外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 08 期, 页码:36 - 45
[1]Adner R and Levinthal D A.What is not a real option:Con-sidering boundaries for the application of real options to busi-ness strategy[J].Academy of Management Review,2004,29(1):74-85.
[2]Blodgett L L.Factors in the instability of international joint ventures:An event history analysis[J].Strategic Management Journal,1992,13(2):475-481.
[3]Casciaro T and Piskorski M J.Power imbalance,mutual de-pendence,and constraint absorption:A close look at resource dependence theory[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2005,50(1):167-199.
[4]Das T K and Teng B-S.A resource-based theory of strategic alliances[J].Journal of Management,2000a,26(1):31-61.
[5]Das T K and Teng B-S.Instabilities of strategic alliances:An internal tensions perspective[J].Organization Science,2000b,11(1):77-101.
[6]Donaldson L.American anti-management theories of organi-zation[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1995.
[7]Dussauge P,et al.Learning from competing partners:Out-comes and durations of scale and link alliances in Europe,North America and Asia[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(1):99-126.
[8]Dyer J H.Effective interfirm collaboration:How firms mini-mize transaction costs and maximize transaction value[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(3):535-556.
[9]Emerson R M.Power-dependence relations[J].American So-ciological Review,1962,27(1):31-41.
[10]Fang E and Zou S M.The effects of absorptive and joint learning on the instability of international joint ventures in e-merging economies[J].Journal of International Business Stu-dies,2010,41(5):906-924.
[11]Folta T B.Governance and uncertainty:The trade-off be-tween administrative control and commitment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(11):1007-1028.
[12]Folta T B and Miller K D.Real options in equity partner-ships[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(1):77-88.
[13]Geyskens I,et al.Make,buy,or ally:A transaction cost theory meta-analysis[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(3):519-543.
[14]Graebner M E.Caveat venditor:Trust asymmetries in acqui-sitions of entrepreneurial firms[J].Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(3):435-472.
[15]Gulati R and Sytch M.Dependence asymmetry and joint de-pendence in interorganizational relationships:Effects of em-beddedness on a manufacturer’s performance in procurement relationships[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(1):32-69.
[16]Inkpen A C and Beamish P W.Knowledge,bargaining power,and the instability of international joint ventures[J].Acade-my of Management Review,1997,22(1):177-202.
[17]Kalaignanam K,et al.Asymmetric new product development alliances:Win-win or win-lose partnerships?[J].Management Science,2007,53(2):357-374.
[18]Kale P and Singh H.Managing strategic alliances:What do we know now,and where do we go from here?[J].Academy of Management Perspectives,2009,23(1):45-62.
[19]Katila R,et al.Swimming with sharks:Technology ven-tures,defense mechanisms and corporate relationships[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2008,53(2):295-332.
[20]Kirkels Y and Duysters G.Brokerage in SME networks[J].Research Policy,2010,39(3):375-385.
[21]Kogut B.Joint ventures:Theoretical and empirical perspec-tives[J].Strategic Management Journal,1988,9(3):319-332.
[22]Kogut B.A study of the life cycle of joint ventures[A].Contractor F and Lorange P(Eds.).Cooperative strategies in international business[C].Lexington,MA:Lexington Books,1988:169-186.
[23]Kogut B.Joint ventures and the option to expand and ac-quire[J].Management Science,1991,37(1):19-33.
[24]Krishnan R,et al.When does trust matter to alliance per-formance[J]Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(4):894-917
[25]Lane P and Lubatkin M.Relative absorptive capacity and in-terorganizational learning[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(5):461-47
[26]Li J,et al.Joint venture evolution:Extending the real op-tions approach[J].Managerial&Decision Economics,2008,29(2):317-336.
[27]Lunnan R and Haugland S A.Predicting and measuring al-liance performance:A multidimensional analysis[J].Strategic Management Journal,2008,29(5):545-556.
[28]McGrath R G and Nerkar A.Real options reasoning and a new look at the R&D investment strategies of pharmaceutical firms[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(1):1-24.
[29]Park S H and Russo M V.When competition eclipses coopera-tion:An event history analysis of joint venture failure[J].Management Science,1996,42(4):875-890.
[30]Pfeffer J and Salancik G R.The external control of organiza-tions:A resource dependence perspective[M].Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,2003.
[31]Provan K G and Skinner S J.Interorganizational dependence and control as predictors of opportunism in dealer-supplier re-lations[J].Academy of Management Journal,1989,32(1):202-212.
[32]Sampson R C.Experience effects and collaborative returns in R&D alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2005,26(10):1009-1031.
[33]Xia J.Mutual dependence,partner substitutability,and re-peated partnership:The survival of cross-border alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2011,32(3):229-253.
[2]Blodgett L L.Factors in the instability of international joint ventures:An event history analysis[J].Strategic Management Journal,1992,13(2):475-481.
[3]Casciaro T and Piskorski M J.Power imbalance,mutual de-pendence,and constraint absorption:A close look at resource dependence theory[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2005,50(1):167-199.
[4]Das T K and Teng B-S.A resource-based theory of strategic alliances[J].Journal of Management,2000a,26(1):31-61.
[5]Das T K and Teng B-S.Instabilities of strategic alliances:An internal tensions perspective[J].Organization Science,2000b,11(1):77-101.
[6]Donaldson L.American anti-management theories of organi-zation[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1995.
[7]Dussauge P,et al.Learning from competing partners:Out-comes and durations of scale and link alliances in Europe,North America and Asia[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(1):99-126.
[8]Dyer J H.Effective interfirm collaboration:How firms mini-mize transaction costs and maximize transaction value[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(3):535-556.
[9]Emerson R M.Power-dependence relations[J].American So-ciological Review,1962,27(1):31-41.
[10]Fang E and Zou S M.The effects of absorptive and joint learning on the instability of international joint ventures in e-merging economies[J].Journal of International Business Stu-dies,2010,41(5):906-924.
[11]Folta T B.Governance and uncertainty:The trade-off be-tween administrative control and commitment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(11):1007-1028.
[12]Folta T B and Miller K D.Real options in equity partner-ships[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(1):77-88.
[13]Geyskens I,et al.Make,buy,or ally:A transaction cost theory meta-analysis[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(3):519-543.
[14]Graebner M E.Caveat venditor:Trust asymmetries in acqui-sitions of entrepreneurial firms[J].Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(3):435-472.
[15]Gulati R and Sytch M.Dependence asymmetry and joint de-pendence in interorganizational relationships:Effects of em-beddedness on a manufacturer’s performance in procurement relationships[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2007,52(1):32-69.
[16]Inkpen A C and Beamish P W.Knowledge,bargaining power,and the instability of international joint ventures[J].Acade-my of Management Review,1997,22(1):177-202.
[17]Kalaignanam K,et al.Asymmetric new product development alliances:Win-win or win-lose partnerships?[J].Management Science,2007,53(2):357-374.
[18]Kale P and Singh H.Managing strategic alliances:What do we know now,and where do we go from here?[J].Academy of Management Perspectives,2009,23(1):45-62.
[19]Katila R,et al.Swimming with sharks:Technology ven-tures,defense mechanisms and corporate relationships[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2008,53(2):295-332.
[20]Kirkels Y and Duysters G.Brokerage in SME networks[J].Research Policy,2010,39(3):375-385.
[21]Kogut B.Joint ventures:Theoretical and empirical perspec-tives[J].Strategic Management Journal,1988,9(3):319-332.
[22]Kogut B.A study of the life cycle of joint ventures[A].Contractor F and Lorange P(Eds.).Cooperative strategies in international business[C].Lexington,MA:Lexington Books,1988:169-186.
[23]Kogut B.Joint ventures and the option to expand and ac-quire[J].Management Science,1991,37(1):19-33.
[24]Krishnan R,et al.When does trust matter to alliance per-formance[J]Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(4):894-917
[25]Lane P and Lubatkin M.Relative absorptive capacity and in-terorganizational learning[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(5):461-47
[26]Li J,et al.Joint venture evolution:Extending the real op-tions approach[J].Managerial&Decision Economics,2008,29(2):317-336.
[27]Lunnan R and Haugland S A.Predicting and measuring al-liance performance:A multidimensional analysis[J].Strategic Management Journal,2008,29(5):545-556.
[28]McGrath R G and Nerkar A.Real options reasoning and a new look at the R&D investment strategies of pharmaceutical firms[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(1):1-24.
[29]Park S H and Russo M V.When competition eclipses coopera-tion:An event history analysis of joint venture failure[J].Management Science,1996,42(4):875-890.
[30]Pfeffer J and Salancik G R.The external control of organiza-tions:A resource dependence perspective[M].Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,2003.
[31]Provan K G and Skinner S J.Interorganizational dependence and control as predictors of opportunism in dealer-supplier re-lations[J].Academy of Management Journal,1989,32(1):202-212.
[32]Sampson R C.Experience effects and collaborative returns in R&D alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2005,26(10):1009-1031.
[33]Xia J.Mutual dependence,partner substitutability,and re-peated partnership:The survival of cross-border alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2011,32(3):229-253.
张光曦. 战略联盟不稳定成因分析与演化方向预测——基于资源依赖理论和实物期权理论[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(8): 36–45.