财经研究 2007 年 第 33 卷第 10 期, 页码:29 - 40
[1]Acharya V.Competition among banks,capital requirements and international spillovers[J].Economic Notes-Review of Banking,Finance and Monetary Economics,2001,30:337~359.
[2]Allen Franklin,Douglas Gale.Comparing financial systems[M].MIT Press,Cam-bridge,MA,2000.
[3]Bain E,J Fung,I Harper.Multinational banking:Historical,empirical and case per-spectives[R].In Handbook of International Banking.A.W.Mullineux and V.Murinde(eds.),UKand USA:Edward Elgar,2003.
[4]Brealey R A,E C Kaplanis.The determination of foreign banking location[J].Journalof International Money and Finance,1996,15:577~597.
[5]Buch C M.Why do banks go abroad-evidence from German data[J].Financial Mar-kets,Institutions and Instruments,2000,9(1):33~67.
[6]Buckley P J,MCasson.The future of the multinational enterprise[M].London:Mac-millan,1991.
[7]Calzolari,Lrnth.On the regulation of multinational banks[J].Rivista di Politica Economica,2001,5(4):275~304.
[8]Chkir I E,J C Cosset.Diversification strategy and capital structure of multinational cor-porations[J].Journal of Multinational Financial Management,2001,11:17~37.
[9]Classens S,Demirgc-kunt A,Huizinga H.How does foreign entry affect domestic banking markets?[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2001,25:891~918.
[10]Dages Gerard,Linda Goldberg,Daniel Kinney.Foreign and domestic bank participa-tion in emerging markets:Lessons from Mexico and Argentina[R].Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review,September,2000.
[11]Freixas X,Rochet J C.Microeconomics of banking[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1997.
[12]Goldberg L.Whenis U.S.bank lending to emerging markets volatile?[R].Federal Reserve Bank of New York,Mi meo,2001.
[13]Gorton Gary,Andrew Winton.Financial intermediation[R].The Wharton Financial Institutions Center Working Papers,2002:1~138.
[14]Lensink R,N Hermes.The short termeffects of foreign bank entry on domestic bank behavior:Does economic development matter?[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2004,28(3):553~568.
[15]Mahajan A,N Rangan,A Zardkoohi,Cost structure in multinational and domestic banking[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1996,20:283~306.
[1]Acharya V.Competition among banks,capital requirements and international spillovers[J].Economic Notes-Review of Banking,Finance and Monetary Economics,2001,30:337~359.
[2]Allen Franklin,Douglas Gale.Comparing financial systems[M].MIT Press,Cam-bridge,MA,2000.
[3]Bain E,J Fung,I Harper.Multinational banking:Historical,empirical and case per-spectives[R].In Handbook of International Banking.A.W.Mullineux and V.Murinde(eds.),UKand USA:Edward Elgar,2003.
[4]Brealey R A,E C Kaplanis.The determination of foreign banking location[J].Journalof International Money and Finance,1996,15:577~597.
[5]Buch C M.Why do banks go abroad-evidence from German data[J].Financial Mar-kets,Institutions and Instruments,2000,9(1):33~67.
[6]Buckley P J,MCasson.The future of the multinational enterprise[M].London:Mac-millan,1991.
[7]Calzolari,Lrnth.On the regulation of multinational banks[J].Rivista di Politica Economica,2001,5(4):275~304.
[8]Chkir I E,J C Cosset.Diversification strategy and capital structure of multinational cor-porations[J].Journal of Multinational Financial Management,2001,11:17~37.
[9]Classens S,Demirgc-kunt A,Huizinga H.How does foreign entry affect domestic banking markets?[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2001,25:891~918.
[10]Dages Gerard,Linda Goldberg,Daniel Kinney.Foreign and domestic bank participa-tion in emerging markets:Lessons from Mexico and Argentina[R].Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review,September,2000.
[11]Freixas X,Rochet J C.Microeconomics of banking[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1997.
[12]Goldberg L.Whenis U.S.bank lending to emerging markets volatile?[R].Federal Reserve Bank of New York,Mi meo,2001.
[13]Gorton Gary,Andrew Winton.Financial intermediation[R].The Wharton Financial Institutions Center Working Papers,2002:1~138.
[14]Lensink R,N Hermes.The short termeffects of foreign bank entry on domestic bank behavior:Does economic development matter?[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2004,28(3):553~568.
[15]Mahajan A,N Rangan,A Zardkoohi,Cost structure in multinational and domestic banking[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1996,20:283~306.
周力扬, 武康平. 跨国银行介入后与东道国银行竞争的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2007, 33(10): 29–40.