As more public attention is paid to corporate social responsibility, enterprise stakeholders are also paying more attention to corporate social responsibility. Enterprise decision-makers are faced with the problems of how to manage activities socially and to allocate their limited resources in a balanced manner between competing priorities. For example, managers are focusing on how to formulate relevant policies to combine corporate social responsibility, human resource management practices and employee initiatives. In terms of academic research, the studies of corporate social responsibility by scholars have mostly focused on the macro level in previous years. Recently, academic researchers, especially in the fields of organizational behavior and human resource management, have begun to pay more attention to corporate social responsibility at the micro level. In organizational behavior and human resource management, there have been studies analyzing the factors that influence the corporate social responsibility, such as organizational culture, leadership style, entrepreneur’s feature and stakeholder pressure. Some scholars placed emphasis on the role of employees in the implementation process of corporate social responsibility and the impact of corporate social responsibility on employees’ attitudes and behavior. This paper systematically reviews the major achievement and latest development of corporate social responsibility research in the field of organizational behavior and human resource management. Firstly, we summarize the theoretical basis of related research from the organizational level, group level, and individual level of organizational behavior. The main theoretical basis for research at the organizational level is Social Norm Theory. The relevant theoretical basis for research at the group level is Social Learning Theory, Stakeholder Theory, Resource Dependency Theory, Upper Echelons Theory and Principal-Agent Theory. The theoretical foundations for individual-level research include Social Identity Theory, Social Exchange Theory, Psychological Contract Theory, Organizational Justice Theory, Social Learning Theory and Attribution Theory. Secondly, the paper summarizes the empirical research results of relevant research on corporate social responsibility in the field of organizational behavior and human resource management, such as the measurements, antecedents and the consequences. As the highest form of corporate social responsibility, corporate philanthropy has also received extensive attention from scholars. The paper also summarizes the measurements, the antecedents and the consequences of corporate philanthropy. Thirdly, the paper examines the non-empirical research on corporate social responsibility in the field of organizational behavior and human resource management, including case study, theoretical deductions research, and experimental research. Specifically, this paper summarizes the research on corporate social responsibility of the platform enterprise, enterprise ecosystem and other organizational forms in the context of the Internet and Big Data. Fourthly, the paper sorts out and integrates the relevant non-empirical and empirical studies of corporate social responsibility in the field of organizational behavior and human resource management, developing an overall framework of existing empirical research. Finally, based on the summary and review, the paper proposes a framework for future research and four suggestions for further research: firstly, to expand and improve the relevant theoretical basis; secondly, to explore new research variables, such as different leadership styles’ effects on corporate social responsibility, the impact of corporate social responsibility on team-level variables, the negative impact of corporate social responsibility on employees; thirdly, to explore employees’ social responsibility; and fourthly, to use a variety of research methods, such as case studies, behavioral events analysis, comparative research, and dynamic research for further exploring social corporate responsibility.

Foreign Economics & Management
LiZengquan, Editor-in-Chief
ZhengChunrong, Vice Executive Editor-in-Chief
YinHuifang HeXiaogang LiuJianguo, Vice Editor-in-Chief
Corporate Social Responsibility in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Literature Review and Prospects
Foreign Economics & Management Vol. 40, Issue 06, pp. 59 - 72 (2018) DOI:10.16538/j.cnki.fem.2018.06.005
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Ma Ling, Chen Xin, Zhao Shuming. Corporate Social Responsibility in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Literature Review and Prospects[J]. Foreign Economics & Management, 2018, 40(6): 59-72.
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