财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 01 期, 页码:132 - 144
文章基于终极所有权视角研究了中国上市公司的股权融资偏好问题。理论上,文章通过引入股权融资决策拓展了LLSV模型,揭示了上市公司股权融资偏好的根源。研究发现,控股股东的掏空行为与股权融资规模密切相关,上市公司的股权融资需求呈现分离现象——高回报时实施投资型融资,低回报时实施圈钱型融资。实证上,文章采用因变量受限的Tobit模型对2007-2013年我国1 803家A股上市公司的1 118次公开增发新股的规模进行了回归分析。实证结果验证了融资需求分离假说。文章为融资过程中控股股东的掏空行为提供了理论解释和实证证据。
[19]Faccio M,Lang L H P.The ultimate ownership of Western European corporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,65(3):365-395.
[20]Filatotchev M,Mickiewicz T.Ownership concentration,private benefits of control and debt financing[R].SSRN Working Paper,2001.
[21]Jensen M C,Meckling W H.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs and ownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,3(4):305-360.
[22]Jensen M C.Agency costs of free cash flow,corporate finance,and takeovers[J].American Economic Review,1986,76(2):323-329.
[23]Johnson S,La Porta R.Tunneling[J].American Economic Review,2000,90(2):22-27.
[24]Johnson S,Boone P,Breach A,et al.Corporate governance in the Asian financial crisis[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58(1-2):141-186.
[25]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A.Corporate ownership around the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):471-517.
[26]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Agency problems and dividend policies around the world[J].Journal of Finance,2000a,55(1):1-33.
[27]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Investor protection and corporate governance[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000b,58(1-2):3-27.
[28]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Investor protection and corporate valuation[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(3):1147-1170.
[29]Maury B,Pajuste A.Multiple large shareholders and firm value[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2005,29(7):1813-1834.
[30]Modigliani F,Miller M H.Corporate income taxes and the cost of capital:A correction[J].American Economic Review,1963,53(3):433-443.
[31]Modigliani F,Perotti E.Protection of minority interest and the development of security markets[J].Managerial and Decision Economics,1997,18(7-8):519-528.
[32]Myers S,Majluf N.Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-221.
2本文中控股股东的掏空行为与La Porta等(2002)有所不同,他们分析的掏空行为属于“事后效应”,掏空对象是投资盈利后的公司价值。
[19]Faccio M,Lang L H P.The ultimate ownership of Western European corporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,65(3):365-395.
[20]Filatotchev M,Mickiewicz T.Ownership concentration,private benefits of control and debt financing[R].SSRN Working Paper,2001.
[21]Jensen M C,Meckling W H.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs and ownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,3(4):305-360.
[22]Jensen M C.Agency costs of free cash flow,corporate finance,and takeovers[J].American Economic Review,1986,76(2):323-329.
[23]Johnson S,La Porta R.Tunneling[J].American Economic Review,2000,90(2):22-27.
[24]Johnson S,Boone P,Breach A,et al.Corporate governance in the Asian financial crisis[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58(1-2):141-186.
[25]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A.Corporate ownership around the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):471-517.
[26]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Agency problems and dividend policies around the world[J].Journal of Finance,2000a,55(1):1-33.
[27]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Investor protection and corporate governance[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000b,58(1-2):3-27.
[28]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Investor protection and corporate valuation[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(3):1147-1170.
[29]Maury B,Pajuste A.Multiple large shareholders and firm value[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2005,29(7):1813-1834.
[30]Modigliani F,Miller M H.Corporate income taxes and the cost of capital:A correction[J].American Economic Review,1963,53(3):433-443.
[31]Modigliani F,Perotti E.Protection of minority interest and the development of security markets[J].Managerial and Decision Economics,1997,18(7-8):519-528.
[32]Myers S,Majluf N.Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-221.
2本文中控股股东的掏空行为与La Porta等(2002)有所不同,他们分析的掏空行为属于“事后效应”,掏空对象是投资盈利后的公司价值。
倪中新, 武凯文, 周亚虹, 等. 终极所有权视角下的上市公司股权融资偏好研究——控制权私利与融资需求分离[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(1): 132–144.