财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 12 期, 页码:118 - 129
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[12]DeAngelo H,Masulis R W.Leverage and dividend irrelevancy under corporate and personal taxation[J].Journal of Finance,1980,35:453-464.
[13]Huang G,Song F M.The determinants of capital structure:Evidence from China[J].China Economic Review,2006,17:14-36.
[14]Friend I,Lang L H P.An empirical test of the impact of managerial self-interest on corporate capital structure[J].Journal of Finance,1988,43:271-281.
[15]Jensen M C.Agency costs of free cash flow,corporate finance,and takeovers[J].American Economic Review,1986,76:323-329.
[16]Jensen MC,Meckling W H.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs and ownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,(3):305-360.
[17]Kornai J.The concept of the soft budget constraint syndrome in economic theory[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,1998,26:11-17.
[18]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A.Corporate ownership around the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54:471-517.
[19]Miller M H.Debt and taxes[J].Journal of Finance,1977,32:261-275.
[20]Modigliani F,Miller M H.Corporate income taxes and the cost of capital:Acorrec-tion[J].American Economic Review,1963,53:433-443.
[21]Myers S,Majluf N.Corporate financing andinvest ment decisions whenfirms have in-formation that investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13:187-221.
[22]Peterson M.Estimating standard errors infinance panel data sets:Comparing approa-ches[J].Reviewof Financial Studies,2009,22:435-480.
[23]Shleifer A,Vishny R W.Liquidation values and debt capacity:A market equilibrium approach[J].Journal of Finance,1992,47:1343-1366.
[24]Tit man S,Wessels R.The determinants of capital structure choice[J].Journal of Finance,1988,43:1-19.
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