外国经济与管理 2010 年 第 32 卷第 09 期, 页码:30 - 36
[1]Larry Bossidy,and Ram Charan.Execution:The discipline of getting things done[M].New York:Crown Business,2002.
[2]Lynda Gratton,and Catherine Truss.The three di mensions people strategy:Putting human resources policies into action[J].Academy of Management Executive,2003,17(3):74-86.
[3]Wright,P M.Desegregating HRM:Areviewand synthesis of micro and macro human resource management research[J].Journalof Management,2002,28(3):242-276.
[4]Nada Zupan,and Robert Kase.Strategic human resource management in European transition economies:Building a conceptualmodel on the case of Slovenia[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2005,16(6):882-906.
[6]Jame M Higgins.The eight S’s of successful strategy execution[J].Journal of Change Management,2005,5(1):3-13.
[9]Patrick M Wright,and Scott A Snell.Toward a unifying framework for exploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resourcemanagement[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):756-772.
[10]Bowen,D,and Ostroff,C.Understanding HRM-firmperformancelinkages:The role of the“strength”of the HRMsystem[J].Academy of Management Review,2004,29(2):203-221.
[11]Augustine ALado,and Mary C Wilson.Human resource systems and sustained competitive advantage:Acompetency-based per-spective[J].Academy of Management Review,1994,19(4):699-727.
[12]Shaista E Khiiji,and Xiaoyun Wang.“Intended”and“i mplemented”HRM:The missing linchpin in strategic human resourcemanagement research[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2006,17(7):1 171-1 189.
[13]Mahesh Subramony.Why organizations adopt some human resource management practices and reject others:An exploration ofrationales[J].Human Resource Management,2006,45(2):195-210.
[14]John Purcell,and Sue Hutchinson.University of bath[J].Human Resource Management Journal,2007,17(1):3-20.
[15]Pawan S Budhwar,and Paul RSparrow.Strategic HRMthroughthe cultural looking glass:Mappingthe cognition of british andindian managers[J].Organization Studies,2002,23(4):599-638.
[16]Patrick M Wright.Comparing line and HRexecutives’perceptions of HR effectiveness:Services,roles,and contributions[J].Human Resource Management,2001,40(2):111-123.
[17]Carol T Kulik,and Elissa L Perry.When less is more:The effect of devolution on HR’s strategic role and construedi mage[J].Human Resource Management,2008,47(3):541-558.
[18]Elissa L Perrya,and Carol T Kulik.The devolution of HRto the line:I mplications for perceptions of people management effec-tiveness[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2008,19(2):262-273.
[19]Stanton,P,Young,S,Bartram,T,and Leggat,S G.Singing the same song:Translating HRM messages across managementhierarchies in Australian hospitals[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2010,21(4):567-581.
[20]Yamao,Sachiko,De Cieri,Helen,and Hutchings,Kate.Transferring subsidiary knowledge to global headquarters:Subsidiarysenior executives’perceptions of the role of HR configurations in the development of knowledge stocks[J].Human Resource Manage-ment,2009,48(4):531-554.
[2]Lynda Gratton,and Catherine Truss.The three di mensions people strategy:Putting human resources policies into action[J].Academy of Management Executive,2003,17(3):74-86.
[3]Wright,P M.Desegregating HRM:Areviewand synthesis of micro and macro human resource management research[J].Journalof Management,2002,28(3):242-276.
[4]Nada Zupan,and Robert Kase.Strategic human resource management in European transition economies:Building a conceptualmodel on the case of Slovenia[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2005,16(6):882-906.
[6]Jame M Higgins.The eight S’s of successful strategy execution[J].Journal of Change Management,2005,5(1):3-13.
[9]Patrick M Wright,and Scott A Snell.Toward a unifying framework for exploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resourcemanagement[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):756-772.
[10]Bowen,D,and Ostroff,C.Understanding HRM-firmperformancelinkages:The role of the“strength”of the HRMsystem[J].Academy of Management Review,2004,29(2):203-221.
[11]Augustine ALado,and Mary C Wilson.Human resource systems and sustained competitive advantage:Acompetency-based per-spective[J].Academy of Management Review,1994,19(4):699-727.
[12]Shaista E Khiiji,and Xiaoyun Wang.“Intended”and“i mplemented”HRM:The missing linchpin in strategic human resourcemanagement research[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2006,17(7):1 171-1 189.
[13]Mahesh Subramony.Why organizations adopt some human resource management practices and reject others:An exploration ofrationales[J].Human Resource Management,2006,45(2):195-210.
[14]John Purcell,and Sue Hutchinson.University of bath[J].Human Resource Management Journal,2007,17(1):3-20.
[15]Pawan S Budhwar,and Paul RSparrow.Strategic HRMthroughthe cultural looking glass:Mappingthe cognition of british andindian managers[J].Organization Studies,2002,23(4):599-638.
[16]Patrick M Wright.Comparing line and HRexecutives’perceptions of HR effectiveness:Services,roles,and contributions[J].Human Resource Management,2001,40(2):111-123.
[17]Carol T Kulik,and Elissa L Perry.When less is more:The effect of devolution on HR’s strategic role and construedi mage[J].Human Resource Management,2008,47(3):541-558.
[18]Elissa L Perrya,and Carol T Kulik.The devolution of HRto the line:I mplications for perceptions of people management effec-tiveness[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2008,19(2):262-273.
[19]Stanton,P,Young,S,Bartram,T,and Leggat,S G.Singing the same song:Translating HRM messages across managementhierarchies in Australian hospitals[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2010,21(4):567-581.
[20]Yamao,Sachiko,De Cieri,Helen,and Hutchings,Kate.Transferring subsidiary knowledge to global headquarters:Subsidiarysenior executives’perceptions of the role of HR configurations in the development of knowledge stocks[J].Human Resource Manage-ment,2009,48(4):531-554.
丁宁宁. 人力资源管理执行研究脉络梳理与评价[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2010, 32(9): 30–36.