外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 08 期, 页码:54 - 62
[1]Adams G A,et al.Development of an occupational embeddedness measure[J].Career Development International,2010,15(5):420-436.
[2]Crossley C D,et al.Development of a global measure of job embeddedness and integration into a traditional model of vo-luntary turnover[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):1031-1042.
[3]Eby L T.The boundaryless career experiences of mobile spou-ses in dual-earner marriages[J].Group and Organization Ma-nagement,2001,26(3):343-368.
[4]Feldman D C.Stability in the midst of change:A developmen-tal perspective on the study of careers[A].Feldman D C(Ed.).Work careers:A developmental perspective[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2002a:3-26.
[5]Feldman D C.When you come to a fork in the road,take it:Career in decision and vocational choices of teenagers and young adults[A].Feldman D C(Ed.).Work careers:A deve-lopmental perspective[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2002b:93-125.
[6]Feldman D C.Second careers and multiple careers[A].Cooper C L and Burke R(Eds.).The new world of work[C].UK:Basil Blackwell,2002c:75-94.
[7]Feldman D C and Ng T W H.Careers:Mobility,embedded-ness,and success[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):350-377.
[8]Feldman D C.Career mobility and career stability among older workers[A].Shultz K S and Adams G A(Eds.).Aging and work in the21st century[C].New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.,2007:179-198.
[9]Greenhaus J H,et al.Career management[M].Orlando,FL:Harcourt Inc.,2000.
[10]Griffeth R W,et al.A meta-analysis of antecedents and cor-relates of employee turnover[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(3):463-488.
[11]Hirsch P M and Shanley M.The rhetoric of boundaryless—Or,how the newly empowered managerial class bought into its own marginalization[A].Arthur M B and Rousseau D M(Eds.).The boundaryless career[C].New York:Oxford Uni-versity Press,1999:218-233.
[12]Johnson A E,et al.Organizational and occupational embed-dedness of federal law enforcement personnel[J].Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology,2010,25(2):75-89.
[13]Lewin K.Field theory in social science[M].New York:Har-per,1951.
[14]Mitchell T R,et al.Why people stay:Using job embedded-ness to predict voluntary turnover[J].Academy of Manage-ment Journal,2001,44(6):1102-1121.
[15]Neal D.The complexity of job mobility among young men[J].Journal of Labor Economics,1999,17(2):237-267.
[16]Ng T W H,et al.Effects of management communication,op-portunity for learning,and work schedule flexibility on organi-zational commitment[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2006,68(3):474-489.
[17]Ng T W H and Feldman D C.Organizational embeddedness and occupational embeddedness across career stages[J].Jour-nal of Vocational Behavior,2007,70(2):336-351.
[18]Ng T W H and Feldman D C.Occupational embeddedness and job performance[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2009,30(7):863-891.
[19]Rousseau D M.Psychological contracts in the workplace:Un-derstanding the ties that motivate[J].Academy of Manage-ment Executives,2004,18(1):120-127.
[20]Saxenian A.Beyond boundaryless:Open labor markets and learning in Silicon Valley[A].Arthur M B and Rousseau D M(Eds.).The boundaryless career[C].New York:Oxford Uni-versity Press,1999:23-39.
[21]Schmidt S R.Long-run trends in workers’beliefs about their own job security:Evidence from the general social survey[J].Journal of Labor Economics,1999,17(1):127-141.
[22]Staw B M.The consequences of turnover[J].Journal of Or-ganizational Behavior,1980,1(4):253-273.
[23]Steel R P.Turnover theory at the empirical interface:Pro-blems of fit and function[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2002,27(3):346-360.
[24]Sullivan S E.The changing nature of careers:A review and research agenda[J].Journal of Management,1999,25(3):457-484.
[25]Super D E.The psychology of careers[M].New York:Har-per and Row,1957.
[26]Super D E.Career and life development[A].Brown D and Brooks L(Eds.).Career choice and development:Applying contemporary to practice[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,1984.
[27]Tolbert P S.Occupations,organizations,and boundaryless ca-reers[A].Arthur M B and Rousseau D M(Eds.).The boun-daryless career[C].New York:Oxford University Press,1999:331-349.
[28]White M,et al.Managing to change?British workplaces and the future of work[M].London:Palgrave Macmillan,2004.
[2]Crossley C D,et al.Development of a global measure of job embeddedness and integration into a traditional model of vo-luntary turnover[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):1031-1042.
[3]Eby L T.The boundaryless career experiences of mobile spou-ses in dual-earner marriages[J].Group and Organization Ma-nagement,2001,26(3):343-368.
[4]Feldman D C.Stability in the midst of change:A developmen-tal perspective on the study of careers[A].Feldman D C(Ed.).Work careers:A developmental perspective[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2002a:3-26.
[5]Feldman D C.When you come to a fork in the road,take it:Career in decision and vocational choices of teenagers and young adults[A].Feldman D C(Ed.).Work careers:A deve-lopmental perspective[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2002b:93-125.
[6]Feldman D C.Second careers and multiple careers[A].Cooper C L and Burke R(Eds.).The new world of work[C].UK:Basil Blackwell,2002c:75-94.
[7]Feldman D C and Ng T W H.Careers:Mobility,embedded-ness,and success[J].Journal of Management,2007,33(3):350-377.
[8]Feldman D C.Career mobility and career stability among older workers[A].Shultz K S and Adams G A(Eds.).Aging and work in the21st century[C].New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.,2007:179-198.
[9]Greenhaus J H,et al.Career management[M].Orlando,FL:Harcourt Inc.,2000.
[10]Griffeth R W,et al.A meta-analysis of antecedents and cor-relates of employee turnover[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(3):463-488.
[11]Hirsch P M and Shanley M.The rhetoric of boundaryless—Or,how the newly empowered managerial class bought into its own marginalization[A].Arthur M B and Rousseau D M(Eds.).The boundaryless career[C].New York:Oxford Uni-versity Press,1999:218-233.
[12]Johnson A E,et al.Organizational and occupational embed-dedness of federal law enforcement personnel[J].Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology,2010,25(2):75-89.
[13]Lewin K.Field theory in social science[M].New York:Har-per,1951.
[14]Mitchell T R,et al.Why people stay:Using job embedded-ness to predict voluntary turnover[J].Academy of Manage-ment Journal,2001,44(6):1102-1121.
[15]Neal D.The complexity of job mobility among young men[J].Journal of Labor Economics,1999,17(2):237-267.
[16]Ng T W H,et al.Effects of management communication,op-portunity for learning,and work schedule flexibility on organi-zational commitment[J].Journal of Vocational Behavior,2006,68(3):474-489.
[17]Ng T W H and Feldman D C.Organizational embeddedness and occupational embeddedness across career stages[J].Jour-nal of Vocational Behavior,2007,70(2):336-351.
[18]Ng T W H and Feldman D C.Occupational embeddedness and job performance[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2009,30(7):863-891.
[19]Rousseau D M.Psychological contracts in the workplace:Un-derstanding the ties that motivate[J].Academy of Manage-ment Executives,2004,18(1):120-127.
[20]Saxenian A.Beyond boundaryless:Open labor markets and learning in Silicon Valley[A].Arthur M B and Rousseau D M(Eds.).The boundaryless career[C].New York:Oxford Uni-versity Press,1999:23-39.
[21]Schmidt S R.Long-run trends in workers’beliefs about their own job security:Evidence from the general social survey[J].Journal of Labor Economics,1999,17(1):127-141.
[22]Staw B M.The consequences of turnover[J].Journal of Or-ganizational Behavior,1980,1(4):253-273.
[23]Steel R P.Turnover theory at the empirical interface:Pro-blems of fit and function[J].Academy of Management Re-view,2002,27(3):346-360.
[24]Sullivan S E.The changing nature of careers:A review and research agenda[J].Journal of Management,1999,25(3):457-484.
[25]Super D E.The psychology of careers[M].New York:Har-per and Row,1957.
[26]Super D E.Career and life development[A].Brown D and Brooks L(Eds.).Career choice and development:Applying contemporary to practice[C].San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,1984.
[27]Tolbert P S.Occupations,organizations,and boundaryless ca-reers[A].Arthur M B and Rousseau D M(Eds.).The boun-daryless career[C].New York:Oxford University Press,1999:331-349.
[28]White M,et al.Managing to change?British workplaces and the future of work[M].London:Palgrave Macmillan,2004.
施丹, 段笑晗, 陈典. 职业嵌入研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(8): 54–62.