外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 04 期, 页码:47 - 56
[1]Ashford S J and Cummings L L.Feedback as an individual resource:Personal strategies of creating information[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Performance,1983,32(3):370-398.
[2]Ashford S J and Cummings L L.Proactive feedback seeking:The instrumental use of the information environment[J].Journal of Occupational Psychology,1985,58(1):67-79.
[3]Ashford S J.Feedback-seeking in individual adaptation:A resource perspective[J].Academy of Management Journal,1986,29(3):465-487.
[4]Ashford S J and Tsui A S.Self-regulation for managerial effectiveness:The role of active feedback seeking[J].Academy of Management Journal,1991,34(2):251-280.
[5]Ashford S J and Northcraft G B.Conveying more(or less)than we realize:The role of impression-management in feedback-seeking[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1992,53(3):310-334.
[6]Ashford S J and Black J S.Proactivity during organizational entry:The role of desire for control[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1996,81(2):199-213.
[7]Ashforth B E,et al.Socialization tactics,proactive behavior,and newcomer learning:Integrating socialization models[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2007,70(3):447-462.
[8]Anseel F and Lievens F.The relationship between uncertainty and desire for feedback:A test of competing hypotheses[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2007,37(5):1007-1040.
[9]Bernichon T,Cook K E and Brown J D.Seeking self-evaluative feedback:The interactive role of global self-esteem and specific selfviews[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2003,84(1):194-210.
[10]Brown S P,et al.Self-efficacy as a moderator of information-seeking effectiveness[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(5):1043-1049.
[11]Callister R,et al.Feedback seeking following career transitions[J].Academy of Management Journal,1999,42(4):429-438.
[12]Chen Z,et al.Leader-member exchange and member performance:A new look at individual-level negative feedback-seeking behavior and team-level empowerment climate[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(1):202-212.
[13]Crant J M.Proactive behavior in organizations[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(3):435-462.
[14]De Luque M F S.The impact of culture on feedback-seeking behavior:An integrate model and propositions[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(4):829-849.
[15]De Stobbeleir K,et al.Self-regulation of creativity at work:The role of feedback-seeking behavior in creative performance[J].Aca-demy of Management Journal,2011,54(4):811-831.
[16]Diamond L M and Aspinwall L G.Emotion regulation across the life span:An integrative perspective emphasizing self-regulation,positive affect,and dyadic processes[J].Motivation and Emotion,2003,27(2):125-156.
[17]Ferris G R,Treadway D C,PerrewéP L,et al.Political skill in organizations[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):290-320.
[18]Griffin M A,et al.A new model of work role performance:Positive behavior in uncertain and interdependent contexts[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(2):327-347.
[19]Hays J C and Williams J R.Testing multiple motives in feedback seeking:The interaction of instrumentality and self-protection motives[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2011,79(2):496-504.
[20]Hwang A and Francesco A M.The influence of individualism-collectivism and power distance on use of feedback channels and consequences for learning[J].Academy of Management Learning and Education,2010,9(2):243-257.
[21]Kluger A N and DeNisi A.The effects of feedback interventions on performance:A historical review,a meta-analysis,and a preliminary feedback intervention theory[J].Psychological Bulletin,1996,119(2):254-284.
[22]Krasman J.The feedback-seeking personality:Big five and feedback-seeking behavior[J].Journal of Leadership&Organizational Studies,2010,17(1):18-32.
[23]Krasman J.Taking feedback-seeking to the next“level”:Organizational structure and feedback-seeking behavior1[J].Journal of Managerial Issues,2011,(1):9-30.
[24]Levy P E,et al.The effect of transformational and transactional leadership perceptions on feedback-seeking intentions[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2002,32(8):1703-1720.
[25]Morrison E W and Weldon E.The impact of an assigned performance goal on feedback seeking behavior[J].Human Performance,1990,3(1):37-50.
[26]Morrison E W.Newcomer information seeking:Exploring types,modes,sources,and outcomes[J].Academy of Management Journal,1993,36(3):557-589.
[27]Park G,et al.A process model of goal orientation and feedback seeking[J].Human Performance,2007,20(2):119-145.
[28]Payne S C,Youngcourt S S and Beaubien J M.A meta-analytic examination of the goal orientation nomological net[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(1):128-150.
[29]Qian J,et al.Authentic leadership and feedback-seeking behavior:An examination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China[J].Journal of Management&Organization,2012,18(3):286-299.
[30]Renn R W and Fedor D B.Development and field test of a feedback seeking,self-efficacy,and goal setting model of work performance[J].Journal of Management,2001,27(5):563-583.
[31]Snape E D.Feedback-seeking behavior and leader-member exchange:Do supervisor-attributed motives matter?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(2):348-363.
[32]Steelman L A,Levy P E and Snell A F.The feedback environment scale:Construct definition,measurement,and validation[J].Educational and Psychological Measurement,2004,64(1):165-184.
[33]Stoker J I,Grutterink H and Kolk N J.Do transformational CEOs always make the difference?The role of TMT feedback seeking behavior[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(3):582-592.
[34]Trope Y and Neter E.Reconciling competing motives in self-evaluation:The role of self-control in feedback seeking[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1994,66(4):646-657.
[35]Tuckey M,Brewer N and Williamson P.The influence of motives and goal orientation on feedback seeking[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2002,75(2):195-216.
[36]Whitaker B G,et al.The development of a feedback environment and role clarity model of job performance[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(4):570-591.
[2]Ashford S J and Cummings L L.Proactive feedback seeking:The instrumental use of the information environment[J].Journal of Occupational Psychology,1985,58(1):67-79.
[3]Ashford S J.Feedback-seeking in individual adaptation:A resource perspective[J].Academy of Management Journal,1986,29(3):465-487.
[4]Ashford S J and Tsui A S.Self-regulation for managerial effectiveness:The role of active feedback seeking[J].Academy of Management Journal,1991,34(2):251-280.
[5]Ashford S J and Northcraft G B.Conveying more(or less)than we realize:The role of impression-management in feedback-seeking[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1992,53(3):310-334.
[6]Ashford S J and Black J S.Proactivity during organizational entry:The role of desire for control[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1996,81(2):199-213.
[7]Ashforth B E,et al.Socialization tactics,proactive behavior,and newcomer learning:Integrating socialization models[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2007,70(3):447-462.
[8]Anseel F and Lievens F.The relationship between uncertainty and desire for feedback:A test of competing hypotheses[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2007,37(5):1007-1040.
[9]Bernichon T,Cook K E and Brown J D.Seeking self-evaluative feedback:The interactive role of global self-esteem and specific selfviews[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2003,84(1):194-210.
[10]Brown S P,et al.Self-efficacy as a moderator of information-seeking effectiveness[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(5):1043-1049.
[11]Callister R,et al.Feedback seeking following career transitions[J].Academy of Management Journal,1999,42(4):429-438.
[12]Chen Z,et al.Leader-member exchange and member performance:A new look at individual-level negative feedback-seeking behavior and team-level empowerment climate[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(1):202-212.
[13]Crant J M.Proactive behavior in organizations[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(3):435-462.
[14]De Luque M F S.The impact of culture on feedback-seeking behavior:An integrate model and propositions[J].Academy of Management Review,2000,25(4):829-849.
[15]De Stobbeleir K,et al.Self-regulation of creativity at work:The role of feedback-seeking behavior in creative performance[J].Aca-demy of Management Journal,2011,54(4):811-831.
[16]Diamond L M and Aspinwall L G.Emotion regulation across the life span:An integrative perspective emphasizing self-regulation,positive affect,and dyadic processes[J].Motivation and Emotion,2003,27(2):125-156.
[17]Ferris G R,Treadway D C,PerrewéP L,et al.Political skill in organizations[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):290-320.
[18]Griffin M A,et al.A new model of work role performance:Positive behavior in uncertain and interdependent contexts[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(2):327-347.
[19]Hays J C and Williams J R.Testing multiple motives in feedback seeking:The interaction of instrumentality and self-protection motives[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2011,79(2):496-504.
[20]Hwang A and Francesco A M.The influence of individualism-collectivism and power distance on use of feedback channels and consequences for learning[J].Academy of Management Learning and Education,2010,9(2):243-257.
[21]Kluger A N and DeNisi A.The effects of feedback interventions on performance:A historical review,a meta-analysis,and a preliminary feedback intervention theory[J].Psychological Bulletin,1996,119(2):254-284.
[22]Krasman J.The feedback-seeking personality:Big five and feedback-seeking behavior[J].Journal of Leadership&Organizational Studies,2010,17(1):18-32.
[23]Krasman J.Taking feedback-seeking to the next“level”:Organizational structure and feedback-seeking behavior1[J].Journal of Managerial Issues,2011,(1):9-30.
[24]Levy P E,et al.The effect of transformational and transactional leadership perceptions on feedback-seeking intentions[J].Journal of Applied Social Psychology,2002,32(8):1703-1720.
[25]Morrison E W and Weldon E.The impact of an assigned performance goal on feedback seeking behavior[J].Human Performance,1990,3(1):37-50.
[26]Morrison E W.Newcomer information seeking:Exploring types,modes,sources,and outcomes[J].Academy of Management Journal,1993,36(3):557-589.
[27]Park G,et al.A process model of goal orientation and feedback seeking[J].Human Performance,2007,20(2):119-145.
[28]Payne S C,Youngcourt S S and Beaubien J M.A meta-analytic examination of the goal orientation nomological net[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(1):128-150.
[29]Qian J,et al.Authentic leadership and feedback-seeking behavior:An examination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China[J].Journal of Management&Organization,2012,18(3):286-299.
[30]Renn R W and Fedor D B.Development and field test of a feedback seeking,self-efficacy,and goal setting model of work performance[J].Journal of Management,2001,27(5):563-583.
[31]Snape E D.Feedback-seeking behavior and leader-member exchange:Do supervisor-attributed motives matter?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(2):348-363.
[32]Steelman L A,Levy P E and Snell A F.The feedback environment scale:Construct definition,measurement,and validation[J].Educational and Psychological Measurement,2004,64(1):165-184.
[33]Stoker J I,Grutterink H and Kolk N J.Do transformational CEOs always make the difference?The role of TMT feedback seeking behavior[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(3):582-592.
[34]Trope Y and Neter E.Reconciling competing motives in self-evaluation:The role of self-control in feedback seeking[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1994,66(4):646-657.
[35]Tuckey M,Brewer N and Williamson P.The influence of motives and goal orientation on feedback seeking[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2002,75(2):195-216.
[36]Whitaker B G,et al.The development of a feedback environment and role clarity model of job performance[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(4):570-591.
张燕红, 廖建桥. 组织中的反馈寻求行为研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(4): 47–56.