外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 07 期, 页码:24 - 33
[1]Barry C T,Pickard J D and Ansel L L.The associations of adolescent invulnerability and narcissism with problem behaviors[J].Personality and Individual Differences,2009,47(6):577-582.
[2]Beersma B,Hollenbeck J R,Humphrey S E,Moon H,Conlon D E and Ilgen D R.Cooperation,competition,and team performance:Toward a contingency approach[J].Academy of Management Journal,2003,46(5):572-590.
[3]Blair C A,Hoffman B J and Helland K R.Narcissism in organizations:A multisource appraisal reflects different perspectives[J].Human Performance,2008,21(3):254-276.
[4]Brunell A B,Gentry W A,Campbell W K,Hoffman B J,Kuhnert K W and DeMarree K G.Leader emergence:The case of the narcissistic leader[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2008,34(12):1663-1676.
[5]Campbell W K,Reeder G D,Sedikides C and Elliot A J.Narcissism and comparative self-enhancement strategies[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2000,34(3):329-347.
[6]Campbell W K,Rudich E A and Sedikides C.Narcissism,self-esteem,and the positivity of self-views:Two portraits of self-love[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2002,8(3):358-368.
[7]Campbell W K,Goodie A S and Foster J D.Narcissism,confidence,and risk attitude[J].Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,2004a,17(4):297-311.
[8]Campbell W K,Bonacci A M,Shelton J,Exline J J and Bushman B J.Psychological entitlement:Interpersonal consequences and validation of a self-report measure[J].Journal of Personality Assessment,2004b,83(1):29-45.
[9]Campbell W K,Bush C P,Brunell A B and Shelton J.Understanding the social costs of narcissism:The case of the tragedy of the commons[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2005,31(10):1358-1368.
[10]Campbell W K and Campbell S M.On the self-regulatory dynamics created by the peculiar benefits and costs of narcissism:A con-textual reinforcement model and examination of leadership[J].Self and Identity,2009,8(2-3):214-232.
[11]Campbell W K,Hoffman B J,Campbell S M and Marchisio G.Narcissism in organizational contexts[J].Human Resource Management Review,2011,21(4):268-284.
[12]Chatterjee A and Hambrick D C.It’s all about me:Narcissistic chief executive officers and their effects on company strategy and performance[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(3):351-386.
[13]Davis M S,Wester K L and King B.Narcissism,entitlement,and questionable research practices in counseling:A pilot study[J].Journal of Counseling&Development,2008,86(2):200-210.
[14]De Dreu C K.Cooperative outcome interdependence,task reflexivity,and team effectiveness:A motivated information processing perspective[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(3):628-638.
[15]De Dreu C K,Nijstad B A and Van Knippenberg D.Motivated information processing in group judgment and decision making[J].Personality and Social Psychology Review,2008,12(1):22-49.
[16]Foster J D,Campbell W and Twenge J M.Individual differences in narcissism:Inflated self-views across the lifespan and around the world[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2003,37(6):469-486.
[17]Foster J D and Trimm R F.On being eager and uninhibited:Narcissism and approach-avoidance motivation[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2008,34(7):1004-1017.
[18]Foster J D,Misra T A and Reidy D E.Narcissists are approach-oriented toward their money and their friends[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2009,43(5):764-769.
[19]Frink D D and Klimoski R J.Advancing accountability theory and practice:Introduction to the human resource management review special edition[J].Human Resource Management Review,2004,14(1):1-17.
[20]Glad B.Why tyrants go too far:Malignant narcissism and absolute power[J].Political Psychology,2002,23(1):1-37.
[21]Goldman A.Personality disorders in leaders:Implications of the DSM IV-TR in assessing dysfunctional organizations[J].Journal of Managerial Psychology,2006,21(5):392-414.
[22]Hoffman B J,Woehr D J,Magdalen-Youngjohn R and Lyons B D.Great man or great myth?A quantitative review of the relationship of individual differences and leader effectiveness[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2011,84(1):347-381.
[23]Horvath S and Morf C C.Narcissistic defensiveness:Hypervigilance and avoidance of worthlessness[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2009,45(6):1252-1258.
[24]Judge T A,LePine J A and Rich B L.Loving yourself abundantly:Relationship of the narcissistic personality to self-and other perceptions of workplace deviance,leadership,and task and contextual performance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2006,91(4):762-776.
[25]Judge T A,Piccolo R F and Kosalka T.The bright and dark sides of leader traits:A review and theoretical extension of the leader trait paradigm[J].Leadership Quarterly,2009,20(6):855-875.
[26]Kramer R M.The harder they fall[J].Harvard Business Review,2003,11(1):58-66.
[27]Laird M D,Perryman A A,Hochwarter W A,Ferris G R and Zinko R.The moderating effects of personal reputation on accountability-strain relationships[J].Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2009,14(1):70-83.
[28]Locke K D.Aggression,narcissism,self-esteem,and the attribution of desirable and humanizing traits to self versus others[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2009,43(1):99-102.
[29]Maccoby M.Narcissistic leaders[J].Harvard Business Review,2000,78(1):69-77.
[30]Maccoby M.Narcissistic leaders:Who succeeds and who fails[M].New York:Crown Business,2012.
[31]Martinez M A,Zeichner A,Reidy D E and Miller J D.Narcissism and displaced aggression:Effects of positive,negative,and delayed feedback[J].Personality and Individual Differences,2008,44(1):140-149.
[32]Miller J D and Campbell W K.Comparing clinical and social-personality conceptualizations of narcissism[J].Journal of Personality,2008,76(3):449-476.
[33]Miller J D,Price J and Campbell W K.Is the narcissistic personality inventory still relevant?A test of independent grandiosity and entitlement scales in the assessment of narcissism assessment[J].Journal of Personality,2012,19(1):8-13.
[34]Morf C C and Rhodewalt F.Unraveling the paradoxes of narcissism:A dynamic self-regulatory processing model[J].Psychological Inquiry,2001,12(4):177-196.
[35]Nevicka B.Narcissistic leaders:The appearance of success[D].Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences,2011.
[36]Nevicka B,De Hoogh A H,Van Vianen A E,Beersma B and McIlwain D.All I need is a stage to shine:Narcissists’leader emergence and performance[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(5):910-925.
[37]O’Connor J,Mumford M D,Clifton T C,Gessner T L and Connelly M S.Charismatic leaders and destructiveness:An historiomet-ric study[J].Leadership Quarterly,1996,6(4):529-555.
[38]Ouimet G.E’tiopathoge’nie du crime en col blanc:Une e’tude de cas exploratoire[J].Pratiques Psychologiques,2009a,11(4):113-124.
[39]Ouimet G.Psychologie du criminel en col blanc:la recherche de sa personnalité[J].Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations,2009b,15(3):297-320.
[40]Ouimet G.Dynamics of narcissistic leadership in organizations:Towards an integrated research model[J].Journal of Managerial Psychology,2010,5(7):713-726.
[41]Padilla A,Hogan R and Kaiser R B.The toxic triangle:Destructive leaders,susceptible followers,and conducive environments[J].Leadership Quarterly,2007,18(3):176-194.
[42]Paolini S,Crisp R J and McIntyre K.Accountability moderates member-to-group generalization:Testing a dual process model of stereotype change[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2009,45(4):676-685.
[43]Paulhus D L and Williams K M.The dark triad of personality:Narcissism,Machiavellianism,and psychopathy[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2002,36(6):556-563.
[44]Paunonen S V,Lnnqvist J E,Verkasalo M,Leikas S and Nissinen V.Narcissism and emergent leadership in military cadets[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17(5):475-486.
[45]Popper M.Narcissism and attachment patterns of personalized and socialized charismatic leaders[J].Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,2002,19(6):797-809.
[46]Post J M.Narcissism and the charismatic leader-follower relationship[J].Political Psychology,1986,7(4):675-688.
[47]Post J M.Leaders and their followers in a dangerous world:The psychology of political behavior[M].Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,2004.
[48]Reidy D E,Zeichner A,Foster J D and Martinez M A.Effects of narcissistic entitlement and exploitativeness on human physical aggression[J].Personality and Individual Differences,2008,44(4):865-875.
[49]Rosenthal S A and Pittinsky T L.Narcissistic leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17(6):617-633.
[50]Sashkin M and Sashkin M G.Leadership that matters:The critical factors for making a difference in peopl’s lives and organizations’success[M].San Francisco,CA:Berrett-Koehler Publishers,2003.
[51]Schnure K.Narcissism levels and ratings of executive leadership potential[R].Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology,Atlanta,GA.2010.
[52]Thomaes S,Bushman B J,Stegge H and Olthof T.Trumping shame by blasts of noise:Narcissism,self-esteem,shame,and aggression in young adolescents[J].Child Development,2008,79(6):1792-1801.
[53]Vazire S,Naumann L P,Rentfrow P J and Gosling S D.Portrait of a narcissist:Manifestations of narcissism in physical appearance[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2008,42(6):1439-1447.
[54]Zuckerman M and O’Loughlin R E.Self-enhancement by social comparison:A prospective analysis[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2006,32(6):751-760.
[2]Beersma B,Hollenbeck J R,Humphrey S E,Moon H,Conlon D E and Ilgen D R.Cooperation,competition,and team performance:Toward a contingency approach[J].Academy of Management Journal,2003,46(5):572-590.
[3]Blair C A,Hoffman B J and Helland K R.Narcissism in organizations:A multisource appraisal reflects different perspectives[J].Human Performance,2008,21(3):254-276.
[4]Brunell A B,Gentry W A,Campbell W K,Hoffman B J,Kuhnert K W and DeMarree K G.Leader emergence:The case of the narcissistic leader[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2008,34(12):1663-1676.
[5]Campbell W K,Reeder G D,Sedikides C and Elliot A J.Narcissism and comparative self-enhancement strategies[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2000,34(3):329-347.
[6]Campbell W K,Rudich E A and Sedikides C.Narcissism,self-esteem,and the positivity of self-views:Two portraits of self-love[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2002,8(3):358-368.
[7]Campbell W K,Goodie A S and Foster J D.Narcissism,confidence,and risk attitude[J].Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,2004a,17(4):297-311.
[8]Campbell W K,Bonacci A M,Shelton J,Exline J J and Bushman B J.Psychological entitlement:Interpersonal consequences and validation of a self-report measure[J].Journal of Personality Assessment,2004b,83(1):29-45.
[9]Campbell W K,Bush C P,Brunell A B and Shelton J.Understanding the social costs of narcissism:The case of the tragedy of the commons[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2005,31(10):1358-1368.
[10]Campbell W K and Campbell S M.On the self-regulatory dynamics created by the peculiar benefits and costs of narcissism:A con-textual reinforcement model and examination of leadership[J].Self and Identity,2009,8(2-3):214-232.
[11]Campbell W K,Hoffman B J,Campbell S M and Marchisio G.Narcissism in organizational contexts[J].Human Resource Management Review,2011,21(4):268-284.
[12]Chatterjee A and Hambrick D C.It’s all about me:Narcissistic chief executive officers and their effects on company strategy and performance[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(3):351-386.
[13]Davis M S,Wester K L and King B.Narcissism,entitlement,and questionable research practices in counseling:A pilot study[J].Journal of Counseling&Development,2008,86(2):200-210.
[14]De Dreu C K.Cooperative outcome interdependence,task reflexivity,and team effectiveness:A motivated information processing perspective[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(3):628-638.
[15]De Dreu C K,Nijstad B A and Van Knippenberg D.Motivated information processing in group judgment and decision making[J].Personality and Social Psychology Review,2008,12(1):22-49.
[16]Foster J D,Campbell W and Twenge J M.Individual differences in narcissism:Inflated self-views across the lifespan and around the world[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2003,37(6):469-486.
[17]Foster J D and Trimm R F.On being eager and uninhibited:Narcissism and approach-avoidance motivation[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2008,34(7):1004-1017.
[18]Foster J D,Misra T A and Reidy D E.Narcissists are approach-oriented toward their money and their friends[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2009,43(5):764-769.
[19]Frink D D and Klimoski R J.Advancing accountability theory and practice:Introduction to the human resource management review special edition[J].Human Resource Management Review,2004,14(1):1-17.
[20]Glad B.Why tyrants go too far:Malignant narcissism and absolute power[J].Political Psychology,2002,23(1):1-37.
[21]Goldman A.Personality disorders in leaders:Implications of the DSM IV-TR in assessing dysfunctional organizations[J].Journal of Managerial Psychology,2006,21(5):392-414.
[22]Hoffman B J,Woehr D J,Magdalen-Youngjohn R and Lyons B D.Great man or great myth?A quantitative review of the relationship of individual differences and leader effectiveness[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2011,84(1):347-381.
[23]Horvath S and Morf C C.Narcissistic defensiveness:Hypervigilance and avoidance of worthlessness[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2009,45(6):1252-1258.
[24]Judge T A,LePine J A and Rich B L.Loving yourself abundantly:Relationship of the narcissistic personality to self-and other perceptions of workplace deviance,leadership,and task and contextual performance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2006,91(4):762-776.
[25]Judge T A,Piccolo R F and Kosalka T.The bright and dark sides of leader traits:A review and theoretical extension of the leader trait paradigm[J].Leadership Quarterly,2009,20(6):855-875.
[26]Kramer R M.The harder they fall[J].Harvard Business Review,2003,11(1):58-66.
[27]Laird M D,Perryman A A,Hochwarter W A,Ferris G R and Zinko R.The moderating effects of personal reputation on accountability-strain relationships[J].Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2009,14(1):70-83.
[28]Locke K D.Aggression,narcissism,self-esteem,and the attribution of desirable and humanizing traits to self versus others[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2009,43(1):99-102.
[29]Maccoby M.Narcissistic leaders[J].Harvard Business Review,2000,78(1):69-77.
[30]Maccoby M.Narcissistic leaders:Who succeeds and who fails[M].New York:Crown Business,2012.
[31]Martinez M A,Zeichner A,Reidy D E and Miller J D.Narcissism and displaced aggression:Effects of positive,negative,and delayed feedback[J].Personality and Individual Differences,2008,44(1):140-149.
[32]Miller J D and Campbell W K.Comparing clinical and social-personality conceptualizations of narcissism[J].Journal of Personality,2008,76(3):449-476.
[33]Miller J D,Price J and Campbell W K.Is the narcissistic personality inventory still relevant?A test of independent grandiosity and entitlement scales in the assessment of narcissism assessment[J].Journal of Personality,2012,19(1):8-13.
[34]Morf C C and Rhodewalt F.Unraveling the paradoxes of narcissism:A dynamic self-regulatory processing model[J].Psychological Inquiry,2001,12(4):177-196.
[35]Nevicka B.Narcissistic leaders:The appearance of success[D].Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences,2011.
[36]Nevicka B,De Hoogh A H,Van Vianen A E,Beersma B and McIlwain D.All I need is a stage to shine:Narcissists’leader emergence and performance[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(5):910-925.
[37]O’Connor J,Mumford M D,Clifton T C,Gessner T L and Connelly M S.Charismatic leaders and destructiveness:An historiomet-ric study[J].Leadership Quarterly,1996,6(4):529-555.
[38]Ouimet G.E’tiopathoge’nie du crime en col blanc:Une e’tude de cas exploratoire[J].Pratiques Psychologiques,2009a,11(4):113-124.
[39]Ouimet G.Psychologie du criminel en col blanc:la recherche de sa personnalité[J].Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations,2009b,15(3):297-320.
[40]Ouimet G.Dynamics of narcissistic leadership in organizations:Towards an integrated research model[J].Journal of Managerial Psychology,2010,5(7):713-726.
[41]Padilla A,Hogan R and Kaiser R B.The toxic triangle:Destructive leaders,susceptible followers,and conducive environments[J].Leadership Quarterly,2007,18(3):176-194.
[42]Paolini S,Crisp R J and McIntyre K.Accountability moderates member-to-group generalization:Testing a dual process model of stereotype change[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2009,45(4):676-685.
[43]Paulhus D L and Williams K M.The dark triad of personality:Narcissism,Machiavellianism,and psychopathy[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2002,36(6):556-563.
[44]Paunonen S V,Lnnqvist J E,Verkasalo M,Leikas S and Nissinen V.Narcissism and emergent leadership in military cadets[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17(5):475-486.
[45]Popper M.Narcissism and attachment patterns of personalized and socialized charismatic leaders[J].Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,2002,19(6):797-809.
[46]Post J M.Narcissism and the charismatic leader-follower relationship[J].Political Psychology,1986,7(4):675-688.
[47]Post J M.Leaders and their followers in a dangerous world:The psychology of political behavior[M].Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,2004.
[48]Reidy D E,Zeichner A,Foster J D and Martinez M A.Effects of narcissistic entitlement and exploitativeness on human physical aggression[J].Personality and Individual Differences,2008,44(4):865-875.
[49]Rosenthal S A and Pittinsky T L.Narcissistic leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17(6):617-633.
[50]Sashkin M and Sashkin M G.Leadership that matters:The critical factors for making a difference in peopl’s lives and organizations’success[M].San Francisco,CA:Berrett-Koehler Publishers,2003.
[51]Schnure K.Narcissism levels and ratings of executive leadership potential[R].Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology,Atlanta,GA.2010.
[52]Thomaes S,Bushman B J,Stegge H and Olthof T.Trumping shame by blasts of noise:Narcissism,self-esteem,shame,and aggression in young adolescents[J].Child Development,2008,79(6):1792-1801.
[53]Vazire S,Naumann L P,Rentfrow P J and Gosling S D.Portrait of a narcissist:Manifestations of narcissism in physical appearance[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2008,42(6):1439-1447.
[54]Zuckerman M and O’Loughlin R E.Self-enhancement by social comparison:A prospective analysis[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2006,32(6):751-760.
黄攸立, 李璐. 组织中的自恋型领导研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(7): 24–33.