外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 07 期, 页码:54 - 62
[1]Baruch Y,et al.Performance-related pay in Chinese profes-sional sports[J].International Journal of Human Resource Management,2004,15(1):245-259.
[2]Bowers K S.Situationism in psychology:An analysis and cri-tique[J].Psychological Review,1973,80(5):307-336.
[3]Bowles S,et al.The determinants of earnings:A behavioral approach[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2001,39(4):1137-1176.
[4]Bozionelos N and Wang L.An investigation on the attitudes of Chinese workers towards individually based performance-re-lated reward systems[J].International Journal of Human Re-source Management,2007,18(2):284-302.
[5]Cable D M and Judge T A.Pay preferences and job search de-cisions:A person-organization fit perspective[J].Personnel Psychology,1994,47(2):317-348.
[6]Cadsby C B,et al.Sorting and incentive effects of pay for per-formance:An experimental investigation[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(2):255-283.
[7]Chow C W.The effects of job standard tightness and compen-sation scheme on performance:An exploration of linkages[J].Accounting Review,1983,58(4):667-685.
[8]Cornelissen T,et al.Performance pay,risk attitudes and job satisfaction[R].SOEP paper,2008.
[9]Dohmen T and Falk A.Performance pay and multidimensional sorting:Productivity,preferences and gender[J].American E-conomic Review,2011,101(2):556-590.
[10]Dubinsky A J,et al.Importance of alternative rewards:Im-pact of managerial level[J].Industrial Marketing Manage-ment,2000,29(5):427-440.
[11]Eriksson T,et al.Self-selection and the efficiency of tourna-ments[J].Economic Inquiry,2009,47(3):530-548.
[12]Gale D and Shapley L S.College admissions and the stability of marriage[J].American Mathematical Monthly,1962,69(1):9-15.
[13]Gerhart B and Milkovich G T.Organizational differences in managerial compensation and financial performance[J].Aca-demy of Management Journal,1990,33(4):663-691.
[14]Goktan A B and SaatogˇluY.The effect of cultural values on pay preferences:A comparative study in Turkey and the United States[J].International Journal of Management,2011,28(1):173-184.
[15]He W,et al.Rewards-allocation preferences of Chinese em-ployees in the new millennium:The effects of ownership re-form,collectivism,and goal priority[J].Organization Science,2004,15(2):221-231.
[16]Kachelmeier S J and Williamson M G.Attracting creativity:The initial and aggregate effects of contract selection on crea-tivity-weighted productivity[J].Accounting Review,2010,85(5):1669-1691.
[17]Keon T L,et al.Image congruence and the treatment of difference scores in organizational choice research[J].Human Relations,1982,35(2):155-166.
[18]Lazear E P and Rosen S.Rank-order tournaments as opti-mum labor contracts[J].Journal of Political Economy,1981,89(5):841-864.
[19]Lazear E P.Salaries and piece rates[J].Journal of Business,1986,59(3):405-431.
[20]Lazear E P.Output-based pay:Incentives,retention or sor-ting?[R].IZA Discussion Paper,2003.
[21]Lee H J,et al.Employee preference for performance-related pay:Predictors and consequences for organizational citizenship behavior in a Japanese firm[J].International Journal of Hu-man Resource Management,2011,22(10):2086-2109.
[22]Niederle M and Vesterlund L.Do women shy away from competition?Do men compete too much?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2007,122(3):1067-1101.
[23]Ray K.Sorting effects of performance pay[R].Working Pa-per,McDonough School of Business,Georgetown University,2011.
[24]Rothschild M and Stiglitz J.Equilibrium in competitive insu-rance markets:An essay on the economics of imperfect infor-mation[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1976,90(4):629-649.
[25]Salop J and Salop S.Selfselection and turnover in the labor market[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1976,90(4):619-627.
[26]Spence M.Job market signaling[J].Quarterly Journal of E-conomics,1973,87(3):355-374.
[27]Teyssier S.Experimental evidence on inequity aversion and self-Selection between incentive contracts[R].Working Pa-per,Institute of Economic Theory and Analysis(GATE),France,2008.
[28]Waller W S and Chow C W.The self-selection and effort effects of standard-based employment contracts:A framework and some empirical evidence[J].Accounting Review,1985,LX(3):458-476.
[29]Zenger T R.Why do employers only reward extreme per-formance?Examining the relationships among performance,pay,and turnover[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1992,37(2):198-219.
[2]Bowers K S.Situationism in psychology:An analysis and cri-tique[J].Psychological Review,1973,80(5):307-336.
[3]Bowles S,et al.The determinants of earnings:A behavioral approach[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2001,39(4):1137-1176.
[4]Bozionelos N and Wang L.An investigation on the attitudes of Chinese workers towards individually based performance-re-lated reward systems[J].International Journal of Human Re-source Management,2007,18(2):284-302.
[5]Cable D M and Judge T A.Pay preferences and job search de-cisions:A person-organization fit perspective[J].Personnel Psychology,1994,47(2):317-348.
[6]Cadsby C B,et al.Sorting and incentive effects of pay for per-formance:An experimental investigation[J].Academy of Management Journal,2007,50(2):255-283.
[7]Chow C W.The effects of job standard tightness and compen-sation scheme on performance:An exploration of linkages[J].Accounting Review,1983,58(4):667-685.
[8]Cornelissen T,et al.Performance pay,risk attitudes and job satisfaction[R].SOEP paper,2008.
[9]Dohmen T and Falk A.Performance pay and multidimensional sorting:Productivity,preferences and gender[J].American E-conomic Review,2011,101(2):556-590.
[10]Dubinsky A J,et al.Importance of alternative rewards:Im-pact of managerial level[J].Industrial Marketing Manage-ment,2000,29(5):427-440.
[11]Eriksson T,et al.Self-selection and the efficiency of tourna-ments[J].Economic Inquiry,2009,47(3):530-548.
[12]Gale D and Shapley L S.College admissions and the stability of marriage[J].American Mathematical Monthly,1962,69(1):9-15.
[13]Gerhart B and Milkovich G T.Organizational differences in managerial compensation and financial performance[J].Aca-demy of Management Journal,1990,33(4):663-691.
[14]Goktan A B and SaatogˇluY.The effect of cultural values on pay preferences:A comparative study in Turkey and the United States[J].International Journal of Management,2011,28(1):173-184.
[15]He W,et al.Rewards-allocation preferences of Chinese em-ployees in the new millennium:The effects of ownership re-form,collectivism,and goal priority[J].Organization Science,2004,15(2):221-231.
[16]Kachelmeier S J and Williamson M G.Attracting creativity:The initial and aggregate effects of contract selection on crea-tivity-weighted productivity[J].Accounting Review,2010,85(5):1669-1691.
[17]Keon T L,et al.Image congruence and the treatment of difference scores in organizational choice research[J].Human Relations,1982,35(2):155-166.
[18]Lazear E P and Rosen S.Rank-order tournaments as opti-mum labor contracts[J].Journal of Political Economy,1981,89(5):841-864.
[19]Lazear E P.Salaries and piece rates[J].Journal of Business,1986,59(3):405-431.
[20]Lazear E P.Output-based pay:Incentives,retention or sor-ting?[R].IZA Discussion Paper,2003.
[21]Lee H J,et al.Employee preference for performance-related pay:Predictors and consequences for organizational citizenship behavior in a Japanese firm[J].International Journal of Hu-man Resource Management,2011,22(10):2086-2109.
[22]Niederle M and Vesterlund L.Do women shy away from competition?Do men compete too much?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2007,122(3):1067-1101.
[23]Ray K.Sorting effects of performance pay[R].Working Pa-per,McDonough School of Business,Georgetown University,2011.
[24]Rothschild M and Stiglitz J.Equilibrium in competitive insu-rance markets:An essay on the economics of imperfect infor-mation[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1976,90(4):629-649.
[25]Salop J and Salop S.Selfselection and turnover in the labor market[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1976,90(4):619-627.
[26]Spence M.Job market signaling[J].Quarterly Journal of E-conomics,1973,87(3):355-374.
[27]Teyssier S.Experimental evidence on inequity aversion and self-Selection between incentive contracts[R].Working Pa-per,Institute of Economic Theory and Analysis(GATE),France,2008.
[28]Waller W S and Chow C W.The self-selection and effort effects of standard-based employment contracts:A framework and some empirical evidence[J].Accounting Review,1985,LX(3):458-476.
[29]Zenger T R.Why do employers only reward extreme per-formance?Examining the relationships among performance,pay,and turnover[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1992,37(2):198-219.
丁明智, 张正堂, 程德俊. 薪酬制度分选效应研究综述[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(7): 54–62.