财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 04 期, 页码:17 - 26
[5]Andersen P,Petersen N C.Aprocedure for ranking efficient units in data envelopment analysis[J].Management Science,1993,39(10):1261-1264.
[6]Anne MCarroll.An empirical investigation of the structure and performance of the pri-vate workers’compensation market[J].The Journal of Risk and Insurance,1993,6:185-207.
[7]Bain J S.Barries to newcompetitions[M].Cambridge,MA.Harvard University Press,1956.
[8]Bajtelsmit Vickie L,Raja Bouzouita.Market structure and performance in automobile insurance[J].Journal of Risk and Insurance,1998,65(3):503-514.
[9]Berger Allen N,Cummins J David,Weiss Mary A.The coexistence of multiple distribu-tion systems for financial services:The case of property-liability insurance[J].Journal of Business,1997,70(4):515-547.
[10]Demsetz H.Industry structure,market rivalry,and public policy[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1973,16:1-9.
[11]Geehan R.Economies of scale in insurance:I mplications for regulation[M].The In-surance Industry in Economic Development,1986:137-160.
[12]Grace MF,S G Ti mme.An examination of cost economics in the United States life insurance industry[J].Journal of Risk and Insurance,1992,59:72-103.
[13]Gardner,Lisa A Grace,Martin F.X-Efficiency in the USlife insurance industry[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,1993,4:497-510.
[14]Kuan-Chun Chang.Necessary reform of insurance lawin China after its WTO acces-sion[J].Syracuse Journal of International Law And Commerce,2004,1:1-31.
[15]Man-Kwong Leung,Young Trevor.China’s entry to the WTO:Prospects and man-agerial i mplications for foreign life insurance companies[J].Asia Pacific Business Re-view,2002,9(2):205-223.
[16]Michael Rothschild,Joseph E Stiglitz.Competition and insurance twenty years later[J].The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory,1997,22:73-79.
[17]Lee,Yuan-Kee.Insurance in China:Pre-and Post-WTO[J].China Business Review,2002,5:16-22.
[18]Peltzman S.The gain and losses fromindustrial concentration[J].Journal of Lawand Economics,1977,20:229-263.
[19]Sun Qixiang.The i mpact of WTO accession on China’s insurance industry[J].Risk Management&Insurance Review,2003,6:27-35.
[20]Shujie YAO,Zhongwei HAN,Genfu FENG.Ontechnical efficiency of China’s insur-ance industry after WTOaccession[J].China Economic Review,2007,18:66-86.
[5]Andersen P,Petersen N C.Aprocedure for ranking efficient units in data envelopment analysis[J].Management Science,1993,39(10):1261-1264.
[6]Anne MCarroll.An empirical investigation of the structure and performance of the pri-vate workers’compensation market[J].The Journal of Risk and Insurance,1993,6:185-207.
[7]Bain J S.Barries to newcompetitions[M].Cambridge,MA.Harvard University Press,1956.
[8]Bajtelsmit Vickie L,Raja Bouzouita.Market structure and performance in automobile insurance[J].Journal of Risk and Insurance,1998,65(3):503-514.
[9]Berger Allen N,Cummins J David,Weiss Mary A.The coexistence of multiple distribu-tion systems for financial services:The case of property-liability insurance[J].Journal of Business,1997,70(4):515-547.
[10]Demsetz H.Industry structure,market rivalry,and public policy[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1973,16:1-9.
[11]Geehan R.Economies of scale in insurance:I mplications for regulation[M].The In-surance Industry in Economic Development,1986:137-160.
[12]Grace MF,S G Ti mme.An examination of cost economics in the United States life insurance industry[J].Journal of Risk and Insurance,1992,59:72-103.
[13]Gardner,Lisa A Grace,Martin F.X-Efficiency in the USlife insurance industry[J].Journal of Banking&Finance,1993,4:497-510.
[14]Kuan-Chun Chang.Necessary reform of insurance lawin China after its WTO acces-sion[J].Syracuse Journal of International Law And Commerce,2004,1:1-31.
[15]Man-Kwong Leung,Young Trevor.China’s entry to the WTO:Prospects and man-agerial i mplications for foreign life insurance companies[J].Asia Pacific Business Re-view,2002,9(2):205-223.
[16]Michael Rothschild,Joseph E Stiglitz.Competition and insurance twenty years later[J].The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory,1997,22:73-79.
[17]Lee,Yuan-Kee.Insurance in China:Pre-and Post-WTO[J].China Business Review,2002,5:16-22.
[18]Peltzman S.The gain and losses fromindustrial concentration[J].Journal of Lawand Economics,1977,20:229-263.
[19]Sun Qixiang.The i mpact of WTO accession on China’s insurance industry[J].Risk Management&Insurance Review,2003,6:27-35.
[20]Shujie YAO,Zhongwei HAN,Genfu FENG.Ontechnical efficiency of China’s insur-ance industry after WTOaccession[J].China Economic Review,2007,18:66-86.
邵全权, 江生忠. “入世”对中国寿险公司产业组织的影响——基于2001-2005年非平衡面板数据的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(4): 17–26.