财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 09 期, 页码:
[1]阿瑟·恩·杨格. 一九二七至一九三七年中国财政经济情况[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社, 1981.
[2]查尔斯·P·金德尔伯格. 西欧金融史[M].北京:中国金融出版社,1991.
[3]陈善政. 我国证券市场之发展史[A].上海市档案馆.旧上海的证券交易所[C].上海:上海古籍出版社,1992:388-400.
[4]杜恂诚. 近代中国金融业发展模式与社会转型[J]. 中国经济史研究,2015,(3): 15-24.
[5]冯子明. 民元来上海之交易所[A]. 朱斯煌.民国经济史[C]. 上海:银行周报社,1948:145-157.
[8]雷蒙德·W·戈德史密斯.金融结构与经济增长[M].上海:三联书店, 1994.
[9]马克思. 资本论第1卷[M].北京:人民出版社, 1975.
[10]麦金农.经济自由化的顺序——向市场经济过渡中的金融控制[M].北京:中国金融出版社, 1993.
[11]千家驹. 旧中国公债史资料[M].北京:中华书局,1984.
[14]许毅. 清代外债史论[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,1996.
[17]燕红忠.货币供给量、货币结构与中国经济趋势:1650-1936[J].金融研究, 2011,(7):57-69.
[18]燕红忠.中国的货币金融体系1600-1949[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2012.
[19]燕红忠. 从山西票号看传统金融的近代化转变——基于与英格兰银行发展路径的比较视角[J].财经研究,2014,(8):94-105.
[20]杨荫溥. 民国财政史[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,1985.
[21]张郁兰. 中国银行业发展史[M].上海:上海人民出版社,1957.
[24]Ashton R. The crown and the money market,1603-1640[M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1960.
[25]Atack J,Neal L. The origin and development of financial markets and institutions: From the seventeenth century to the present[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
[26]Caselli F P. Government debts and financial markets in Europe[M]. London: Pickеring & Chаtto Publishеrs, 2008.
[27]Deane P. The first industrial revolution[M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1965.
[28]Dickson P G M. The financial revolution in England:A study in the development of public credit 1688-1756[M].London: St. Martin’s, 1976.
[29]He W. Paths toward the modern fiscal state: England,Japan,and China[M]. Cambridge,Mass: Harvard University Press,2013.
[30]Homer S,Sylla R. A history of interest rates[M].New Jersey:Rutgers University Press,1996.
[31]Kindleberger C P. A financial history of western Europe[M]. London: Allen & Unwin,1985.
[32]Miwa Y,Ramseyer J M. Japanese industrial finance at the close of the 19th century: Trade credit and financial intermediation[J]. Explorations in Economic History , 2006,43(1): 94-118.
[33]North D C,Weignast B W. The evolution of institutions governing public choice in 17th century England[J]. Journal of Economic History, 1989, 49(4): 803-832.
[34]Rawski T G. Economic growth in prewar China[M]. Berkeley:University of California Press,1989.
[35]Rousseau P L,Sylla R. Financial revolutions and economic growth: Introducing this EEH symposium[J].Explorations in Economic History, 2006, 43(1): 1-12.
[36]Storrs C. The fiscalmilitary state in eighteenthcentury Europe:Essays in honour of P.G.M. Dickson[M]. Surrey and Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2009.
[37]Van Nieuwerburgh S, Buelens F, Cuyvers L. Stock market development and economic growth in Belgium[J]. Explorations in Economic History, 2006,43(1):13-38.
[38]Veitch J. Repudiations and confiscations by the Medieval State[J].Journal of Economic History, 1986, 46(1):31-36.
[39]Waley D. The Italian city republics[M]. New York: Longman, 1989.
[40]Weingast B. The political foundations of limited government: Parliament and sovereign debt in 17th and 18th century England [A]. Drobak J,Nye J. Frontiers of the new institutional economics[C]. London: Harcourt Brace,1997.
[41]Wood J H. A history of central banking in Great Britain and the United States[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
[2]查尔斯·P·金德尔伯格. 西欧金融史[M].北京:中国金融出版社,1991.
[3]陈善政. 我国证券市场之发展史[A].上海市档案馆.旧上海的证券交易所[C].上海:上海古籍出版社,1992:388-400.
[4]杜恂诚. 近代中国金融业发展模式与社会转型[J]. 中国经济史研究,2015,(3): 15-24.
[5]冯子明. 民元来上海之交易所[A]. 朱斯煌.民国经济史[C]. 上海:银行周报社,1948:145-157.
[8]雷蒙德·W·戈德史密斯.金融结构与经济增长[M].上海:三联书店, 1994.
[9]马克思. 资本论第1卷[M].北京:人民出版社, 1975.
[10]麦金农.经济自由化的顺序——向市场经济过渡中的金融控制[M].北京:中国金融出版社, 1993.
[11]千家驹. 旧中国公债史资料[M].北京:中华书局,1984.
[14]许毅. 清代外债史论[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,1996.
[17]燕红忠.货币供给量、货币结构与中国经济趋势:1650-1936[J].金融研究, 2011,(7):57-69.
[18]燕红忠.中国的货币金融体系1600-1949[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2012.
[19]燕红忠. 从山西票号看传统金融的近代化转变——基于与英格兰银行发展路径的比较视角[J].财经研究,2014,(8):94-105.
[20]杨荫溥. 民国财政史[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,1985.
[21]张郁兰. 中国银行业发展史[M].上海:上海人民出版社,1957.
[24]Ashton R. The crown and the money market,1603-1640[M]. Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1960.
[25]Atack J,Neal L. The origin and development of financial markets and institutions: From the seventeenth century to the present[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
[26]Caselli F P. Government debts and financial markets in Europe[M]. London: Pickеring & Chаtto Publishеrs, 2008.
[27]Deane P. The first industrial revolution[M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1965.
[28]Dickson P G M. The financial revolution in England:A study in the development of public credit 1688-1756[M].London: St. Martin’s, 1976.
[29]He W. Paths toward the modern fiscal state: England,Japan,and China[M]. Cambridge,Mass: Harvard University Press,2013.
[30]Homer S,Sylla R. A history of interest rates[M].New Jersey:Rutgers University Press,1996.
[31]Kindleberger C P. A financial history of western Europe[M]. London: Allen & Unwin,1985.
[32]Miwa Y,Ramseyer J M. Japanese industrial finance at the close of the 19th century: Trade credit and financial intermediation[J]. Explorations in Economic History , 2006,43(1): 94-118.
[33]North D C,Weignast B W. The evolution of institutions governing public choice in 17th century England[J]. Journal of Economic History, 1989, 49(4): 803-832.
[34]Rawski T G. Economic growth in prewar China[M]. Berkeley:University of California Press,1989.
[35]Rousseau P L,Sylla R. Financial revolutions and economic growth: Introducing this EEH symposium[J].Explorations in Economic History, 2006, 43(1): 1-12.
[36]Storrs C. The fiscalmilitary state in eighteenthcentury Europe:Essays in honour of P.G.M. Dickson[M]. Surrey and Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2009.
[37]Van Nieuwerburgh S, Buelens F, Cuyvers L. Stock market development and economic growth in Belgium[J]. Explorations in Economic History, 2006,43(1):13-38.
[38]Veitch J. Repudiations and confiscations by the Medieval State[J].Journal of Economic History, 1986, 46(1):31-36.
[39]Waley D. The Italian city republics[M]. New York: Longman, 1989.
[40]Weingast B. The political foundations of limited government: Parliament and sovereign debt in 17th and 18th century England [A]. Drobak J,Nye J. Frontiers of the new institutional economics[C]. London: Harcourt Brace,1997.
[41]Wood J H. A history of central banking in Great Britain and the United States[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
燕红忠. 近代中国的政府债务与金融发展[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(9): 0.