外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 02 期, 页码:1 - 9
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[7]Foss N J,et al.Entrepreneurship,subjectivism,and the re-source-based view:Toward a new synthesis[J].Strategic En-trepreneurship Journal,2008,2(1):73-94.
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[11]Ireland R D,et al Conceptualizing corporate entrepreneurship strategy[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):19-46.
[12]Kuratko D F,et al.Sustaining corporate entrepreneurship:A pro-posed model of perceived implementation/outcome comparisons at the organizational and individual levels[J].International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation,2004,5(2):77-89.
[13]Langlois R N.The entrepreneurial theory of the firm and the theory of the entrepreneurial firm[J].Journal of Management Studies,2007,44(7):1107-1124.
[14]Miller D.The correlates of entrepreneurship in three types of firms[J].Management Science,1983,29(7):770-191.
[15]Morris M H,et al.Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation[M].Cincinnati,OH:Thomson/SouthWestern Publishers,2008.
[16]Penrose E T.The theory of the growth of the firm[M].Cam-bridge,UK:John Wiley,1959.
[17]Phan P.Entrepreneurship theory:Possibilities and future di-rections[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2004,19(5):617-620.
[18]Rasmussen E,et al.The evolution of entrepreneurial compe-tencies:A longitudinal study of university spin-off venture e-mergence[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(6):1314-1345.
[19]Sambrook S and Roberts C.Corporate entrepreneurship and organizational learning:A review of the literature and the de-velopment of a conceptual framework[J].Strategic Change,2005,14(3):141-155.
[20]Short J C,et al.The concept of“opportunity”in entrepre-neurship research:Past accomplishments and future challenges[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(1):40-65.
[21]Timmons J A.New venture creation[M].Homewood,IL:Richard D.Iewin,1990.
[22]Timmons J A.New venture creation:Entrepreneurship for the21st century[M].New York:McGraw-Hill/Irwin,2004.
[2]Barney J.Resource-based theories of competitive advantage:A ten year retrospective on the resource-based view[J].Journal of Management,2001,27(1):643-650.
[3]Bird B J.Implementing entrepreneurial ideas:The case for intention[J].Academy of Management Review,1988,13(3):442-454.
[4]Busenitz L W,et al.Entrepreneurship research in emergence:Past trends and future directions[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):285-308.
[5]Casson M.Entrepreneurship and the theory of the firm[J].Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization,2005,59(2):327-348.
[6]Dess G,et al.Emerging issues in corporate entrepreneurship[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):351-378.
[7]Foss N J,et al.Entrepreneurship,subjectivism,and the re-source-based view:Toward a new synthesis[J].Strategic En-trepreneurship Journal,2008,2(1):73-94.
[8]Grebel T,et al.An evolutionary approach to the theory of entre-preneurship[J].Industry and Innovation,2003,10(4):493-514.
[9]Guth W and Ginsberg A.Corporate entrepreneurship[J].Stra-tegic Management Journal,1990,11(1):5-15.
[10]Hornsby J,et al.An interactive model of the corporate entre-preneurship process[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-tice,1993,17(2):29-37.
[11]Ireland R D,et al Conceptualizing corporate entrepreneurship strategy[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):19-46.
[12]Kuratko D F,et al.Sustaining corporate entrepreneurship:A pro-posed model of perceived implementation/outcome comparisons at the organizational and individual levels[J].International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation,2004,5(2):77-89.
[13]Langlois R N.The entrepreneurial theory of the firm and the theory of the entrepreneurial firm[J].Journal of Management Studies,2007,44(7):1107-1124.
[14]Miller D.The correlates of entrepreneurship in three types of firms[J].Management Science,1983,29(7):770-191.
[15]Morris M H,et al.Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation[M].Cincinnati,OH:Thomson/SouthWestern Publishers,2008.
[16]Penrose E T.The theory of the growth of the firm[M].Cam-bridge,UK:John Wiley,1959.
[17]Phan P.Entrepreneurship theory:Possibilities and future di-rections[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2004,19(5):617-620.
[18]Rasmussen E,et al.The evolution of entrepreneurial compe-tencies:A longitudinal study of university spin-off venture e-mergence[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(6):1314-1345.
[19]Sambrook S and Roberts C.Corporate entrepreneurship and organizational learning:A review of the literature and the de-velopment of a conceptual framework[J].Strategic Change,2005,14(3):141-155.
[20]Short J C,et al.The concept of“opportunity”in entrepre-neurship research:Past accomplishments and future challenges[J].Journal of Management,2010,36(1):40-65.
[21]Timmons J A.New venture creation[M].Homewood,IL:Richard D.Iewin,1990.
[22]Timmons J A.New venture creation:Entrepreneurship for the21st century[M].New York:McGraw-Hill/Irwin,2004.
董保宝. 公司创业模型回顾与比较[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(2): 1–9.