外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 10 期, 页码:61 - 70
[1]Amit R and Schoemaker P J H.Strategic assets and organizational rent[J].Strategic Management Journal,1993,14(1):33-46.
[2]Block J H and Landgraf A.The intention of part-time entrepreneurs to become full-time entrepreneurs:The role of financial and non-financial motives[J].Available at SSRN,2013,(10):1-23.
[3]Brennan M C and McGowan P.Academic entrepreneurship:an exploratory case study[J].International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour&Research,2006,12(3):144-164.
[4]Brown S,et al.Self-employment and attitudes towards risk:Timing and unobserved heterogeneity[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2011,32(3):425-433.
[5]Bruce D and Schuetze H J.The labor market consequences of experience in self-employment[J].Labour Economics,2004,11(5):575-598.
[6]Burke A E,et al.What makes a die-hard entrepreneur?Beyond the“employee or entrepreneur”dichotomy[J].Small Business Economics,2008,31(2):93-115.
[7]Campbell J R and De Nardi M A conversation with 590 nascent entrepreneurs[J].Annals of Finance,2009,5(3-4):313-340.
[8]Chrisman J J,et al.Faculty entrepreneurship and economic development:The case of the University of Calgary[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1995,10(4):267-281.
[9]Cope J.Entrepreneurial learning from failure:An interpretative phenomenological analysis[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2011,26(6):604-623.
[10]Dixit A K and Pindyck R.Investment under uncertainty[M].Princeton University Press,1994.
[11]Evans D S and Jovanovic B.An estimated model of entrepreneurial choice under liquidity constraints[J].The Journal of Political Economy,1989,97(4):808.
[12]Folta T B.Uncertainty rules the day[J].Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,2007,1(1-2):97-99.
[13]Folta T B,et al.Hybrid entrepreneurship[J].Management Science,2010,56(2):253-269.
[14]Hamilton B H.Does entrepreneurship pay?An empirical analysis of the returns to self-employment[J].Journal of Political Economy,2000,108(3):604-631.
[15]Hmieleski K M and Baron R A.Entrepreneurs’optimism and new venture performance:A social cognitive perspective[J].Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(3):473-488.
[16]Hundley G.Why and when are the self-employed more satisfied with their work?[J].Industrial Relations:A Journal of Economy and Society,2001,40(2):293-316.
[17]Hyytinen A and Rouvinen P.The labour market consequences of self-employment spells:European evidence[J].Labour Economics,2008,15(2):246-271.
[18]Jain S,et al.Academics or entrepreneurs?Investigating role identity modification of university scientists involved in commercialization activity[J].Research Policy,2009,38(6):922-935.
[19]Jenkins A S,et al.Individual responses to firm failure:Appraisals,grief,and the influence of prior failure experience[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2014,29(1):17-33.
[20]Ketchen Jr D J,et al.Time bandits:How they are created,why they are tolerated,and what can be done about them[J].Business Horizons,2008,51(2):141-149.
[21]Kimmel J and Smith C K.Who moonlights and why?Evidence from the SIPP[J].Industrial Relations:A Journal of Economy and Society,2001,40(1):89-120.
[22]Klofsten M and Jones-Evans D.Comparing academic entrepreneurship in Europe—The case of Sweden and Ireland[J].Small Business Economics,2000,14:299-309.
[23]Klotz A C and Buckley M R.A historical perspective of counterproductive work behavior targeting the organization[J].Journal of Management History,2013,19(1):114-132.
[24]Knight F H.Risk,uncertainty and profit.[M].New York:Hart,Schaffner and Marx,1921.
[25]Lee S H,et al.Bankruptcy law and entrepreneurship development:A real options perspective[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(1):257-272.
[26]Martin L E,et al.Time banditry:examining the purloining of time in organizations[J].Human Resource Management Review,2010,20(1):26-34.
[27]McGrath R G.A real options logic for initiating technology positioning investments[J].Academy of Management Review,1997,22(4):974-996.
[28]Moore D A,et al.What competition?Myopic self-focus in market-entry decisions[J].Organization Science,2007,18(3):440-454.
[29]O’Brien J P and Folta T.Sunk costs,uncertainty and market exit:A real options perspective[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2009,18(5):807-833.
[30]O’Brien J P,et al.A real options perspective on entrepreneurial entry in the face of uncertainty[J].Managerial and Decision Economics,2003,24(8):515-533.
[31]zcan S and Reichstein T.Transition to entrepreneurship from the public sector:Predispositional and contextual effects[J].Management Science,2009,55(4):604-618.
[32]Parker S C.The effects of risk on self-employment[J].Small Business Economics,1997,9(6):515-522.
[33]Parker S C.The economics of entrepreneurship:what we know and what we don’t[R].Papers on Entrepreneurship,Growth and Public Policy,2005.
[34]Petrova K.Part-time entrepreneurship and wealth effects:New evidence from the panel study of entrepreneurial dynamics[C].50th ICSB Conference,Washington,June.2005:15-18.
[35]Petrova K.Part-time entrepreneurship:Theory and evidence[J].Atlantic Economic Journal,2010,38(4):463-464.
[36]Petrova K.Part-time entrepreneurship,learning and ability[J].Journal of Management Policy&Practice,2011,12(1):64-75.
[37]Petrova K.Part-time entrepreneurship and financial constraints:Evidence from the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics[J].Small Business Economics,2012,39(2):473-493.
[38]Raffiee J and Feng J.Should I quit my day job?A hybrid path to entrepreneurship[J].Academy of Management Journal,2014,57(4):936-964.
[39]Renna F.Moonlighting and overtime:A cross-country analysis[J].Journal of Labor Research,2006,27(4):575-591.
[40]Reynolds P D,et al.The prevalence of nascent entrepreneurs in the United States:Evidence from the panel study of entrepreneurial dynamics[J].Small Business Economics,2004,23(4):263-284.
[41]Reynolds P,et al.Global entrepreneurship monitor[J].Executive Report,2000.
[42]Sorensen J B.Bureaucracy and entrepreneurship:Workplace effects on entrepreneurial entry[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(3):387-412.
[43]Sorensen J B and Fassiotto M A.Organizations as fonts of entrepreneurship[J].Organization Science,2011,22(5):1322-1331.
[44]Strohmeyer R,et al.Working part-time or full-time?On the impact of family context and institutional arrangements on atypical work:A crossnational comparison of female self-employment in western and eastern Europe[J].Empirical Entrepreneurship in Europe—New Perspectives,Cheltenham,UK and Northampton,MA,USA,2007:112-134.
[45]Wennberg,K.,et al.A real options model of stepwise entry into self-employment[J].Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research,2006:26(6),1-13.
①本文参考文献主要来源于Academy of Management Journal,Management Science,Small Business Economics,Journal of Business Venturing,Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research,International Atlantic Economic Society,Strategic management journal等国外顶级期刊。
[2]Block J H and Landgraf A.The intention of part-time entrepreneurs to become full-time entrepreneurs:The role of financial and non-financial motives[J].Available at SSRN,2013,(10):1-23.
[3]Brennan M C and McGowan P.Academic entrepreneurship:an exploratory case study[J].International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour&Research,2006,12(3):144-164.
[4]Brown S,et al.Self-employment and attitudes towards risk:Timing and unobserved heterogeneity[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2011,32(3):425-433.
[5]Bruce D and Schuetze H J.The labor market consequences of experience in self-employment[J].Labour Economics,2004,11(5):575-598.
[6]Burke A E,et al.What makes a die-hard entrepreneur?Beyond the“employee or entrepreneur”dichotomy[J].Small Business Economics,2008,31(2):93-115.
[7]Campbell J R and De Nardi M A conversation with 590 nascent entrepreneurs[J].Annals of Finance,2009,5(3-4):313-340.
[8]Chrisman J J,et al.Faculty entrepreneurship and economic development:The case of the University of Calgary[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1995,10(4):267-281.
[9]Cope J.Entrepreneurial learning from failure:An interpretative phenomenological analysis[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2011,26(6):604-623.
[10]Dixit A K and Pindyck R.Investment under uncertainty[M].Princeton University Press,1994.
[11]Evans D S and Jovanovic B.An estimated model of entrepreneurial choice under liquidity constraints[J].The Journal of Political Economy,1989,97(4):808.
[12]Folta T B.Uncertainty rules the day[J].Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,2007,1(1-2):97-99.
[13]Folta T B,et al.Hybrid entrepreneurship[J].Management Science,2010,56(2):253-269.
[14]Hamilton B H.Does entrepreneurship pay?An empirical analysis of the returns to self-employment[J].Journal of Political Economy,2000,108(3):604-631.
[15]Hmieleski K M and Baron R A.Entrepreneurs’optimism and new venture performance:A social cognitive perspective[J].Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(3):473-488.
[16]Hundley G.Why and when are the self-employed more satisfied with their work?[J].Industrial Relations:A Journal of Economy and Society,2001,40(2):293-316.
[17]Hyytinen A and Rouvinen P.The labour market consequences of self-employment spells:European evidence[J].Labour Economics,2008,15(2):246-271.
[18]Jain S,et al.Academics or entrepreneurs?Investigating role identity modification of university scientists involved in commercialization activity[J].Research Policy,2009,38(6):922-935.
[19]Jenkins A S,et al.Individual responses to firm failure:Appraisals,grief,and the influence of prior failure experience[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2014,29(1):17-33.
[20]Ketchen Jr D J,et al.Time bandits:How they are created,why they are tolerated,and what can be done about them[J].Business Horizons,2008,51(2):141-149.
[21]Kimmel J and Smith C K.Who moonlights and why?Evidence from the SIPP[J].Industrial Relations:A Journal of Economy and Society,2001,40(1):89-120.
[22]Klofsten M and Jones-Evans D.Comparing academic entrepreneurship in Europe—The case of Sweden and Ireland[J].Small Business Economics,2000,14:299-309.
[23]Klotz A C and Buckley M R.A historical perspective of counterproductive work behavior targeting the organization[J].Journal of Management History,2013,19(1):114-132.
[24]Knight F H.Risk,uncertainty and profit.[M].New York:Hart,Schaffner and Marx,1921.
[25]Lee S H,et al.Bankruptcy law and entrepreneurship development:A real options perspective[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(1):257-272.
[26]Martin L E,et al.Time banditry:examining the purloining of time in organizations[J].Human Resource Management Review,2010,20(1):26-34.
[27]McGrath R G.A real options logic for initiating technology positioning investments[J].Academy of Management Review,1997,22(4):974-996.
[28]Moore D A,et al.What competition?Myopic self-focus in market-entry decisions[J].Organization Science,2007,18(3):440-454.
[29]O’Brien J P and Folta T.Sunk costs,uncertainty and market exit:A real options perspective[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2009,18(5):807-833.
[30]O’Brien J P,et al.A real options perspective on entrepreneurial entry in the face of uncertainty[J].Managerial and Decision Economics,2003,24(8):515-533.
[31]zcan S and Reichstein T.Transition to entrepreneurship from the public sector:Predispositional and contextual effects[J].Management Science,2009,55(4):604-618.
[32]Parker S C.The effects of risk on self-employment[J].Small Business Economics,1997,9(6):515-522.
[33]Parker S C.The economics of entrepreneurship:what we know and what we don’t[R].Papers on Entrepreneurship,Growth and Public Policy,2005.
[34]Petrova K.Part-time entrepreneurship and wealth effects:New evidence from the panel study of entrepreneurial dynamics[C].50th ICSB Conference,Washington,June.2005:15-18.
[35]Petrova K.Part-time entrepreneurship:Theory and evidence[J].Atlantic Economic Journal,2010,38(4):463-464.
[36]Petrova K.Part-time entrepreneurship,learning and ability[J].Journal of Management Policy&Practice,2011,12(1):64-75.
[37]Petrova K.Part-time entrepreneurship and financial constraints:Evidence from the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics[J].Small Business Economics,2012,39(2):473-493.
[38]Raffiee J and Feng J.Should I quit my day job?A hybrid path to entrepreneurship[J].Academy of Management Journal,2014,57(4):936-964.
[39]Renna F.Moonlighting and overtime:A cross-country analysis[J].Journal of Labor Research,2006,27(4):575-591.
[40]Reynolds P D,et al.The prevalence of nascent entrepreneurs in the United States:Evidence from the panel study of entrepreneurial dynamics[J].Small Business Economics,2004,23(4):263-284.
[41]Reynolds P,et al.Global entrepreneurship monitor[J].Executive Report,2000.
[42]Sorensen J B.Bureaucracy and entrepreneurship:Workplace effects on entrepreneurial entry[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(3):387-412.
[43]Sorensen J B and Fassiotto M A.Organizations as fonts of entrepreneurship[J].Organization Science,2011,22(5):1322-1331.
[44]Strohmeyer R,et al.Working part-time or full-time?On the impact of family context and institutional arrangements on atypical work:A crossnational comparison of female self-employment in western and eastern Europe[J].Empirical Entrepreneurship in Europe—New Perspectives,Cheltenham,UK and Northampton,MA,USA,2007:112-134.
[45]Wennberg,K.,et al.A real options model of stepwise entry into self-employment[J].Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research,2006:26(6),1-13.
①本文参考文献主要来源于Academy of Management Journal,Management Science,Small Business Economics,Journal of Business Venturing,Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research,International Atlantic Economic Society,Strategic management journal等国外顶级期刊。
孙秀娟, 段锦云, 田晓明. 国外兼职创业研究进展述评及展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(10): 61–70.