外国经济与管理 2010 年 第 32 卷第 10 期, 页码:58 - 64
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[8]Fullerton,R A,and Punj,G.Choosing to misbehave:Astructural model of aberrant consumer behavior[J].Advances in Con-sumer Research,1993,20(1):570-574.
[9]Bitner,MJ,Bernard,HB,and Lois,A M.Critical service encounters:The employee’s viewpoint[J].Journal of Marketing,1994,58(Oct.):95-106.
[10]Muncy,J A,and Vitell,S J.Consumer ethics:Aninvestigation of the ethical beliefs of the final consumer[J].Journal of Busi-ness Research,1992,24(6):297-311.
[11]Hoff man,K D,Kelley,S W,and Rotalsky,H M.Tracking service failures and employee recovery efforts[J].Journal of Serv-ices Marketing,1995,9(2):49-61.
[12]Berry,L L,and Seiders,K.Serving unfair customers[J].Business Horizons,2008,51(1):29-37.
[13]Ma,Q H,Liu,R P,and Liu,Z D.Customer social normattribute of services:Why doesit matter and howdo we deal withit?[J].International Journal of Services Technology and Management,2009,12(2):175-191.
[14]Grandey,Alicia A,David,N D,and Hock-Pen,S.The customer is‘not’al ways right:Customer aggression and emotion reg-ulation of service employees[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2004,25(3):397-418.
[15]Grove,S J,and Fisk,R P.The i mpact of other customers on service experiences:Acritical incident examination of“gettingalong”[J].Journal of Retailing,1997,73(1):63-85.
[16]Huefner,J C,and Hunt,K H.Consumer retaliation as a response to dissatisfaction[J].Journal of Consumer Satisfaction,Dis-satisfaction and Complaining Behavior,2000,13:61-82.
[17]Wen-Hsien,H.The i mpact of other-customer failure on service satisfaction[J].International Journal of Service Industry Man-agement,2008,19(4):521-536.
[19]Yagil,D.When the customer is wrong:Areview of research on aggression and sexual harassment in service encounters[J].Aggression and Violent Behavior,2008,13(2):141-152.
[2]Fullerton,R A,and Punj,G.Repercussions of promoting an ideology of consumption:Consumer misbehavior[J].Journal ofBusiness Research,2004,57(11):1 239-1 249.
[3]Harris,L C,and Reynolds,K L.The consequences of dysfunctional customer behavior[J].Journal of Services Research,2003,6(2):144-161.
[4]Reynolds,K L,and Harris,L C.Dysfunctional customer behavior severity:An empirical examination[J].Journal of Retailing,2009,85(3):321-335.
[5]Lovelock,Christopher.Product plus:How product and service=competitive advantage[M].New York:McGraw-Hill,1994.
[6]Harris,L C,and Reynolds,K L.Jaycustomer behavior:An exploration of types and motives in the hospitality industry[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2004,18(5):339-357.
[7]Youjae,Y,and Taeshik,G.The effects of customer justice perception and affect on customer citizenship behavior and customerdysfunctional behavior[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2008,37(7):767-783.
[8]Fullerton,R A,and Punj,G.Choosing to misbehave:Astructural model of aberrant consumer behavior[J].Advances in Con-sumer Research,1993,20(1):570-574.
[9]Bitner,MJ,Bernard,HB,and Lois,A M.Critical service encounters:The employee’s viewpoint[J].Journal of Marketing,1994,58(Oct.):95-106.
[10]Muncy,J A,and Vitell,S J.Consumer ethics:Aninvestigation of the ethical beliefs of the final consumer[J].Journal of Busi-ness Research,1992,24(6):297-311.
[11]Hoff man,K D,Kelley,S W,and Rotalsky,H M.Tracking service failures and employee recovery efforts[J].Journal of Serv-ices Marketing,1995,9(2):49-61.
[12]Berry,L L,and Seiders,K.Serving unfair customers[J].Business Horizons,2008,51(1):29-37.
[13]Ma,Q H,Liu,R P,and Liu,Z D.Customer social normattribute of services:Why doesit matter and howdo we deal withit?[J].International Journal of Services Technology and Management,2009,12(2):175-191.
[14]Grandey,Alicia A,David,N D,and Hock-Pen,S.The customer is‘not’al ways right:Customer aggression and emotion reg-ulation of service employees[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2004,25(3):397-418.
[15]Grove,S J,and Fisk,R P.The i mpact of other customers on service experiences:Acritical incident examination of“gettingalong”[J].Journal of Retailing,1997,73(1):63-85.
[16]Huefner,J C,and Hunt,K H.Consumer retaliation as a response to dissatisfaction[J].Journal of Consumer Satisfaction,Dis-satisfaction and Complaining Behavior,2000,13:61-82.
[17]Wen-Hsien,H.The i mpact of other-customer failure on service satisfaction[J].International Journal of Service Industry Man-agement,2008,19(4):521-536.
[19]Yagil,D.When the customer is wrong:Areview of research on aggression and sexual harassment in service encounters[J].Aggression and Violent Behavior,2008,13(2):141-152.
刘汝萍, 马钦海. 顾客不当行为研究回顾与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2010, 32(10): 58–64.