外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 10 期, 页码:
[1]Amabile T M,Hill K G,Hennessey B A and Tighe E M. The work preference inventory: Assessing intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1994,66(5): 950-967.
[2]Bakker A B and Demerouti E. The job demands resources model: State of the art[J]. Journal of Managerial Psychology,2007,22(3): 309-328.
[3]Bakker A B,Tims M and Derks D. Proactive personality and job performance: The role of job crafting and work engagement[J]. Human Relations,2012,65(9): 1359-1378.
[4]Bateman T S and Crant M J. The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates summary[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,1993,14(2): 103-119.
[5]Bell E. The bicultural life experience of careeroriented black women[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,1990,11(6): 459-477.
[6]Berg J M,Grant A M and Johnson V. When callings are calling: Crafting work and leisure in pursuit of unanswered occupational callings[J]. Organization Science,2010,21(5): 973-994.
[7]Berg J M,Wrzesniewski A and Dutton J E. Perceiving and responding to challenges in job crafting at different ranks: When proactivity requires adaptivity[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2010,31(2-3): 158-186.
[8]Berg J M,Dutton J E and Wrzesniewski A. Job crafting and meaningful work[A]. in Dik B J,Byrne Z S and Steger M F(Eds.). Purpose and meaning in the workplace[C]. Washington DC: American Psychological Association,2013: 81-104.
[9]Brenninkmeijer V and HekkertKoning M. To craft or not to craft: The relationships between regulatory focus,job crafting and work outcomes[J]. Career Development International,2015,20(2): 147-162.
[10]Brief A P and Nord W R. Meaning of occupational work: A collection of essays[M]. Lexington,MA: Lexington Books,1990: 33-47.
[11]Cerulo K. Identity construction: New issues,new directions[J]. Annual Review of Sociology,1997,23(17):385-409.
[12]Chatman J A. A model of personorganization fit[J]. Academy of Management Review,1989,14(3): 333-349.
[13]Cohen R C and Sutton R I. Clients as a source of enjoyment on the job: How hairstylists shape demeanor and personal disclosures[A]. in Wagner J A,Ⅲ(Ed.). Advances in qualitative organization research[C]. Greenwish,CT: JAI Press,1988: 1-32.
[14]Demerouti E,Bakker A B,Nachreiner F and Schaufeli W B. The job demandsresources model of burnout[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(3):499-512.
[15]Demerouti E,Peeters M C W and van der Heijden B I J M. Workfamily interface from a life and career stage perspective: The role of demands and resources[J]. International Journal of Psychology,2012,47(4): 241-258.
[16]Dutton J E,Debebe G and Wrzesniewski A. A social valuing perspective on relationship sensemaking[R]. Working paper,University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,2000.
[17]Dutton J E. Energize your workplace: How to create and sustain highquality connections at work[M]. America:JosseyBass,2003: 102-110.
[18]Dweck C. Mindset: The new psychology of success[M]. New York,NY: Random House,2007: 10-15.
[19]Fine G A. Justifying work: Occupational rhetorics as resources in restaurant kitchens[J]. Administrative Science Quarterly,1996a,41(4): 90-115.
[20]Fine G A. Kitchen: The culture of restaurant work[M]. Berkeley: University of California Press,1996b: 34-45.
[21]Fletcher J K. Relational practice: A feminist reconstruction of work[J]. Journal of Management Inquiry,1998,7(2): 163-186.
[22]Fredrickson B. Special issue: Positive psychology and its implications for the psychologistmanager[J]. PsychologistManager Journal,2000,4(2): 131-142.
[23]Ghitulescu B E. Shaping tasks and relationships at work: Examing the antecedents and consequences of employee job crafting[D]. University of Pittsburgh,2006: 30-47.
[24]Grant A M. Relational job design and the motivation to make a prosocial difference[J]. Academy of Management Review,2007,32(2): 393-417.
[25]Grant A M and Ashford S J. The dynamics of proactivity at work[J]. Research in Organizational Behavior,2008,28: 3-34.
[26]Hall D T and Chandler D E. Psychological success: When the career is calling[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2005,26(3): 155-176.
[27]Hornung S,Rousseau D M and Glaser J. Creating flexible work arrangements through idiosyncratic deals[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2008,93(3): 655-664.
[28]Kulik C T,Oldman G R and Hackman J R. Work design as an approach to personenvironment fit[J]. Journal of Vocational Behavior,1987,31(3): 278-296.
[29]Laurence G A. Workaholism and expansion and contraction oriented job crafting: The moderating effects of individual and contextual factors[D]. Syracuse University,2010.
[30]Leana C,Appelbaum E and Shevchuk I. Work process and quality of care in early childhood education: The role of job crafting[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(6): 1169-1192.
[31]Lyons P. The crafting of jobs and individual differences[J]. Journal of Business Psychology,2008,23(1): 25-36.
[32]Morrison E W and Phelps C. Taking charge: Extrarole efforts to initiate workplace change[J]. Academy of Management Journal,1999,42(4): 403-419.
[33]Nielsen K and Abildgaard J S. The development and validation of a job crafting measure for use with bluecollar workers[J].Work and Stress,2012,26(4): 365-384.
[34]Organ D W. Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome[M]. Lexington,MA: Lexington Books,1988: 79-90.
[35]Parker J D A and Endler N S. Coping and defense: A historical overview[A]. in Zeidner M and Endler N S(Eds.). Handbook of copingtheory,research,applications[C]. New York,NY: Wiley,1996: 3-23.
[36]Parker S K,Wall T D and Jackson P R. That’s not my job: Developing flexible employee work orientations[J]. Academy of Management Journal,1997,40(4): 899-929.
[37]Petrou P,Demerouti E,Peeters M,Schaufeli W B and Hetland J. Crafting a job on a daily basis: Contextual antecedents and the link to work engagement[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(8): 1120-1141.
[38]Peter S. The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization[M]. New York: Doubleday Currency,1990: 210-268.
[39]Petrou P. Crafting the change: The role of job crafting and regulatory focus in adaptation to organizational change[D].Utrecht University,2013: 67-78.
[40]Pratt M G,Rockmann K W and Kaufmann J B. Constructing professional identity: The role of work and identity learning cycles in the customization of identity among medical residents[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(2): 235-262.
[41]Shanock L R and Eisenberger E R. When supervisors feel supported: Relationship with subordinates’ perceived supervisor support,perceived organizational support,and performance[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2006,91(3): 689-695.
[42]Shusha A. The effects of job crafting on organizational citizenship behavior: Evidence from Egyptian Medical Centers[J]. International Business Research,2014,7(6): 140-149.
[43]Slemp G R and VellaBrodrick D A. Optimizing employee mental health: The relationship between intrinsic need satisfaction,job crafting,and employee wellbeing[J]. Journal of Happiness Studies,2014,15(4): 957-977.
[44]Staw B M and Boettger R D. Task revision: A neglected form of work performance[J]. Academy of Management Journal,1990,33(3): 534-559.
[45]Tims M and Bakker A B. Job crafting: Towards a new model of individual job redesign[J]. South African Journal of Industrial Psychology,2010,36(2): 1-9.
[46]Tims M,Bakker A B and Derks D. The development and validation of the job crafting scale[J]. Journal of Vocational Behavior,2011,80(1): 173-186.
[47]Tims M,Bakker A B and Derks D. The impact of job crafting on job demands,job resources,and wellbeing[J]. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2013,18(2): 230-240.
[48]Van den Heuvel M,Demerouti E and Peeters M. Succesvol job craften door middel van een groepstraining[A]. in Jonge J D,Peeters M,Sjollema S and Zeeuw H D(Eds.). Scherp in werk: 5 routes naar optimale inzetbaarheid[C]. Assen,The Netherlands: Koninklijke van Gorcum BV,2012: 27-49.
[49]Wrzesniewski A,McCauley C,Rozin P and Schwartz B. Jobs,careers,and callings: People’s relations to their work[J]. Journal of Research in Personality,1997,31(1): 21-33.
[50]Wrzesniewski A. Jobs,careers,and callings: Work orientation and work transition[D]. The University of Michigan,1999: 21-30.
[51]Wrzesniewski A and Dutton J E. Crafting a job: Revisioning employees as active crafters of their work[J]. Academy of Management Review, 2001, 25(2): 179-201.
[52]Wrzesniewski A. Finding positive meaning in work[A]. in Cameron K S, Dutton J E and Quinn R E(Eds.). Positive organizational scholarship[C]. San Francisco: BerrettKoehler, 2003: 296-308.
[53]Wrzesniewski A,Dutton J E and Debebe G. Interpersonal sensemaking and the meaning of work[J]. Research in Organizational Behavior,2003,25(3): 93-135.
[54]冯镜铭,刘善仕,吴坤津,王红椿. 谦卑型领导研究探析[J]. 外国经济与管理,2014,36(3): 38-47.
[55]顾远东,周文莉,彭纪生. 组织支持感对研发人员创新行为的影响机制研究[J]. 管理科学,2014,27(1): 109-119.
[56]韩帅瑛. 工作重塑、工作投入与员工工作绩效关系的研究[D]. 东北财经大学,2013.
[57]梁西胜. 工作认知、组织承诺与在职行为的关系研究[D]. 广州大学,2012.
[58]齐亚静,伍新春. 工作重塑对教师工作投入和职业倦怠的影响: 一项交叉滞后设计[R]. 第17届全国心理学会学术大会宣讲论文,北京,2014.
[59]张晓舟. 职场管理的新领域——职场友谊研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理,2014,36(3): 48-55.
[60]郑昉. 高校教师工作形塑的实证研究[D]. 河南大学,2009.
[2]Bakker A B and Demerouti E. The job demands resources model: State of the art[J]. Journal of Managerial Psychology,2007,22(3): 309-328.
[3]Bakker A B,Tims M and Derks D. Proactive personality and job performance: The role of job crafting and work engagement[J]. Human Relations,2012,65(9): 1359-1378.
[4]Bateman T S and Crant M J. The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates summary[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,1993,14(2): 103-119.
[5]Bell E. The bicultural life experience of careeroriented black women[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,1990,11(6): 459-477.
[6]Berg J M,Grant A M and Johnson V. When callings are calling: Crafting work and leisure in pursuit of unanswered occupational callings[J]. Organization Science,2010,21(5): 973-994.
[7]Berg J M,Wrzesniewski A and Dutton J E. Perceiving and responding to challenges in job crafting at different ranks: When proactivity requires adaptivity[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2010,31(2-3): 158-186.
[8]Berg J M,Dutton J E and Wrzesniewski A. Job crafting and meaningful work[A]. in Dik B J,Byrne Z S and Steger M F(Eds.). Purpose and meaning in the workplace[C]. Washington DC: American Psychological Association,2013: 81-104.
[9]Brenninkmeijer V and HekkertKoning M. To craft or not to craft: The relationships between regulatory focus,job crafting and work outcomes[J]. Career Development International,2015,20(2): 147-162.
[10]Brief A P and Nord W R. Meaning of occupational work: A collection of essays[M]. Lexington,MA: Lexington Books,1990: 33-47.
[11]Cerulo K. Identity construction: New issues,new directions[J]. Annual Review of Sociology,1997,23(17):385-409.
[12]Chatman J A. A model of personorganization fit[J]. Academy of Management Review,1989,14(3): 333-349.
[13]Cohen R C and Sutton R I. Clients as a source of enjoyment on the job: How hairstylists shape demeanor and personal disclosures[A]. in Wagner J A,Ⅲ(Ed.). Advances in qualitative organization research[C]. Greenwish,CT: JAI Press,1988: 1-32.
[14]Demerouti E,Bakker A B,Nachreiner F and Schaufeli W B. The job demandsresources model of burnout[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2001,86(3):499-512.
[15]Demerouti E,Peeters M C W and van der Heijden B I J M. Workfamily interface from a life and career stage perspective: The role of demands and resources[J]. International Journal of Psychology,2012,47(4): 241-258.
[16]Dutton J E,Debebe G and Wrzesniewski A. A social valuing perspective on relationship sensemaking[R]. Working paper,University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,2000.
[17]Dutton J E. Energize your workplace: How to create and sustain highquality connections at work[M]. America:JosseyBass,2003: 102-110.
[18]Dweck C. Mindset: The new psychology of success[M]. New York,NY: Random House,2007: 10-15.
[19]Fine G A. Justifying work: Occupational rhetorics as resources in restaurant kitchens[J]. Administrative Science Quarterly,1996a,41(4): 90-115.
[20]Fine G A. Kitchen: The culture of restaurant work[M]. Berkeley: University of California Press,1996b: 34-45.
[21]Fletcher J K. Relational practice: A feminist reconstruction of work[J]. Journal of Management Inquiry,1998,7(2): 163-186.
[22]Fredrickson B. Special issue: Positive psychology and its implications for the psychologistmanager[J]. PsychologistManager Journal,2000,4(2): 131-142.
[23]Ghitulescu B E. Shaping tasks and relationships at work: Examing the antecedents and consequences of employee job crafting[D]. University of Pittsburgh,2006: 30-47.
[24]Grant A M. Relational job design and the motivation to make a prosocial difference[J]. Academy of Management Review,2007,32(2): 393-417.
[25]Grant A M and Ashford S J. The dynamics of proactivity at work[J]. Research in Organizational Behavior,2008,28: 3-34.
[26]Hall D T and Chandler D E. Psychological success: When the career is calling[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2005,26(3): 155-176.
[27]Hornung S,Rousseau D M and Glaser J. Creating flexible work arrangements through idiosyncratic deals[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2008,93(3): 655-664.
[28]Kulik C T,Oldman G R and Hackman J R. Work design as an approach to personenvironment fit[J]. Journal of Vocational Behavior,1987,31(3): 278-296.
[29]Laurence G A. Workaholism and expansion and contraction oriented job crafting: The moderating effects of individual and contextual factors[D]. Syracuse University,2010.
[30]Leana C,Appelbaum E and Shevchuk I. Work process and quality of care in early childhood education: The role of job crafting[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(6): 1169-1192.
[31]Lyons P. The crafting of jobs and individual differences[J]. Journal of Business Psychology,2008,23(1): 25-36.
[32]Morrison E W and Phelps C. Taking charge: Extrarole efforts to initiate workplace change[J]. Academy of Management Journal,1999,42(4): 403-419.
[33]Nielsen K and Abildgaard J S. The development and validation of a job crafting measure for use with bluecollar workers[J].Work and Stress,2012,26(4): 365-384.
[34]Organ D W. Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome[M]. Lexington,MA: Lexington Books,1988: 79-90.
[35]Parker J D A and Endler N S. Coping and defense: A historical overview[A]. in Zeidner M and Endler N S(Eds.). Handbook of copingtheory,research,applications[C]. New York,NY: Wiley,1996: 3-23.
[36]Parker S K,Wall T D and Jackson P R. That’s not my job: Developing flexible employee work orientations[J]. Academy of Management Journal,1997,40(4): 899-929.
[37]Petrou P,Demerouti E,Peeters M,Schaufeli W B and Hetland J. Crafting a job on a daily basis: Contextual antecedents and the link to work engagement[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(8): 1120-1141.
[38]Peter S. The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization[M]. New York: Doubleday Currency,1990: 210-268.
[39]Petrou P. Crafting the change: The role of job crafting and regulatory focus in adaptation to organizational change[D].Utrecht University,2013: 67-78.
[40]Pratt M G,Rockmann K W and Kaufmann J B. Constructing professional identity: The role of work and identity learning cycles in the customization of identity among medical residents[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(2): 235-262.
[41]Shanock L R and Eisenberger E R. When supervisors feel supported: Relationship with subordinates’ perceived supervisor support,perceived organizational support,and performance[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2006,91(3): 689-695.
[42]Shusha A. The effects of job crafting on organizational citizenship behavior: Evidence from Egyptian Medical Centers[J]. International Business Research,2014,7(6): 140-149.
[43]Slemp G R and VellaBrodrick D A. Optimizing employee mental health: The relationship between intrinsic need satisfaction,job crafting,and employee wellbeing[J]. Journal of Happiness Studies,2014,15(4): 957-977.
[44]Staw B M and Boettger R D. Task revision: A neglected form of work performance[J]. Academy of Management Journal,1990,33(3): 534-559.
[45]Tims M and Bakker A B. Job crafting: Towards a new model of individual job redesign[J]. South African Journal of Industrial Psychology,2010,36(2): 1-9.
[46]Tims M,Bakker A B and Derks D. The development and validation of the job crafting scale[J]. Journal of Vocational Behavior,2011,80(1): 173-186.
[47]Tims M,Bakker A B and Derks D. The impact of job crafting on job demands,job resources,and wellbeing[J]. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2013,18(2): 230-240.
[48]Van den Heuvel M,Demerouti E and Peeters M. Succesvol job craften door middel van een groepstraining[A]. in Jonge J D,Peeters M,Sjollema S and Zeeuw H D(Eds.). Scherp in werk: 5 routes naar optimale inzetbaarheid[C]. Assen,The Netherlands: Koninklijke van Gorcum BV,2012: 27-49.
[49]Wrzesniewski A,McCauley C,Rozin P and Schwartz B. Jobs,careers,and callings: People’s relations to their work[J]. Journal of Research in Personality,1997,31(1): 21-33.
[50]Wrzesniewski A. Jobs,careers,and callings: Work orientation and work transition[D]. The University of Michigan,1999: 21-30.
[51]Wrzesniewski A and Dutton J E. Crafting a job: Revisioning employees as active crafters of their work[J]. Academy of Management Review, 2001, 25(2): 179-201.
[52]Wrzesniewski A. Finding positive meaning in work[A]. in Cameron K S, Dutton J E and Quinn R E(Eds.). Positive organizational scholarship[C]. San Francisco: BerrettKoehler, 2003: 296-308.
[53]Wrzesniewski A,Dutton J E and Debebe G. Interpersonal sensemaking and the meaning of work[J]. Research in Organizational Behavior,2003,25(3): 93-135.
[54]冯镜铭,刘善仕,吴坤津,王红椿. 谦卑型领导研究探析[J]. 外国经济与管理,2014,36(3): 38-47.
[55]顾远东,周文莉,彭纪生. 组织支持感对研发人员创新行为的影响机制研究[J]. 管理科学,2014,27(1): 109-119.
[56]韩帅瑛. 工作重塑、工作投入与员工工作绩效关系的研究[D]. 东北财经大学,2013.
[57]梁西胜. 工作认知、组织承诺与在职行为的关系研究[D]. 广州大学,2012.
[58]齐亚静,伍新春. 工作重塑对教师工作投入和职业倦怠的影响: 一项交叉滞后设计[R]. 第17届全国心理学会学术大会宣讲论文,北京,2014.
[59]张晓舟. 职场管理的新领域——职场友谊研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理,2014,36(3): 48-55.
[60]郑昉. 高校教师工作形塑的实证研究[D]. 河南大学,2009.
胡睿玲, 田喜洲. 重构工作身份与意义——工作重塑研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(10): 0.