外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 05 期, 页码:69 - 80
[1]Armstrong C S,et al.The role of information and financial reporting in corporate governance and contracting[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2010,50(4):179-234.
[2]Biddle G C,et al.How does financial reporting quality relate to investment efficiency[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2009,48(2-3):112-125.
[3]Billett M T,et al.The influence of governance on investment:Evidence from a hazard model[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2011,102(3):643-670.
[4]Burris V.Interlocking directorates and political cohesion among corporate elites[J].American Journal of Sociology,2005,111(1):249-283.
[5]Burt R S.Structure holes:The social structure of competition[M].Orlando:Academic Press,1992.
[6]Burt R S.Corporate profits and cooptation networks of market constraints and directorate ties in the American economy[M].New York:Acadcmic Press,1983.
[7]Byrd D T and Mizruchi M S.Bankers on the board and the debt ratio of firms[J].Journal of Corporate Finance,2005,11(5):129-173.
[8]Campello M,et al.,Liquidity management and corporate investment during a financial crisis[J].Review of Financial Studies,2011,24(6):1944-1979.
[9]Chen H and Chen S.Investment-cash flow sensitivity cannot be a good measure of financial constraints:Evidence from the time series[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2012,103(6):393-410.
[10]Davis G F.Agents without principlesThe spread of the poison pill through the intercorporate network[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1991,36(2):583-613.
[11]Davis G F,et al.The small world of the American corporate elite:1982-2001[J].Strategic Organization,2003,1(3):301-326.
[12]Davis G F and Greve H R.Corporate elite networks and governance changes in the 1980s[J].The American Journal Sociology,1997,103(1):1-37.
[13]Deutsch,et al.A dual agency view of board compensation:The joint effects of outside director and CEO stock options on firm risk[J].Strategic Management Journal,2011,32(6):212-227.
[14]Dyer J H and Singh H.The Relational view:Co-operative strategies and sources of interorganizational competitive advantage[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):660-679.
[15]Fama,et al.Separation of ownership and control[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1983,26(8):301-325.
[16]Ferris S P,et al.Too busy to mind the businessMonitoring by directors with multiple board appointments[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(9):1087-1112.
[17]Fich E M and Shivdasani A.Are busy boards effective monitors[J].Journal of Finance,2006,61(2):689-724.
[18]Fligstein N and Brantley P.Bank control,owner control,or organizational dynamics:Who controls the large modern corporation[J].American Journal of Sociology,1992,98(2):280-307.
[19]Geletkanycz M A and Hambrick D C.The external ties of senior managers:Implications for strategic choice and performance[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1997,42(4):654-681.
[20]Granovetter M.Economic action and social structure:The problem of embeddedness[J].American Journal of Sociology,1985,91(5):481-510.
[21]Gulati R.Network location and learning:The influence of network resources and firm capabilities on alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,1999,20(5):397-420.
[22]Gulati R.Alliances and networks[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19:293-317.
[23]Hackbarth D and Mauer D C.Optimal priority structure,capital structure,and investment[J].Review of Financial Studies,2012,25(3):747-796.
[24]Haunschild P R.When do interlocks matterAlternative sources of information and interlock influence[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1998,43(6):815-844.
[25]Hillman,et al.The resource dependence role of corporate directors:strategic adaptation of board composition in response to environmental change[J].Journal of Management Studies,2000,37(2):213-255.
[26]Hochberg,et al.Whom you know matters:Venture capital networks and investment performance[J].The Journal of Finance,2007,62:251-301.
[27]Kilduff M and Tsai W.Social networks and organizations[M].London:Sage Publications Ltd,2003.
[28]Kroszner R S and Strahan P E.Bankers on boards:Monitoring,conflicts of interest,and lender liability[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2001,62(1):415-452.
[29]Larcker,et al.Boardroom centrality and stock returns[R].Stanford University,2010.
[30]Lerner,et al.Private equity and long-run investment:The case of innovation[J].The Journal of Finance,2011,66(2):445-477.
[31]Lin N.Social capital:A theory of social structure and action[R].Cambridge University Press,2002.
[32]Lin N.Building a network theory of social capital[J].Connections,1999,22(1):28-51.
[33]Maman D.Research Note:Interlocking ties within business groups in Israel[J].Organization Studies,1999,20(2):323-339.
[34]Masulis R W and Mobbs S.Are all inside directors the sameEvidence from the external directorship market[J].Journal of Finance,2011,66(3):823-872.
[35]McLean R D,et al.Why does the law matterInvestor protection and its effects on investment,finance,and growth[J].Journal of Finance,2012,67(4):313-350.
[36]Mizruchi M S.What do interlocks doAn analysis,critique,and assessment of research on interlocking directorates[J].Annual Review of Sociology,1996,22(3):271-298.
[37]Mizruchi M S and Stearns L B.A longitudinal study of the formation of interlocking directorates[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1988,39(9):194-210.
[38]Nahapiet J and Ghoshal S.Social capital,intellectual capital and the organizational advantage[J].The Academy of Management Review,1998,23(2):242-266.
[39]Officer M S.Overinvestment,corporate governance,and dividend initiations[J].Journal of Corporate Finance,2011,17(3):710-724.
[40]Ritter T A.Framework for analyzing interconnectedness of relationships[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2000,29(4):317-326.
[41]Rosenstein W.Inside directors,board independence and shareholder wealth[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1997,44:229-239.
[42]Shropshire C.The role of the interlocking director and board receptivity in the diffusion of practices[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(2):246-264.
[43]Silva F,et al.Family ties,interlocking directorates and performance of business groups in emerging countries:The case of Chile[J].Journal of Business Research,2006,59(3):315-321.
[44]Thomas K and Robert G.Interlocking corporate directorships as a social network[J].American Journal of Economics and Sociology,1981,40(1):37-50.
[45]Thomas,et al.Models of significance of interlocking corporate directorates[J].American Journal of Economics and Sociology,1979,38(2):173-186.
[46]Uzzi B.Social structure and competition in interfirm networks:The paradox of embeddedness[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1997,42(3):35-67.
[47]Uzzi B and Gillespie J J.Knowledge spillover in corporate financing networks:Embeddedness and the form's debt performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(7):595-618.
[48]Wasserman S and Faust K.Social network analysis:Methods and applications[M].New York:Cambridge University Press,1994.
[49]Yeo H-J,et al.CEO reciprocal interlocks in French corporations[J].Journal of Management and Governance,2003,7(1):87-108.
[50]Yermack D.Remuneration,retention,and reputation incentives for outside directors[J].Journal of Finance,2004,59(5):2281-2308.
[51]Zaheer A and Bell G G.Benefiting from network position:Firm capabilities,structural holes,and performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2005,26(9):809-825.
[2]Biddle G C,et al.How does financial reporting quality relate to investment efficiency[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2009,48(2-3):112-125.
[3]Billett M T,et al.The influence of governance on investment:Evidence from a hazard model[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2011,102(3):643-670.
[4]Burris V.Interlocking directorates and political cohesion among corporate elites[J].American Journal of Sociology,2005,111(1):249-283.
[5]Burt R S.Structure holes:The social structure of competition[M].Orlando:Academic Press,1992.
[6]Burt R S.Corporate profits and cooptation networks of market constraints and directorate ties in the American economy[M].New York:Acadcmic Press,1983.
[7]Byrd D T and Mizruchi M S.Bankers on the board and the debt ratio of firms[J].Journal of Corporate Finance,2005,11(5):129-173.
[8]Campello M,et al.,Liquidity management and corporate investment during a financial crisis[J].Review of Financial Studies,2011,24(6):1944-1979.
[9]Chen H and Chen S.Investment-cash flow sensitivity cannot be a good measure of financial constraints:Evidence from the time series[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2012,103(6):393-410.
[10]Davis G F.Agents without principlesThe spread of the poison pill through the intercorporate network[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1991,36(2):583-613.
[11]Davis G F,et al.The small world of the American corporate elite:1982-2001[J].Strategic Organization,2003,1(3):301-326.
[12]Davis G F and Greve H R.Corporate elite networks and governance changes in the 1980s[J].The American Journal Sociology,1997,103(1):1-37.
[13]Deutsch,et al.A dual agency view of board compensation:The joint effects of outside director and CEO stock options on firm risk[J].Strategic Management Journal,2011,32(6):212-227.
[14]Dyer J H and Singh H.The Relational view:Co-operative strategies and sources of interorganizational competitive advantage[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):660-679.
[15]Fama,et al.Separation of ownership and control[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1983,26(8):301-325.
[16]Ferris S P,et al.Too busy to mind the businessMonitoring by directors with multiple board appointments[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(9):1087-1112.
[17]Fich E M and Shivdasani A.Are busy boards effective monitors[J].Journal of Finance,2006,61(2):689-724.
[18]Fligstein N and Brantley P.Bank control,owner control,or organizational dynamics:Who controls the large modern corporation[J].American Journal of Sociology,1992,98(2):280-307.
[19]Geletkanycz M A and Hambrick D C.The external ties of senior managers:Implications for strategic choice and performance[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1997,42(4):654-681.
[20]Granovetter M.Economic action and social structure:The problem of embeddedness[J].American Journal of Sociology,1985,91(5):481-510.
[21]Gulati R.Network location and learning:The influence of network resources and firm capabilities on alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,1999,20(5):397-420.
[22]Gulati R.Alliances and networks[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19:293-317.
[23]Hackbarth D and Mauer D C.Optimal priority structure,capital structure,and investment[J].Review of Financial Studies,2012,25(3):747-796.
[24]Haunschild P R.When do interlocks matterAlternative sources of information and interlock influence[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1998,43(6):815-844.
[25]Hillman,et al.The resource dependence role of corporate directors:strategic adaptation of board composition in response to environmental change[J].Journal of Management Studies,2000,37(2):213-255.
[26]Hochberg,et al.Whom you know matters:Venture capital networks and investment performance[J].The Journal of Finance,2007,62:251-301.
[27]Kilduff M and Tsai W.Social networks and organizations[M].London:Sage Publications Ltd,2003.
[28]Kroszner R S and Strahan P E.Bankers on boards:Monitoring,conflicts of interest,and lender liability[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2001,62(1):415-452.
[29]Larcker,et al.Boardroom centrality and stock returns[R].Stanford University,2010.
[30]Lerner,et al.Private equity and long-run investment:The case of innovation[J].The Journal of Finance,2011,66(2):445-477.
[31]Lin N.Social capital:A theory of social structure and action[R].Cambridge University Press,2002.
[32]Lin N.Building a network theory of social capital[J].Connections,1999,22(1):28-51.
[33]Maman D.Research Note:Interlocking ties within business groups in Israel[J].Organization Studies,1999,20(2):323-339.
[34]Masulis R W and Mobbs S.Are all inside directors the sameEvidence from the external directorship market[J].Journal of Finance,2011,66(3):823-872.
[35]McLean R D,et al.Why does the law matterInvestor protection and its effects on investment,finance,and growth[J].Journal of Finance,2012,67(4):313-350.
[36]Mizruchi M S.What do interlocks doAn analysis,critique,and assessment of research on interlocking directorates[J].Annual Review of Sociology,1996,22(3):271-298.
[37]Mizruchi M S and Stearns L B.A longitudinal study of the formation of interlocking directorates[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1988,39(9):194-210.
[38]Nahapiet J and Ghoshal S.Social capital,intellectual capital and the organizational advantage[J].The Academy of Management Review,1998,23(2):242-266.
[39]Officer M S.Overinvestment,corporate governance,and dividend initiations[J].Journal of Corporate Finance,2011,17(3):710-724.
[40]Ritter T A.Framework for analyzing interconnectedness of relationships[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2000,29(4):317-326.
[41]Rosenstein W.Inside directors,board independence and shareholder wealth[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1997,44:229-239.
[42]Shropshire C.The role of the interlocking director and board receptivity in the diffusion of practices[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(2):246-264.
[43]Silva F,et al.Family ties,interlocking directorates and performance of business groups in emerging countries:The case of Chile[J].Journal of Business Research,2006,59(3):315-321.
[44]Thomas K and Robert G.Interlocking corporate directorships as a social network[J].American Journal of Economics and Sociology,1981,40(1):37-50.
[45]Thomas,et al.Models of significance of interlocking corporate directorates[J].American Journal of Economics and Sociology,1979,38(2):173-186.
[46]Uzzi B.Social structure and competition in interfirm networks:The paradox of embeddedness[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1997,42(3):35-67.
[47]Uzzi B and Gillespie J J.Knowledge spillover in corporate financing networks:Embeddedness and the form's debt performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(7):595-618.
[48]Wasserman S and Faust K.Social network analysis:Methods and applications[M].New York:Cambridge University Press,1994.
[49]Yeo H-J,et al.CEO reciprocal interlocks in French corporations[J].Journal of Management and Governance,2003,7(1):87-108.
[50]Yermack D.Remuneration,retention,and reputation incentives for outside directors[J].Journal of Finance,2004,59(5):2281-2308.
[51]Zaheer A and Bell G G.Benefiting from network position:Firm capabilities,structural holes,and performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2005,26(9):809-825.
张祥建, 郭岚. 国外连锁董事网络研究述评与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(5): 69–80.