外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 08 期, 页码:46 - 53
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[4]Carmeli A and Spreitzer G M.Trust,connectivity,and thri-ving:Implications for innovative work behavior[J].Journal of Creative Behavior,2009,43(3):169-191.
[5]Carver C S.Resilience and thriving:Issues,models,and linka-ges[J].Journal of Social Issues,1998,54(2):245-266.
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[8]Deci E L and Ryan R M.The“what”and“why”of goal pur-suits:Human needs and the self-determination of behavior[J].Psychological Inquiry,2000,11(4):227-268.
[9]Diener E,et al.Subjective well-being:Three decades of pro-gress[J].Psychological Bulletin,1999,125(2):276-302.
[10]Hobfoll S E.Social and psychological resources and adaptation[J].Review of General Psychology,2002,6(4):307-324.
[11]Kevin A K.Managers who thrive:The use of workplace so-cial support by middle managers during hurricane Katrina[D].Florida:Universal-Publishers,2009.
[12]Keyes C L M.The mental health continuum:From langui-shing to flourishing in life[J].Journal of Health and Social Be-havior,2002,43(2):207-222.
[13]Kolb D A.Experiential learning:Experience as the source of learning and development[M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall,1984.
[14]Luthans F and Youssef C M.Emerging positive organizatio-nal behavior[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):321-349.
[15]Maslow A H,et al.Maslow on management[M].New York:John Wiley,1998.
[16]Masten A S and Reed M J.Resilience in development[A].Snyder C R and Lopez S J(Eds.).Handbook of positive psy-chology[C].London:Oxford University Press,2002:74-88.
[17]Niessen C,et al.Thriving at work—A diary study[J].Jour-nal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(4):468-487.
[18]Nix G A,et al.Revitalization through self-regulation:The effects of autonomous and controlled motivation on happiness and vitality[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,1999,35(3):266-284.
[19]Orvis K A,et al.Power to the people:Using learner control to improve trainee reactions and learning in web-based in-structional environments[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(4):960-971.
[20]Porath C,et al.Thriving at work:Toward its measurement,construct validation,and theoretical refinement[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(2):250-275.
[21]Roberts L M,et al.Composing the reflected best self:Buil-ding pathways for becoming extraordinary in work organiza-tions[J].Academy of Management Review,2005,30(4):712-736.
[22]Ryan R M and Frederick C.On energy,personality,and health:Subjective vitality as a dynamic reflection of wellbeing[J].Journal of Personality,1997,65(3):529-565.
[23]Ryff C D.Happiness is everything,or is it?Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being[J].Journal of Perso-nality and Social Psychology,1989,57(6):1069-1081.
[24]Saakvitne K W,et al.Exploring thriving in the context of clinical trauma theory:Constructivist self developmental theo-ry[J].Journal of Social Issues,1998,54(2):279-299.
[25]Schaufeli W B and Bakker A B.Job demands,job resources,and their relationship with burnout and engagement:A multi-sample study[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2004,25(3):293-315.
[26]Schaufeli W B,et al.The Measurement of work engagement with a short questionnaire:A cross-national study[J].Educa-tional and Psychological Measurement,2006,66(4):701-716.
[27]Sonnentag S.Recovery,work engagement,and proactive be-havior:A new looks at the interface between nonwork and work[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(3):518-528.
[28]Sonnentag S and Fritz C.The recovery experience question-naire:Development and validation of a measure assessing recu-peration and unwinding at work[J].Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2007,12(3):204-221.
[29]Spreitzer G M,et al.A socially embedded model of thriving at work[J].Organizational Science,2005,16(5):537-550.
[30]Spreitzer G and Sutcliffe K.Thriving in organizations[A].Nelson D L and Cooper C L(Eds.).Positive organizational be-havior[C].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,2007:74-85.
[31]Spreitzer G M,et al.Engagement and human thriving:Com-plementary perspectives on energy and connections to work[M].New York:Psychology Press,2010.
[32]Spreitzer G,et al.Toward human sustainability:How to ena-ble more thriving at work[J].Organizational Dynamics,2012,41(2):155-162.
[33]Spreitzer G M and Porath C.Self-determination as nutriment for thriving:Building an integrative model of human growth at work[A].Gagne L(Ed.).Oxford handbook of work engage-ment,motivation,and self-determination theory[C].New York,NY:Oxford University Press,2013.
[34]Thomas S and Hall J M.Life trajectories of female child a-buse survivors thriving in adulthood[J].Qualitative Health Research,2008,18(2):149-166.
[35]Waterman A.Two conceptions of happiness:Contrasts of personal expressiveness(eudemonia)and hedonic enjoyment[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1993,64(4):678-691.
[2]Bakwin H.Emotional deprivation in infants[J].Journal of Pe-diatrics,1949,35(4):512-521.
[3]Bandura A.Social cognitive theory:An agentic perspective[J].Annual Review Psychology,2001,52(1):1-26.
[4]Carmeli A and Spreitzer G M.Trust,connectivity,and thri-ving:Implications for innovative work behavior[J].Journal of Creative Behavior,2009,43(3):169-191.
[5]Carver C S.Resilience and thriving:Issues,models,and linka-ges[J].Journal of Social Issues,1998,54(2):245-266.
[6]Cross R,et al.What creates energy in organizations?[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2003,44(4):51-56.
[7]Csikszentmihalyi M.Beyond boredom and anxiety[M].SanFrancisco:Jossey-Bass,1975.
[8]Deci E L and Ryan R M.The“what”and“why”of goal pur-suits:Human needs and the self-determination of behavior[J].Psychological Inquiry,2000,11(4):227-268.
[9]Diener E,et al.Subjective well-being:Three decades of pro-gress[J].Psychological Bulletin,1999,125(2):276-302.
[10]Hobfoll S E.Social and psychological resources and adaptation[J].Review of General Psychology,2002,6(4):307-324.
[11]Kevin A K.Managers who thrive:The use of workplace so-cial support by middle managers during hurricane Katrina[D].Florida:Universal-Publishers,2009.
[12]Keyes C L M.The mental health continuum:From langui-shing to flourishing in life[J].Journal of Health and Social Be-havior,2002,43(2):207-222.
[13]Kolb D A.Experiential learning:Experience as the source of learning and development[M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall,1984.
[14]Luthans F and Youssef C M.Emerging positive organizatio-nal behavior[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):321-349.
[15]Maslow A H,et al.Maslow on management[M].New York:John Wiley,1998.
[16]Masten A S and Reed M J.Resilience in development[A].Snyder C R and Lopez S J(Eds.).Handbook of positive psy-chology[C].London:Oxford University Press,2002:74-88.
[17]Niessen C,et al.Thriving at work—A diary study[J].Jour-nal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(4):468-487.
[18]Nix G A,et al.Revitalization through self-regulation:The effects of autonomous and controlled motivation on happiness and vitality[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,1999,35(3):266-284.
[19]Orvis K A,et al.Power to the people:Using learner control to improve trainee reactions and learning in web-based in-structional environments[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(4):960-971.
[20]Porath C,et al.Thriving at work:Toward its measurement,construct validation,and theoretical refinement[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2012,33(2):250-275.
[21]Roberts L M,et al.Composing the reflected best self:Buil-ding pathways for becoming extraordinary in work organiza-tions[J].Academy of Management Review,2005,30(4):712-736.
[22]Ryan R M and Frederick C.On energy,personality,and health:Subjective vitality as a dynamic reflection of wellbeing[J].Journal of Personality,1997,65(3):529-565.
[23]Ryff C D.Happiness is everything,or is it?Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being[J].Journal of Perso-nality and Social Psychology,1989,57(6):1069-1081.
[24]Saakvitne K W,et al.Exploring thriving in the context of clinical trauma theory:Constructivist self developmental theo-ry[J].Journal of Social Issues,1998,54(2):279-299.
[25]Schaufeli W B and Bakker A B.Job demands,job resources,and their relationship with burnout and engagement:A multi-sample study[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2004,25(3):293-315.
[26]Schaufeli W B,et al.The Measurement of work engagement with a short questionnaire:A cross-national study[J].Educa-tional and Psychological Measurement,2006,66(4):701-716.
[27]Sonnentag S.Recovery,work engagement,and proactive be-havior:A new looks at the interface between nonwork and work[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2003,88(3):518-528.
[28]Sonnentag S and Fritz C.The recovery experience question-naire:Development and validation of a measure assessing recu-peration and unwinding at work[J].Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,2007,12(3):204-221.
[29]Spreitzer G M,et al.A socially embedded model of thriving at work[J].Organizational Science,2005,16(5):537-550.
[30]Spreitzer G and Sutcliffe K.Thriving in organizations[A].Nelson D L and Cooper C L(Eds.).Positive organizational be-havior[C].Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,2007:74-85.
[31]Spreitzer G M,et al.Engagement and human thriving:Com-plementary perspectives on energy and connections to work[M].New York:Psychology Press,2010.
[32]Spreitzer G,et al.Toward human sustainability:How to ena-ble more thriving at work[J].Organizational Dynamics,2012,41(2):155-162.
[33]Spreitzer G M and Porath C.Self-determination as nutriment for thriving:Building an integrative model of human growth at work[A].Gagne L(Ed.).Oxford handbook of work engage-ment,motivation,and self-determination theory[C].New York,NY:Oxford University Press,2013.
[34]Thomas S and Hall J M.Life trajectories of female child a-buse survivors thriving in adulthood[J].Qualitative Health Research,2008,18(2):149-166.
[35]Waterman A.Two conceptions of happiness:Contrasts of personal expressiveness(eudemonia)and hedonic enjoyment[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1993,64(4):678-691.
韩翼, 魏文文. 员工工作繁荣研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(8): 46–53.