外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 03 期, 页码:38 - 47
[1]Bass B M and Avolio B J.Transformational leadership development:Manual for the multifactor leadership questionnaire[M].Palo Alto,CA:Consulting Psychologists Press,1990.
[2]Butler P D,Swift M,Kothari S,Nazeeri-Simmons I,Friel C M,Longaker M T and Britt L D.Integrating cultural competency and humility training into clinical clerkships:Surgery as a model[J].Journal of Surgical Education,2011,68(3):222-230.
[3]Cameron K S and Caza A.Contributions to the discipline of positive organizational scholarship[J].American Behavioral Scientist,2003,47(6):731-739.
[4]Collins J.Good to great[M].New York:HarperCollins,2001.
[5]Comte-Sponville A.A small treatise on the great virtues[M].New York:Henry Holt&Company,2001.
[6]Conger J A.Effective change begins at the top[A].Beer M and Nohria N(Eds.).Breaking the code of change[C].Boston:Harvard Business School Press,2000:99-112.
[7]Craham I.Object oriented methods[M].Wokingham,England:Addison-Wesley,1991.
[8]Cropanzana R,Bowen D E and Gilliland S W.The management of organizational justice[J].Academy of Management Perspectives,2007,21(4):34-48.
[9]De Gremer D,Mayer D M,Van Dijke M,Bardes M and Schouten B G.When does self-sacrificial leadership motivate prosocial behavior?It depends on followers’prevention focus[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(4):887-899.
[10]Dutton J E,Roberts L M and Bednar J.Pathways for positive identity construction at work:Four types of positive identity and the building of social resources[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(2):285-293.
[11]Edmondson A G.Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1999,44(2):350-383.
[12]Ehrhart M G.Leadership and procedural justice climate as antecedents of unit-level organizational citizenship behavior[J].Personnel Psychology,2004,57(1):61-94.
[13]Exline J and Geyer A.Perceptions of humility:A preliminary study[J].Self&Identity,2004,3(2):95-115.
[14]Gardner W L,Avolio B J,Luthans F,May D R and Walumbwa F.“Can you see the real me?”A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development[J].Leadership Quarterly,2005,16(3):343-372.
[15]Gatehouse J.Tim Cook:Apple’s most humble servant[N].Maclean’s,October 17,2011.
[16]Gaughan A C.Effective leadership behavior:Leading“the third way”from a primary care group perspective-A study of leadership constructs elicited from members of primary care group management boards[J].Journal of Management in Medicine,2001,15:67-94.
[17]Gehman J,Trevio L K and Garud R.Values work:A process study of the emergence and performance of organizational values practices[J].Academy of Management Journal,2013,56(1):84-112.
[18]Greenleaf R K and Spears L C.Servant leadership:A journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness[M].Mahwah,NJ:Paulist Press,2002.
[19]Greer T W.Humility isn’t just personal anymore:Testing group-level humility in the organization[D].Regent University,2013.
[20]Grenberg J M.Kant and the ethics of humility:A story of dependence,corruption and virtue[M].Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,2005.
[21]Higgins E T.Self-discrepancy theory:What patterns of self-beliefs cause people to suffer?[A].Berkowitz L(Ed.).Advances in experimental social psychology[C].San Diego:Academic Press,1989,22:93-136.
[22]Hughes L W.Leadership under pressure:Tactics from the front line[J].Leadership and Organization Development Journal,2010,31:187-188.
[23]Hume D.Political writings[M].Indianapolis:Hackett,1994.
[24]Kerfoot K.The strategic use of humility[J].Nursing Economics,1998,16:238-239.
[25]Kim S.Participative management and job satisfaction:Lessons for management leadership[J].Public Administration Review,2002,62(2):231-241.
[26]Lauer C S.The basic recipe for a leader[J].Modem Healthcare,2002,32(8):33.
[27]Lord R G and Brown D J.Leadership,value,and subordinate self-concepts[J].Leadership Quarterly,2001,12(2):133-152.
[28]Marinoff L.The middle way:Finding happiness in a world of extremes[M].New York:Sterling,2007.
[29]Matteson J A and Irving J A.Servant versus self-sacrificial leadership:A behavioral comparison of two follower-oriented leadership theories[J].International Journal of Leadership Studies,2006,2(1):36-51.
[30]McConnell M W.The importance of humility in judicial review:A comment on Ronald Dworkin’s“moral reading”of the constitution[J].Fordham Law Review,1997,65(6):1269-1293.
[31]Meyer E G.Leadership:A return to basics[J].Military Review,1997,77:58-61.
[32]Mishra P.An end to suffering:The Buddha in the world[M].New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux,2004.
[33]Morris J A,Brotheridge C M and Urbanski J C.Bringing humility to leadership:Antecedents and consequences of leader humility[J].Human Relations,2005,58(10):1323-1350.
[34]Murray A.Humility:The journey toward holiness[M].Bloomington,MN:Bethany House,2001.
[35]Murrell K L.Emergent theories of leadership for the next century:Towards relational concepts[J].Organization Development Journal,1997,15(3):35-42.
[36]Nava M.The servant of all:Humility,humanity,and judicial diversity[J].Golden Gate University Law Review,2008,38:175-194.
[37]Nielsen R,Marrone J and Slay H.A new look at humility:Exploring the humility concept and its role in socialized charismatic leadership[J].Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies,2010,17(1):33-34.
[38]Obama B.Renewing American leadership[J].Foreign Affairs,2008,86:2-16.
[39]Owens B P,Rowatt W C and Wilkins A L.Exploring the relevance and implications of humility in organizations[A].Gameron K S and Spreitzer G S(Eds.).Handbook of positive organizational[C].Oxford,UK:Oxford University Press,2011:260-272.
[40]Owens B P and Hekman D R.Modeling how to grow:An inductive examination of humble leader behaviors,contingencies,and outcomes[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(4):787-818.
[41]Pearce C L.The future of leadership:Combining vertical and shared leadership to transform knowledge work[J].Academy of Management Executive,2004,18(1):47-59.
[42]Peterson C and Seligman M.Character strengths and virtues:A handbook and classification[M].New York:Oxford University Press,2004.
[43]Rafferty A E and Griffin M A.Perceptions of organizational change:A stress and coping perspective[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2006,91(5):1154-1162.
[44]Rhodewalt F and Morf C C.On self-aggrandizement and anger:A temporal analysis of narcissism and affective reactions to success and failure[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1998,74:672-685.
[45]Rosenthal S A and Pittinsky T L.Narcissistic leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17:617-633.
[46]Sandage S and Wiens T.Contextualizing models of humility and forgiveness:A reply to Gassin[J].Journal of Psychology and Theology,2001,29(3):201-211.
[47]Schatzki T R,Knor C K and Von Savigny E.The practice turn in contemporary theory[M].New York:Routledge,2001.
[48]Senge P M.The fifth discipline[M].London:Century Business,1990.
[49]Spears L C.Insights on leadership:Service,stewardship,spirit and servant leadership[M].New York:Wiley,1998.
[50]Spiegel J S.The moral irony of humility[J].Logos:A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,2003,6(1):131-150.
[51]Standish N G.Humble leadership:Being radically open to God’s guidance and grace[M].Herndon,VA:Alban Institute,2007.
[52]Tangney J P.Humility[A].Snyder C R and Lopez S J(Eds.).Handbook of positive psychology[C].New York:Oxford University Press,2002:411-419.
[53]Templeton J.Worldwide laws of life[M].Philadelphia,PA:Templeton Foundation Press,1997.
[54]Uhl-Bien M.Relational leadership theory:Exploring the social processes of leadership and organizing[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17(6):654-676.
[55]Van Dierendonck D.Servant leadership:A review and synthesis[J].Journal of Management,2011,37(4):1228-1261.
[56]Vera D and Rodriguez-Lopez A.Strategic virtues:Humility as a source of competitive advantage[J].Organizational Dynamics,2004,33(4):393-408.
[57]Weick K E.Leadership as the legitimation of doubt[A].Bennis W,Spreitzer G M and Cummings T G(Eds.).The future of leadership:Today’s top leadership thinkers speak to tomorrow’s leaders[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2001:91-102.
[58]Whittington R.Completing the practice turn in strategy research[J].Organization Studies,2006,27(5):613-634.
[2]Butler P D,Swift M,Kothari S,Nazeeri-Simmons I,Friel C M,Longaker M T and Britt L D.Integrating cultural competency and humility training into clinical clerkships:Surgery as a model[J].Journal of Surgical Education,2011,68(3):222-230.
[3]Cameron K S and Caza A.Contributions to the discipline of positive organizational scholarship[J].American Behavioral Scientist,2003,47(6):731-739.
[4]Collins J.Good to great[M].New York:HarperCollins,2001.
[5]Comte-Sponville A.A small treatise on the great virtues[M].New York:Henry Holt&Company,2001.
[6]Conger J A.Effective change begins at the top[A].Beer M and Nohria N(Eds.).Breaking the code of change[C].Boston:Harvard Business School Press,2000:99-112.
[7]Craham I.Object oriented methods[M].Wokingham,England:Addison-Wesley,1991.
[8]Cropanzana R,Bowen D E and Gilliland S W.The management of organizational justice[J].Academy of Management Perspectives,2007,21(4):34-48.
[9]De Gremer D,Mayer D M,Van Dijke M,Bardes M and Schouten B G.When does self-sacrificial leadership motivate prosocial behavior?It depends on followers’prevention focus[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(4):887-899.
[10]Dutton J E,Roberts L M and Bednar J.Pathways for positive identity construction at work:Four types of positive identity and the building of social resources[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(2):285-293.
[11]Edmondson A G.Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1999,44(2):350-383.
[12]Ehrhart M G.Leadership and procedural justice climate as antecedents of unit-level organizational citizenship behavior[J].Personnel Psychology,2004,57(1):61-94.
[13]Exline J and Geyer A.Perceptions of humility:A preliminary study[J].Self&Identity,2004,3(2):95-115.
[14]Gardner W L,Avolio B J,Luthans F,May D R and Walumbwa F.“Can you see the real me?”A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development[J].Leadership Quarterly,2005,16(3):343-372.
[15]Gatehouse J.Tim Cook:Apple’s most humble servant[N].Maclean’s,October 17,2011.
[16]Gaughan A C.Effective leadership behavior:Leading“the third way”from a primary care group perspective-A study of leadership constructs elicited from members of primary care group management boards[J].Journal of Management in Medicine,2001,15:67-94.
[17]Gehman J,Trevio L K and Garud R.Values work:A process study of the emergence and performance of organizational values practices[J].Academy of Management Journal,2013,56(1):84-112.
[18]Greenleaf R K and Spears L C.Servant leadership:A journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness[M].Mahwah,NJ:Paulist Press,2002.
[19]Greer T W.Humility isn’t just personal anymore:Testing group-level humility in the organization[D].Regent University,2013.
[20]Grenberg J M.Kant and the ethics of humility:A story of dependence,corruption and virtue[M].Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press,2005.
[21]Higgins E T.Self-discrepancy theory:What patterns of self-beliefs cause people to suffer?[A].Berkowitz L(Ed.).Advances in experimental social psychology[C].San Diego:Academic Press,1989,22:93-136.
[22]Hughes L W.Leadership under pressure:Tactics from the front line[J].Leadership and Organization Development Journal,2010,31:187-188.
[23]Hume D.Political writings[M].Indianapolis:Hackett,1994.
[24]Kerfoot K.The strategic use of humility[J].Nursing Economics,1998,16:238-239.
[25]Kim S.Participative management and job satisfaction:Lessons for management leadership[J].Public Administration Review,2002,62(2):231-241.
[26]Lauer C S.The basic recipe for a leader[J].Modem Healthcare,2002,32(8):33.
[27]Lord R G and Brown D J.Leadership,value,and subordinate self-concepts[J].Leadership Quarterly,2001,12(2):133-152.
[28]Marinoff L.The middle way:Finding happiness in a world of extremes[M].New York:Sterling,2007.
[29]Matteson J A and Irving J A.Servant versus self-sacrificial leadership:A behavioral comparison of two follower-oriented leadership theories[J].International Journal of Leadership Studies,2006,2(1):36-51.
[30]McConnell M W.The importance of humility in judicial review:A comment on Ronald Dworkin’s“moral reading”of the constitution[J].Fordham Law Review,1997,65(6):1269-1293.
[31]Meyer E G.Leadership:A return to basics[J].Military Review,1997,77:58-61.
[32]Mishra P.An end to suffering:The Buddha in the world[M].New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux,2004.
[33]Morris J A,Brotheridge C M and Urbanski J C.Bringing humility to leadership:Antecedents and consequences of leader humility[J].Human Relations,2005,58(10):1323-1350.
[34]Murray A.Humility:The journey toward holiness[M].Bloomington,MN:Bethany House,2001.
[35]Murrell K L.Emergent theories of leadership for the next century:Towards relational concepts[J].Organization Development Journal,1997,15(3):35-42.
[36]Nava M.The servant of all:Humility,humanity,and judicial diversity[J].Golden Gate University Law Review,2008,38:175-194.
[37]Nielsen R,Marrone J and Slay H.A new look at humility:Exploring the humility concept and its role in socialized charismatic leadership[J].Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies,2010,17(1):33-34.
[38]Obama B.Renewing American leadership[J].Foreign Affairs,2008,86:2-16.
[39]Owens B P,Rowatt W C and Wilkins A L.Exploring the relevance and implications of humility in organizations[A].Gameron K S and Spreitzer G S(Eds.).Handbook of positive organizational[C].Oxford,UK:Oxford University Press,2011:260-272.
[40]Owens B P and Hekman D R.Modeling how to grow:An inductive examination of humble leader behaviors,contingencies,and outcomes[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(4):787-818.
[41]Pearce C L.The future of leadership:Combining vertical and shared leadership to transform knowledge work[J].Academy of Management Executive,2004,18(1):47-59.
[42]Peterson C and Seligman M.Character strengths and virtues:A handbook and classification[M].New York:Oxford University Press,2004.
[43]Rafferty A E and Griffin M A.Perceptions of organizational change:A stress and coping perspective[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2006,91(5):1154-1162.
[44]Rhodewalt F and Morf C C.On self-aggrandizement and anger:A temporal analysis of narcissism and affective reactions to success and failure[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1998,74:672-685.
[45]Rosenthal S A and Pittinsky T L.Narcissistic leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17:617-633.
[46]Sandage S and Wiens T.Contextualizing models of humility and forgiveness:A reply to Gassin[J].Journal of Psychology and Theology,2001,29(3):201-211.
[47]Schatzki T R,Knor C K and Von Savigny E.The practice turn in contemporary theory[M].New York:Routledge,2001.
[48]Senge P M.The fifth discipline[M].London:Century Business,1990.
[49]Spears L C.Insights on leadership:Service,stewardship,spirit and servant leadership[M].New York:Wiley,1998.
[50]Spiegel J S.The moral irony of humility[J].Logos:A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,2003,6(1):131-150.
[51]Standish N G.Humble leadership:Being radically open to God’s guidance and grace[M].Herndon,VA:Alban Institute,2007.
[52]Tangney J P.Humility[A].Snyder C R and Lopez S J(Eds.).Handbook of positive psychology[C].New York:Oxford University Press,2002:411-419.
[53]Templeton J.Worldwide laws of life[M].Philadelphia,PA:Templeton Foundation Press,1997.
[54]Uhl-Bien M.Relational leadership theory:Exploring the social processes of leadership and organizing[J].Leadership Quarterly,2006,17(6):654-676.
[55]Van Dierendonck D.Servant leadership:A review and synthesis[J].Journal of Management,2011,37(4):1228-1261.
[56]Vera D and Rodriguez-Lopez A.Strategic virtues:Humility as a source of competitive advantage[J].Organizational Dynamics,2004,33(4):393-408.
[57]Weick K E.Leadership as the legitimation of doubt[A].Bennis W,Spreitzer G M and Cummings T G(Eds.).The future of leadership:Today’s top leadership thinkers speak to tomorrow’s leaders[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2001:91-102.
[58]Whittington R.Completing the practice turn in strategy research[J].Organization Studies,2006,27(5):613-634.
冯镜铭, 刘善仕, 吴坤津, 等. 谦卑型领导研究探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(3): 38–47.