外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 02 期, 页码:10 - 16
[1]Chandler G,et al.Causation and effectuation processes:A vali-dation study[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2009,26(3):375-390.
[2]Dewey J.Democracy and education[M].New York:Macmillan Co.,1916.
[3]Dew N and Sarasvathy S D.Innovations,stakeholders and en-trepreneurship[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2007,74(3):267-283.
[4]Dew N,et al.Effectual versus predictive logics in entrepreneurial decision-making:Differences between experts and novices[J].Jour-nal of business venturing,2009,24(4):287-309.
[5]Gartner W B.A conceptual framework for describing the phe-nomenon of new venture creation[J].Academy of Manage-ment Review,1985,10(4):696-706.
[6]Goodman N.Fact,fiction,and forecast[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1983.
[7]Gustafsson V.Entrepreneurial decision-making:Individuals,tasks and cognitions[D].Doctoral Dissertation,Jonkoping In-ternational Business School,2004.
[8]James W.Essays in radical empiricism[M].New York:Long-mans,1912.
[9]James W.Pragmatism:A name for some old ways of thinking[M].New York:Longmans,Green and Co.,1943.
[10]Kirzner I.Competition and entrepreneurship[M].Chicago,IL:University of Chicago Press,1973.
[11]Kirzner I M.How markets work:Disequilibrium,entrepre-neurship and discovery[M].London:The Institute of Eco-nomic Affairs,1997.
[12]Knight F H.Risk,uncertainty and profit[M].New York:Houghton Mifflin,1921.
[13]Read S,et al.Meta-analytic review of effectuation and ven-ture performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2009,24(6):573-587.
[14]Read S,et al.Marketing under uncertainty:The logic of an effectual approach[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(3):1-18.
[15]Read S and Sarasvathy S D.Knowing what to do and doing what you know:Entrepreneurship as a form of expertise[J].Journal of Private Equity,2005,9(1):45-2.
[16]Sarasvathy S D.Causation and effectuation:Toward a theo-retical shift from economic inevitability to entrepreneurial contingency[J].Academy of Management Review,2001,26(2):243-263.
[17]Sarasvathy S D.Effectuation:Elements of entrepreneurial ex-pertise[M].Cheltenham,UK:Edward Elgar,2008.
[18]Sarasvathy S D,et al.Three views of entrepreneurial opportunity[A].Acs Z and Audretsch D(Eds.).Handbook of entrepreneur-ial research[C].Dordrecht:Kluwer,2003:1411-1460.
[19]Sarasvathy S D and Kotha S.Dealing with Knightian uncer-tainty in the new economy:The real-networks case[A].But-ler J(Ed.).Research on management and entrepreneurship[C].Greenwich,CT:IAP,Inc.,2001:31-62.
[20]Sarasvathy S and Dew N.New market creation through transformation[J].Journal of Evolutionary Economics,2005,15(5):533-565.
[21]Sarasvathy,S D.Entrepreneurship as a science of the artificial[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2003,24(2):203-221.
[22]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[23]Simon H A.Rational decision-making in business organiza-tions[J].American Economic Review,1973,69(4):495-501.
[24]Simon H A.The sciences of the artificial(3rd Ed.)[M].The Cambridge:M I T Press,1996.
[25]Simon H A.Models of bounded rationality(Vol.3):Empiri-cally grounded economic reason[M].Cambridge,MA and London:MIT Press,1997:18-22.
[26]Van Aken,A J.Management research as a design science:Articulating the research products of mode2knowledge pro-duction in management[J].British Journal of Management,2005,16(1):19-36.
[27]Venkataraman S.The distinctive domain of entrepreneurship research:An editor’s perspective[A].Katz J A and Brock-haus R(Eds.).Advance in entrepreneurship,firm emergence and growth[C].Bingley,UK:Emerald Group Publishing Limited,1997.
[28]Wiltbank R,et al.Prediction and control under uncertainty:Outcomes in angel investing[J].Journal of Business Ventu-ring,2009,24(2):116-133.
[2]Dewey J.Democracy and education[M].New York:Macmillan Co.,1916.
[3]Dew N and Sarasvathy S D.Innovations,stakeholders and en-trepreneurship[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2007,74(3):267-283.
[4]Dew N,et al.Effectual versus predictive logics in entrepreneurial decision-making:Differences between experts and novices[J].Jour-nal of business venturing,2009,24(4):287-309.
[5]Gartner W B.A conceptual framework for describing the phe-nomenon of new venture creation[J].Academy of Manage-ment Review,1985,10(4):696-706.
[6]Goodman N.Fact,fiction,and forecast[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1983.
[7]Gustafsson V.Entrepreneurial decision-making:Individuals,tasks and cognitions[D].Doctoral Dissertation,Jonkoping In-ternational Business School,2004.
[8]James W.Essays in radical empiricism[M].New York:Long-mans,1912.
[9]James W.Pragmatism:A name for some old ways of thinking[M].New York:Longmans,Green and Co.,1943.
[10]Kirzner I.Competition and entrepreneurship[M].Chicago,IL:University of Chicago Press,1973.
[11]Kirzner I M.How markets work:Disequilibrium,entrepre-neurship and discovery[M].London:The Institute of Eco-nomic Affairs,1997.
[12]Knight F H.Risk,uncertainty and profit[M].New York:Houghton Mifflin,1921.
[13]Read S,et al.Meta-analytic review of effectuation and ven-ture performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2009,24(6):573-587.
[14]Read S,et al.Marketing under uncertainty:The logic of an effectual approach[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(3):1-18.
[15]Read S and Sarasvathy S D.Knowing what to do and doing what you know:Entrepreneurship as a form of expertise[J].Journal of Private Equity,2005,9(1):45-2.
[16]Sarasvathy S D.Causation and effectuation:Toward a theo-retical shift from economic inevitability to entrepreneurial contingency[J].Academy of Management Review,2001,26(2):243-263.
[17]Sarasvathy S D.Effectuation:Elements of entrepreneurial ex-pertise[M].Cheltenham,UK:Edward Elgar,2008.
[18]Sarasvathy S D,et al.Three views of entrepreneurial opportunity[A].Acs Z and Audretsch D(Eds.).Handbook of entrepreneur-ial research[C].Dordrecht:Kluwer,2003:1411-1460.
[19]Sarasvathy S D and Kotha S.Dealing with Knightian uncer-tainty in the new economy:The real-networks case[A].But-ler J(Ed.).Research on management and entrepreneurship[C].Greenwich,CT:IAP,Inc.,2001:31-62.
[20]Sarasvathy S and Dew N.New market creation through transformation[J].Journal of Evolutionary Economics,2005,15(5):533-565.
[21]Sarasvathy,S D.Entrepreneurship as a science of the artificial[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2003,24(2):203-221.
[22]Shane S and Venkataraman S.The promise of entrepreneur-ship as a field of research[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2000,25(1):217-226.
[23]Simon H A.Rational decision-making in business organiza-tions[J].American Economic Review,1973,69(4):495-501.
[24]Simon H A.The sciences of the artificial(3rd Ed.)[M].The Cambridge:M I T Press,1996.
[25]Simon H A.Models of bounded rationality(Vol.3):Empiri-cally grounded economic reason[M].Cambridge,MA and London:MIT Press,1997:18-22.
[26]Van Aken,A J.Management research as a design science:Articulating the research products of mode2knowledge pro-duction in management[J].British Journal of Management,2005,16(1):19-36.
[27]Venkataraman S.The distinctive domain of entrepreneurship research:An editor’s perspective[A].Katz J A and Brock-haus R(Eds.).Advance in entrepreneurship,firm emergence and growth[C].Bingley,UK:Emerald Group Publishing Limited,1997.
[28]Wiltbank R,et al.Prediction and control under uncertainty:Outcomes in angel investing[J].Journal of Business Ventu-ring,2009,24(2):116-133.
方世建. 试析效果逻辑的理论渊源、核心内容与发展走向(续)[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(2): 10–16.