财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 07 期, 页码:64 - 73
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[12]Tsun-Siou Lee,Yin-Hua Yeh.Corporate governance and financial distress:Evidencefrom Taiwan[J].Corporate Governance:An International Review,2004,12(3):378~388.
[13]Zhen Wang,Li Liu,Chao Chen.Corporate governance,ownership and financial distressof publicly listed companies in China[J].Petroleum Science,2004,(1):90~96.
[5]Altman E I.Financial ratios,discriminant analysis and prediction of corporate bankrupt-cy[J].Journal of Finance,1968,(9):589~609.
[6]Beaver W H.Financial ratios as predictors of failure[J].Journal of Accounting Re-search,1966,(4):71~102.
[7]Jensen M C.The modern industrial revolution,exit,and the failure of internal controlsystems[J].Journal of Finance,1993,48,831~880.
[8]J S Ang,R A Cole,J W Lin.Agency cost and ownership structure[J].Journal of Fi-nance,2000,(1):81~106.
[9]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,et al.Investor protection and corporate valu-ation[J].The Journal of Finance,2002,57(3):1147~1170.
[10]Merwin C L.Financial small corporations:In five manufacturing industries[M].1926~1936 National Bureau of Economic Research,1942,New York:Arno Press,1979.
[11]Ohlson J S.Financial ratios and the probabilistic prediction of bankruptcy[J].Journalof Accounting Research,1980,19:109~131.
[12]Tsun-Siou Lee,Yin-Hua Yeh.Corporate governance and financial distress:Evidencefrom Taiwan[J].Corporate Governance:An International Review,2004,12(3):378~388.
[13]Zhen Wang,Li Liu,Chao Chen.Corporate governance,ownership and financial distressof publicly listed companies in China[J].Petroleum Science,2004,(1):90~96.
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