财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 07 期, 页码:74 - 84
[9]Cleary S.The relationship between firm investment and financial status[J].Journal ofFinance,1999,54:673~692.
[10]Fazzari S M,Hubbard R G,Petersen B.Financing constraints and corporate investment[J].Brooking Papers on Economic Activity,1988,1:141~196.
[11]Handlock J.Ownership,liquidity and investment[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1998,29:487~508.
[12]Hart O,Moore J.Debt and seniority:An analysis of the role of hard claims in constrai-ning management[J].American Economic Review,1995,85:567~585.
[13]Hart O D,Shleifer A,Vishny R.The proper scope of government:Theory and an appli-cation to prisons[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1997,112:1127~1161.
[14]Jensen M,Meckling W.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs andownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,3:305~360.
[15]Jensen M.Agency costs of free cash flow,corporate finance,and take-overs[J].Ameri-can Economic Review,1986,76:323~329.
[16]Jensen M.Eclipse of the public corporation[J].Harvard Business Review,1989,67:74~81.
[17]Kornai J.Resource-constrained versus demand-constrained systems[J].Econometrica,1979,47:801~819.
[18]Lang L,Ofek E,Stulz R.Leverage,investment and firm growth[J].Journal of FinancialEconomics,1996,40:3~29.
[19]Li D,Liang M.Causes of the soft budget constraint:Evidence on three explanations[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,1998,26:104~116.
[20]Modigliani F,M Miller.The cost of capital,corporation finance and the theory of in-vestment[J].American Economic Review,1958,48:261~297.
[21]Stein J.Agency,information and corporate investment[EB/OL].Working Paper,ht-tp://www.nber.org,2001-06-10.
[22]Stigliz J,Whither socialism?[M].Cambridge,Mass,The MIT Press.1994.
[23]Stulz R.Managerial discretion and optimal financing policies[J].Journal of Financial E-conomics,1990,26:3~27.
[9]Cleary S.The relationship between firm investment and financial status[J].Journal ofFinance,1999,54:673~692.
[10]Fazzari S M,Hubbard R G,Petersen B.Financing constraints and corporate investment[J].Brooking Papers on Economic Activity,1988,1:141~196.
[11]Handlock J.Ownership,liquidity and investment[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1998,29:487~508.
[12]Hart O,Moore J.Debt and seniority:An analysis of the role of hard claims in constrai-ning management[J].American Economic Review,1995,85:567~585.
[13]Hart O D,Shleifer A,Vishny R.The proper scope of government:Theory and an appli-cation to prisons[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1997,112:1127~1161.
[14]Jensen M,Meckling W.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs andownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,3:305~360.
[15]Jensen M.Agency costs of free cash flow,corporate finance,and take-overs[J].Ameri-can Economic Review,1986,76:323~329.
[16]Jensen M.Eclipse of the public corporation[J].Harvard Business Review,1989,67:74~81.
[17]Kornai J.Resource-constrained versus demand-constrained systems[J].Econometrica,1979,47:801~819.
[18]Lang L,Ofek E,Stulz R.Leverage,investment and firm growth[J].Journal of FinancialEconomics,1996,40:3~29.
[19]Li D,Liang M.Causes of the soft budget constraint:Evidence on three explanations[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,1998,26:104~116.
[20]Modigliani F,M Miller.The cost of capital,corporation finance and the theory of in-vestment[J].American Economic Review,1958,48:261~297.
[21]Stein J.Agency,information and corporate investment[EB/OL].Working Paper,ht-tp://www.nber.org,2001-06-10.
[22]Stigliz J,Whither socialism?[M].Cambridge,Mass,The MIT Press.1994.
[23]Stulz R.Managerial discretion and optimal financing policies[J].Journal of Financial E-conomics,1990,26:3~27.
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