财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 07 期, 页码:86 - 96
[11]Baker M,Stein J,Wurgler J.When does the market matter?Stock prices and the investment of equitydependent firms[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2003,118(3):969-1006.
[12]Barron O.Trading volume and belief revisions that differ among individual analysts[J].The Accounting Review,1995,70(4):581-597.
[13]Bayar O T,Chemmanur J,Liu M H.A theory of equity carve-outs and negative stub values under heterogeneous beliefs[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2011,100(3):616-638.
[14]Boehme R,Danielsen B,Sorrescu S.Short-sale constraints,differences of opinion and overvaluation[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2006,41(2):455-487.
[15]Chen C R,Lung P P,Wang F A.Stock market mispricing:Money illusion or resale option?[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2009,44(5):1125-1147.
[16]Chen J,Hong H,Stein J.Breadth of ownership and stock returns[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,66(2-3):171-205.
[17]Diether K,Malloy C,Scherbina A.Differences of opinion and the cross section of stock returns[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(5):2113-2141.
[18]Garfinkel J,Sokobin J.Volume,opinion divergence,and returns:A study of post-earnings announcement drift[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2006,44(1):85-112.
[19]Garfinkel J.Measuring investors’opinion divergence[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2009,47(5):1317-1348.
[20]Gaspar J,Massa M,Matos P.Shareholder investment horizons and the market for corporate control[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2005,76(1):135-165.
[21]Gilchrist S,Himmelberg C,Huberman G.Do stock price bubbles influence corporate investment?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2005,52(4):805-827.
[22]Harrison M,Kreps D.Speculative investor behavior in a stock market with heterogeneous expectations[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1978,92(2):323-336.
[23]Hong H,Stein J.A unified theory of underreaction,momentum trading and overreaction in asset markets[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(6):2143-2184.
[24]Hong H,Stein J.Differences of opinion,short-sales constraints and market crashes[J].Review of Financial Studies,2003,16(2):487-525.
[25]Hong H,Stein J.Disagreement and the stock market[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2007,21(2):109-128.
[26]Hong H,Scheinkman J,Xiong W.Asset float and speculative bubbles[J].Journal of Finance,2006,61(3):1073-1117.
[27]Houge T,Loughran T,Suchanek G,et al.Divergence of opinion,uncertainty,and the quality of initial public offerings[J].Financial Management,2001,30(4):5-23.
[28]Jensen M.Agency cost of free cash flow,corporate finance,and takeover[J].American Economic Review,1986,76(2):323-329.
[29]Kwag A,Stephens A.Investor reaction to earnings management[J].Managerial Finance,2010,36(1-2):44-56.
[30]La Porta R.Expectations and the cross-section of stock returns[J].Journal of Finance,1996,51(5):1715-1742.
[31]Li X.Real earnings management and subsequent stock returns[R].Working Paper,Boston College&HKUST,2010.
[32]Miller E.Risk,uncertainty,and divergence of opinion[J].Journal of Finance,1977,32(4):1151-1168.
[33]Modigliani F,Richard C.Inflation,rational valuation,and the market[J].Financial Analysts Journal,1979,35(3):24-44.
[34]Polk C,Sapienza P.The stock market and corporate investment:A test of catering theory[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(1):187-217.
[35]Richardson S.Over-investment of free cash flow[J].Review of Accounting Studies,2006,11(2):159-189.
[36]Scheinkman J,Xiong W.Overconfidence and speculative bubbles[J].Journal of Political Economy,2003,111(6):1183-1219.
[37]Stein J.Rational capital budgeting in an irrational world[J].Journal of Business,1996,69(4):429-455.
[11]Baker M,Stein J,Wurgler J.When does the market matter?Stock prices and the investment of equitydependent firms[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2003,118(3):969-1006.
[12]Barron O.Trading volume and belief revisions that differ among individual analysts[J].The Accounting Review,1995,70(4):581-597.
[13]Bayar O T,Chemmanur J,Liu M H.A theory of equity carve-outs and negative stub values under heterogeneous beliefs[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2011,100(3):616-638.
[14]Boehme R,Danielsen B,Sorrescu S.Short-sale constraints,differences of opinion and overvaluation[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2006,41(2):455-487.
[15]Chen C R,Lung P P,Wang F A.Stock market mispricing:Money illusion or resale option?[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2009,44(5):1125-1147.
[16]Chen J,Hong H,Stein J.Breadth of ownership and stock returns[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2002,66(2-3):171-205.
[17]Diether K,Malloy C,Scherbina A.Differences of opinion and the cross section of stock returns[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(5):2113-2141.
[18]Garfinkel J,Sokobin J.Volume,opinion divergence,and returns:A study of post-earnings announcement drift[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2006,44(1):85-112.
[19]Garfinkel J.Measuring investors’opinion divergence[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2009,47(5):1317-1348.
[20]Gaspar J,Massa M,Matos P.Shareholder investment horizons and the market for corporate control[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2005,76(1):135-165.
[21]Gilchrist S,Himmelberg C,Huberman G.Do stock price bubbles influence corporate investment?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2005,52(4):805-827.
[22]Harrison M,Kreps D.Speculative investor behavior in a stock market with heterogeneous expectations[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1978,92(2):323-336.
[23]Hong H,Stein J.A unified theory of underreaction,momentum trading and overreaction in asset markets[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(6):2143-2184.
[24]Hong H,Stein J.Differences of opinion,short-sales constraints and market crashes[J].Review of Financial Studies,2003,16(2):487-525.
[25]Hong H,Stein J.Disagreement and the stock market[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2007,21(2):109-128.
[26]Hong H,Scheinkman J,Xiong W.Asset float and speculative bubbles[J].Journal of Finance,2006,61(3):1073-1117.
[27]Houge T,Loughran T,Suchanek G,et al.Divergence of opinion,uncertainty,and the quality of initial public offerings[J].Financial Management,2001,30(4):5-23.
[28]Jensen M.Agency cost of free cash flow,corporate finance,and takeover[J].American Economic Review,1986,76(2):323-329.
[29]Kwag A,Stephens A.Investor reaction to earnings management[J].Managerial Finance,2010,36(1-2):44-56.
[30]La Porta R.Expectations and the cross-section of stock returns[J].Journal of Finance,1996,51(5):1715-1742.
[31]Li X.Real earnings management and subsequent stock returns[R].Working Paper,Boston College&HKUST,2010.
[32]Miller E.Risk,uncertainty,and divergence of opinion[J].Journal of Finance,1977,32(4):1151-1168.
[33]Modigliani F,Richard C.Inflation,rational valuation,and the market[J].Financial Analysts Journal,1979,35(3):24-44.
[34]Polk C,Sapienza P.The stock market and corporate investment:A test of catering theory[J].Review of Financial Studies,2009,22(1):187-217.
[35]Richardson S.Over-investment of free cash flow[J].Review of Accounting Studies,2006,11(2):159-189.
[36]Scheinkman J,Xiong W.Overconfidence and speculative bubbles[J].Journal of Political Economy,2003,111(6):1183-1219.
[37]Stein J.Rational capital budgeting in an irrational world[J].Journal of Business,1996,69(4):429-455.
许致维, 李少育. 投资者异质信念、股权融资现金流与企业过度投资——来自中国A股的经验证据[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(7): 86–96.