外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 04 期, 页码:62 - 70
[1]Baker J,et al.The influence of store environment on quality inferences and store image[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,1994,22(4):328-339.
[2]Bitner M J.Servicescapes:The impact of physical surroun-dings on customers and employees[J].Journal of Marketing,1992,56(2):57-71.
[3]Christoph T and Charles D.The effect of ambient scent on consumers’perception,emotions and behaviors:A critical re-view[J].Journal of Marketing Management,2012,28(1-2):14-36.
[4]Ezeh C and Harris L C.Servicescape research:A review and a research agenda[J].Marketing Review,2007,7(1):59-78.
[5]Fatema K and Stephen T.Online shopping environments in fashion shopping:An S-O-R based review[J].Marketing Re-view,2012,12(2):161-180.
[6]Fowler K and Bridges E.Service environment,provider mood,and provider-customer interaction[J].Managing Service Qua-lity,2012,22(2):165-183.
[7]Glover T D and Parry D C.A third place in the everyday lives of people living with cancer:Functions of Gilda’s club of grea-ter Toronto[J].Health and Place,2009,15(1):97-106.
[8]Hu H.Social cues in the store environment and their impact on store image[J].International Journal of Retail&Distribu-tion Management,2006,34(1):25-48.
[9]Hu H and Jasper C R.A cross-cultural examination of the effects of social perception styles on store image formation[J].Journal of Business Research,2007,60(3):222-230.
[10]Jang S and Namkung Y.Perceived quality,emotions,and be-havioral intentions:Application of an extended Mehrabian-Russell model to restaurants[J].Journal of Business Re-search,2009,62(4):451-460.
[11]Jooyeon H and SooCheong(Shawn)J.The effects of dining atmospherics on behavioral intentions through quality percep-tion[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2012,26(3):204-215.
[12]Jung H S and Yoon H H.The effects of nonverbal communica-tion of employees in the family restaurant upon customers’emo-tional responses and customer satisfaction[J].International Jour-nal of Hospitality Management,2011,30(3):542-550.
[13]Kim W G and Moon Y J.Customers’cognitive,emotional,and actionable response to the servicescape:A test of the mo-derating effect of the restaurant type[J].International Journal of Hospitality Management,2009,28(1):144-156.
[14]Klemens M K,et al.It is all in the mix:The interactive effect of music tempo and mode on in-store sales[J].Marketing Let-ters,2012,23(1):325-337.
[15]Ladhari R,et al.Determinants of dining satisfaction and post-dining behavioral intentions[J].International Journal of Hos-pitality Management,2008,27(4):563-573.
[16]Lin I Y.Evaluating a servicescape:The effect of cognition and emotion[J].International Journal of Hospitality Manage-ment,2004,23(2):163-178.
[17]Liu Y and Jang S.The effects of dining atmospherics:An ex-tended Mehrabian-Russell model[J].International Journal of Hospitality Management,2009,28(4):494-503.
[18]Lloyd C H and Mark M H G.Online servicescapes,trust,and purchase intentions[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2010,24(3):230-243.
[19]Mattila A S and Ro H.Discrete negative emotions and cus-tomer dissatisfaction response in a casual restaurant setting[J].Journal of Hospitality&Tourism Research,2008,32(1):89-101.
[20]Micael L J and Sarah T.Servicescapes:The role that place plays in stay-at-home mothers’lives[J].Journal of Consumer Behaviour,2012,11(6):443-453.
[21]Michael M,et al.In-store music and aroma influences on shopper behavior and satisfaction[J].Journal of Business Re-search,2011,64(6):558-564.
[22]Oakes S and North A C.Reviewing congruity effects in the service environment musicscape[J].International Journal of Service Industry Management,2008,19(1):63-82.
[23]Rosenbaum M S.The symbolic servicescape:Your kind is welcomed here[J].Journal of Consumer Behavior,2005,4(4):257-267.
[24]Rosenbaum M S and Montoya D Y.Am I welcome hereEx-ploring how ethnic consumers assess their place identity[J].Journal of Business Research,2007,60(3):206-214.
[25]Rosenbaum M S,et al.A cup of coffee with a dash of love:An investigation of commercial social support and third-place attachment[J].Journal of Service Research,2007,10(1):43-59.
[26]Rosenbaum M S.Restorative servicescapes:Restoring direc-ted attention in third places[J].Journal of Service Manage-ment,2009,20(2):173-191.
[27]Rosenbaum M S and Massiah C.An expanded servicescape perspective[J].Journal of Service Management,2011,22(4):471-490.
[28]Tombs A G and McColl-Kennedy J R.Social-servicescape conceptual model[J].Marketing Theory,2003,3(4):37-65.
[29]Tombs A G and McColl-Kennedy J R.The importance of physical,social,and contextual elements of the social-services-cape on customer affect and repurchase intentions[R].The Proceedings of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Acade-my Conference,2004.
[30]Turley L M and Milliman R E.Atmospherics effects on shopping behavior:A review of the experimental evidence[J].Journal of Business Research,2000,49(2):193-211.
[31]Ulrich R O,et al.Servicescape interior design and consumers’personality impressions[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2012,26(3):194-203.
[32]Venkatraman M and Nelson T.From servicescape to con-sumptionscape:A photo-elicitation study of starbucks in the new China[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2008,39(6):1010-1026.
[2]Bitner M J.Servicescapes:The impact of physical surroun-dings on customers and employees[J].Journal of Marketing,1992,56(2):57-71.
[3]Christoph T and Charles D.The effect of ambient scent on consumers’perception,emotions and behaviors:A critical re-view[J].Journal of Marketing Management,2012,28(1-2):14-36.
[4]Ezeh C and Harris L C.Servicescape research:A review and a research agenda[J].Marketing Review,2007,7(1):59-78.
[5]Fatema K and Stephen T.Online shopping environments in fashion shopping:An S-O-R based review[J].Marketing Re-view,2012,12(2):161-180.
[6]Fowler K and Bridges E.Service environment,provider mood,and provider-customer interaction[J].Managing Service Qua-lity,2012,22(2):165-183.
[7]Glover T D and Parry D C.A third place in the everyday lives of people living with cancer:Functions of Gilda’s club of grea-ter Toronto[J].Health and Place,2009,15(1):97-106.
[8]Hu H.Social cues in the store environment and their impact on store image[J].International Journal of Retail&Distribu-tion Management,2006,34(1):25-48.
[9]Hu H and Jasper C R.A cross-cultural examination of the effects of social perception styles on store image formation[J].Journal of Business Research,2007,60(3):222-230.
[10]Jang S and Namkung Y.Perceived quality,emotions,and be-havioral intentions:Application of an extended Mehrabian-Russell model to restaurants[J].Journal of Business Re-search,2009,62(4):451-460.
[11]Jooyeon H and SooCheong(Shawn)J.The effects of dining atmospherics on behavioral intentions through quality percep-tion[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2012,26(3):204-215.
[12]Jung H S and Yoon H H.The effects of nonverbal communica-tion of employees in the family restaurant upon customers’emo-tional responses and customer satisfaction[J].International Jour-nal of Hospitality Management,2011,30(3):542-550.
[13]Kim W G and Moon Y J.Customers’cognitive,emotional,and actionable response to the servicescape:A test of the mo-derating effect of the restaurant type[J].International Journal of Hospitality Management,2009,28(1):144-156.
[14]Klemens M K,et al.It is all in the mix:The interactive effect of music tempo and mode on in-store sales[J].Marketing Let-ters,2012,23(1):325-337.
[15]Ladhari R,et al.Determinants of dining satisfaction and post-dining behavioral intentions[J].International Journal of Hos-pitality Management,2008,27(4):563-573.
[16]Lin I Y.Evaluating a servicescape:The effect of cognition and emotion[J].International Journal of Hospitality Manage-ment,2004,23(2):163-178.
[17]Liu Y and Jang S.The effects of dining atmospherics:An ex-tended Mehrabian-Russell model[J].International Journal of Hospitality Management,2009,28(4):494-503.
[18]Lloyd C H and Mark M H G.Online servicescapes,trust,and purchase intentions[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2010,24(3):230-243.
[19]Mattila A S and Ro H.Discrete negative emotions and cus-tomer dissatisfaction response in a casual restaurant setting[J].Journal of Hospitality&Tourism Research,2008,32(1):89-101.
[20]Micael L J and Sarah T.Servicescapes:The role that place plays in stay-at-home mothers’lives[J].Journal of Consumer Behaviour,2012,11(6):443-453.
[21]Michael M,et al.In-store music and aroma influences on shopper behavior and satisfaction[J].Journal of Business Re-search,2011,64(6):558-564.
[22]Oakes S and North A C.Reviewing congruity effects in the service environment musicscape[J].International Journal of Service Industry Management,2008,19(1):63-82.
[23]Rosenbaum M S.The symbolic servicescape:Your kind is welcomed here[J].Journal of Consumer Behavior,2005,4(4):257-267.
[24]Rosenbaum M S and Montoya D Y.Am I welcome hereEx-ploring how ethnic consumers assess their place identity[J].Journal of Business Research,2007,60(3):206-214.
[25]Rosenbaum M S,et al.A cup of coffee with a dash of love:An investigation of commercial social support and third-place attachment[J].Journal of Service Research,2007,10(1):43-59.
[26]Rosenbaum M S.Restorative servicescapes:Restoring direc-ted attention in third places[J].Journal of Service Manage-ment,2009,20(2):173-191.
[27]Rosenbaum M S and Massiah C.An expanded servicescape perspective[J].Journal of Service Management,2011,22(4):471-490.
[28]Tombs A G and McColl-Kennedy J R.Social-servicescape conceptual model[J].Marketing Theory,2003,3(4):37-65.
[29]Tombs A G and McColl-Kennedy J R.The importance of physical,social,and contextual elements of the social-services-cape on customer affect and repurchase intentions[R].The Proceedings of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Acade-my Conference,2004.
[30]Turley L M and Milliman R E.Atmospherics effects on shopping behavior:A review of the experimental evidence[J].Journal of Business Research,2000,49(2):193-211.
[31]Ulrich R O,et al.Servicescape interior design and consumers’personality impressions[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2012,26(3):194-203.
[32]Venkatraman M and Nelson T.From servicescape to con-sumptionscape:A photo-elicitation study of starbucks in the new China[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2008,39(6):1010-1026.
李慢, 马钦海, 赵晓煜. 服务场景研究回顾与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(4): 62–70.