外国经济与管理 2005 年 第 27 卷第 11 期, 页码:
[1]George P Moschis.Marketing to older adults:an updated overview of present knowledge and practice[J].The Journal ofConsumer Marketing,2003,20(6):516-525.
[2]Robert Kesner.10 tips for marketing to a mature audience[J].Direct Marketing,1998,(Mar.):52-53.
[3]Janelle McPhail,Gerard Forgarty.Mature Australian consumers’adoption and consumption of self-service banking tech-nologies[J].Journal of Financial Services Marketing,2004,(Jun.):302-313.
[4]Rizal Ahmad.The older or aging consumers in the UK:are they really that different?[J].International Journal of Mar-ket Research,2002,(5):337-360.
[5]Hale N Tongren.Determinant behavior characteristics of older consumers[J].The Journal of Consumer Affairs,1988,(Sum.):136-157.
[6]George P Moschis.Marketing to older adults:an overview and assessment of present knowledge and practice[J].TheJournal of Services Marketing,1991,(Spr.):33-41.
[7]Bone Paula Fitzgerald.Identifing mature segments[J].The Journal of Consumer Marketing,1991,(Fal.):19-32.
[8]George P Moschis.Marketing to the older consumer:a handbook of information for strategy development[M].West-port,Conn,1992.
[9]Wendell R Smith.Product differentiation and market segmentation as alternative marketing strategies[J].Journal ofMarketing,1956,(7):3-8.
[10]George P Moschis.Life stages of the mature market[J].American Demographics,1996,(Sep.):44-50.
[11]Christina Goulding.Heritage,nostalgia,and the“grey”consumer[J].Journal of Marketing Practice,1999,5(6):177-193.
[12]Richard C Leventhal.The Aging consumer:what’s all the fuss about anyway?[J].The Journal of Services Market-ing,1990(Sum.):39-44.
[13]George P Moschis.Gerontographics:a scientific approach to analyzing and targeting the mature market[J].The Journalof Consumer Marketing,1993,10(3):43-53.
[14]Geoff Lancaster,Ian Williams.Consumer segmentation in the grey market relative to rehabilitation products[J].Man-agement Decision,2002,(9):393-410.
[15]Hellmut Schütte,Deanna Ciarlante.Consumer behavior in Asia[M].NY:New York University Press,1998.
[2]Robert Kesner.10 tips for marketing to a mature audience[J].Direct Marketing,1998,(Mar.):52-53.
[3]Janelle McPhail,Gerard Forgarty.Mature Australian consumers’adoption and consumption of self-service banking tech-nologies[J].Journal of Financial Services Marketing,2004,(Jun.):302-313.
[4]Rizal Ahmad.The older or aging consumers in the UK:are they really that different?[J].International Journal of Mar-ket Research,2002,(5):337-360.
[5]Hale N Tongren.Determinant behavior characteristics of older consumers[J].The Journal of Consumer Affairs,1988,(Sum.):136-157.
[6]George P Moschis.Marketing to older adults:an overview and assessment of present knowledge and practice[J].TheJournal of Services Marketing,1991,(Spr.):33-41.
[7]Bone Paula Fitzgerald.Identifing mature segments[J].The Journal of Consumer Marketing,1991,(Fal.):19-32.
[8]George P Moschis.Marketing to the older consumer:a handbook of information for strategy development[M].West-port,Conn,1992.
[9]Wendell R Smith.Product differentiation and market segmentation as alternative marketing strategies[J].Journal ofMarketing,1956,(7):3-8.
[10]George P Moschis.Life stages of the mature market[J].American Demographics,1996,(Sep.):44-50.
[11]Christina Goulding.Heritage,nostalgia,and the“grey”consumer[J].Journal of Marketing Practice,1999,5(6):177-193.
[12]Richard C Leventhal.The Aging consumer:what’s all the fuss about anyway?[J].The Journal of Services Market-ing,1990(Sum.):39-44.
[13]George P Moschis.Gerontographics:a scientific approach to analyzing and targeting the mature market[J].The Journalof Consumer Marketing,1993,10(3):43-53.
[14]Geoff Lancaster,Ian Williams.Consumer segmentation in the grey market relative to rehabilitation products[J].Man-agement Decision,2002,(9):393-410.
[15]Hellmut Schütte,Deanna Ciarlante.Consumer behavior in Asia[M].NY:New York University Press,1998.
刘超, 卢泰宏. 西方老年消费行为研究路径与模型评介[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2005, 27(11): 0.