外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 04 期, 页码:22 - 31
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[2]Anderson L J,et al.Did the devil make them do itThe effects of religion in public goods and trust games[J].Kyklos,2010,63(2):163-175.
[3]Benjamin D J,et al.Social identity and preferences[J].Ameri-can Economic Review,2010,100(4):1913-1928.
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[8]Charness G,et al.Individual behavior and group membership[J].American Economic Review,2007,97(4):1340-1352.
[9]Chen R and Chen Y.The potential of social identity for equi-librium selection[J].American Economic Review,2011,101(6):2562-2589.
[10]Chen Y and Li S-X.Group identity and social preference[J].American Economic Review,2009,99(1):431-457.
[11]Eckel C and Grossman P.Managing diversity by creating team identity[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organiza-tion,2005,58(3):371-392.
[12]Falk A and Zehnder C.Discrimination and in-group favori-tism in a citywide trust experiment[R].Working Paper,IZA and University of Bonn,2007.
[13]Fehr E and Schmidt K.A theory of fairness,competition and cooperation[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1999,114(3):817-868.
[14]Fehr E and Gchter S.Cooperation and punishment in public goods experiments[J].American Economic Review,2000,90(4):980-994.
[15]Fehr E and Hoff K.Tastes,casters,and culture:The influ-ence of society on preferences[J].Economic Journal,2011,121(11):396-412.
[16]Fischbacher U and Gchter S.Social preferences,beliefs,and the dynamics of free riding in public good experiments[J].A-merican Economic Review,2010,100(1):541-556.
[17]Goette L,et al.The impact of group membership on coopera-tion and norm enforcement:Evidence using random assign-ment to real social groups[J].American Economic Review,2006,96(2):212-216.
[18]Goette L,et al.Group membership,competition,altruistic versus anti-social punishment:Evidence from randomly as-signed army group[R].Working Paper,Columbia university,2010b.
[19]Goette L,et al.The impact of social ties on group interac-tions:Evidence from minimal groups and randomly assigned real groups[J].American Economic Journal:Microeconomics,2012,4(1):101-15.
[20]Guala F,et al.Group membership,team preferences,and ex-pectations[J].Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization,2013,86(2):183-190.
[21]Heap H,et al.The value of groups[J].American Economic Review,2009,99(1):295-323.
[22]Hoff K and Pandey P.Discrimination,social identity,and du-rable inequalities[J].American Economic Review,2006,96(2):206-211.
[23]La Porta R,et al.Trust in large organizations[J].American Economic Review,1997,87(2):333-338.
[24]LeBoeuf R A,et al.The conflicting choices of alternating selves[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2010,111(1):48-61.
[25]Mazar N and Zhong C-B.Do green products make us better people[J].Psychological Science,2010,21(4):494-498.
[26]Sen A.Goals,commitment,and identity[J].Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,1985,1(2):341-355.
[27]Simpson B.Social identity and cooperation in social dilemmas[J].Rationality and Society,2006,18(4):443-470.
[28]Sutter M.Individual behavior and group membership:Com-ment[J].American.Economic Review,2009,99(5):2247-2257.
[29]Tajfel H,et al.Social categorization and intergroup behavior[J].European Journal of Social Psychology,1971,1(3):149-178.
[30]Tan J H W and Bolle F.Team competition and the public goods game[J].Economics Letters,2007,96(1):133-39.
[2]Anderson L J,et al.Did the devil make them do itThe effects of religion in public goods and trust games[J].Kyklos,2010,63(2):163-175.
[3]Benjamin D J,et al.Social identity and preferences[J].Ameri-can Economic Review,2010,100(4):1913-1928.
[4]Benjamin D J,et al.Religious identity and economic behavior[R].Working Paper,Cornell University,2011.
[5]Benabou R and Tirole J.Identity,morals and taboos:Beliefs as assets[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2011,126(2):805-855.
[6]Bernhard H,et al.Group affiliation and altruistic norm en-forcement[J].American Economic Review,2006,96(2):217-221.
[7]Camerer,C.Behavioral game theory:Experiments in strategic interaction[M].Princeton:Princeton University Press,2003.
[8]Charness G,et al.Individual behavior and group membership[J].American Economic Review,2007,97(4):1340-1352.
[9]Chen R and Chen Y.The potential of social identity for equi-librium selection[J].American Economic Review,2011,101(6):2562-2589.
[10]Chen Y and Li S-X.Group identity and social preference[J].American Economic Review,2009,99(1):431-457.
[11]Eckel C and Grossman P.Managing diversity by creating team identity[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organiza-tion,2005,58(3):371-392.
[12]Falk A and Zehnder C.Discrimination and in-group favori-tism in a citywide trust experiment[R].Working Paper,IZA and University of Bonn,2007.
[13]Fehr E and Schmidt K.A theory of fairness,competition and cooperation[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1999,114(3):817-868.
[14]Fehr E and Gchter S.Cooperation and punishment in public goods experiments[J].American Economic Review,2000,90(4):980-994.
[15]Fehr E and Hoff K.Tastes,casters,and culture:The influ-ence of society on preferences[J].Economic Journal,2011,121(11):396-412.
[16]Fischbacher U and Gchter S.Social preferences,beliefs,and the dynamics of free riding in public good experiments[J].A-merican Economic Review,2010,100(1):541-556.
[17]Goette L,et al.The impact of group membership on coopera-tion and norm enforcement:Evidence using random assign-ment to real social groups[J].American Economic Review,2006,96(2):212-216.
[18]Goette L,et al.Group membership,competition,altruistic versus anti-social punishment:Evidence from randomly as-signed army group[R].Working Paper,Columbia university,2010b.
[19]Goette L,et al.The impact of social ties on group interac-tions:Evidence from minimal groups and randomly assigned real groups[J].American Economic Journal:Microeconomics,2012,4(1):101-15.
[20]Guala F,et al.Group membership,team preferences,and ex-pectations[J].Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization,2013,86(2):183-190.
[21]Heap H,et al.The value of groups[J].American Economic Review,2009,99(1):295-323.
[22]Hoff K and Pandey P.Discrimination,social identity,and du-rable inequalities[J].American Economic Review,2006,96(2):206-211.
[23]La Porta R,et al.Trust in large organizations[J].American Economic Review,1997,87(2):333-338.
[24]LeBoeuf R A,et al.The conflicting choices of alternating selves[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2010,111(1):48-61.
[25]Mazar N and Zhong C-B.Do green products make us better people[J].Psychological Science,2010,21(4):494-498.
[26]Sen A.Goals,commitment,and identity[J].Journal of Law,Economics,and Organization,1985,1(2):341-355.
[27]Simpson B.Social identity and cooperation in social dilemmas[J].Rationality and Society,2006,18(4):443-470.
[28]Sutter M.Individual behavior and group membership:Com-ment[J].American.Economic Review,2009,99(5):2247-2257.
[29]Tajfel H,et al.Social categorization and intergroup behavior[J].European Journal of Social Psychology,1971,1(3):149-178.
[30]Tan J H W and Bolle F.Team competition and the public goods game[J].Economics Letters,2007,96(1):133-39.
汪良军, 刘美辰. 社会身份与行为决策关系实验经济学研究前沿探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(4): 22–31.