the turnover process[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2014,121(1):135-146.
[51] Peng A C,et al.Social exchange implication of own and coworkers' experience of supervisory abuse[J].Academy of Ma-nagement Journal,2014,57(5):1385-1405.
[52] Priesemuth M,et al.Abusive supervision climate:A multiple-mediation model of its impact on group outcome[J].Academy of Management Journal,2013,57(5):1513-1534.
[53] Restubog S L D,et al.When distress hits home:The role of contextual factors and psychological distress in predicting employees' responses to abusive supervision[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(4):713-729.
[54] Salancik G R and Pfeffer J A.Social information processing approach to job attitudes and task design[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1978,23(2):224-253.
[55] Shoss M K,et al.Blaming the organization for abusive supervision:The roles of perceived organizational support and supervisor's organizational embodiment[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2013,98(1):158-168.
[56] Simon L S,et al.Understanding cycles of abusive:A multimotive approach[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2015,100(6):1798-1810.
[57] Tepper B J.Consequences of abusive supervision[J].Academy of Management Journal,2000,43(2):178-190.
[58] Tepper B J.Abusive supervision in work organizations:Review,synthesis,and research agenda[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):261-289.
[59] Tepper B J,et al.Predictors of abusive supervision:Supervisor perceptions of deep-level dissimilarity,relationship conflict,and subordinate performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2011,54(2):279-294.
[60] Thau S and Mitchell M S.Self-gain or self-regulation impairment? Tests of competing explanations of the supervisor abuse and employee deviance relationship through perceptions of distributive justice[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(6):1009-1031.
[61] van Knippenberg D and Hogg M A.A social identity model of leadership effectiveness in organizations[J].Research in Organization Behavior,2003,25(2):243-295.
[62] Walter F,et al.Abusive supervision and subordinate performance:Instrumentality consideration in the emergence and consequences of abusive supervision[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2015,100(4):1056-1072.
[63] Wei F and Si S.Psychological contract breach,negative reciprocity,and abusive supervision:The mediated effect of organizational identification[J].Management and Organization Review,2013,9(3):541-561.
[64] Westman M.Crossover of stress and strain in the work-family context[A].in Jones F,et al(Eds.).Work-life balance:A psychological perspective[C].New York,NY:Psychology Press,2006:163-184.
[65] Wheeler A R,et al.The interactive effects of abusive supervision and entitlement on emotional exhaustion and co-worker abuse[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2013,86(4):477-496.
[66] Whitman M V,et al.Abusive supervision and feedback avoidance:The mediating role of emotional exhaustion[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2014,35(1):38-53.
[67] Wu T and Hu C.Abusive supervision and subordinate emotional labor:The moderating role of openness personality[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2013,43(5):956-970.
[68] Xu E,et al.Abusive supervision and work behaviors:The mediating role of LMX[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(4):531-543.
[69] Yagil D,et al.Do employees cope effectively with abusive supervision at work? An exploratory study[J].International Journal of Stress Management,2011,18(1):5-23.
[70] Zhang H,et al.High core self-evaluators maintain creativity:A motivational model of abusive supervision[J].Journal of Management,2014,40(4):1151-1174.
[71] 李爱梅等.辱虐管理研究的"特征-过程-结果"理论框架[J].心理科学进展,2013,21(11):1901-1912.
[72] 刘军等.应对辱虐管理:下属逢迎与政治技能的作用机制研究[J].南开管理评论,2009,12(2):52-58.
[73] 毛江华等.辱虐管理从何而来?来自期望理论的解释[J].南开管理评论,2014,17(5):4-12.
[74] 朱月龙等.辱虐管理的概念界定与影响因素及结果探讨[J].外国经济与管理,2009,31(12):25-32.
梁永奕, 严鸣, 储小平. 辱虐管理研究新进展:基于多种理论视角的梳理[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(12): 59–72.