财经研究 2009 年 第 35 卷第 12 期, 页码:131 - 141
[9]Allen F,Qian J,Qian M.Law,finance,and economic growth in China[R].Working Paper,University of Pennsylvania,2002.
[10]Anders Isaksson.Informal finance and intermediation[R].Working Paper,UB&SDRC.Germany,ISSN0936-3408,2002.
[11]Ayyagari M,Demirgü-Kunt A,Maksimovic V.Formal versus informal finance:Evi-dence from China[R].World Bank,2007.
[12]Aziz J,Duenwald C.Growth-financial intermediation nexus in China[R].I MF Work-ing Paper,2002.
[13]Barro R.Economic growthin a cross-section of countries[J].Quarterly Journal of E-conomics,1991,56:407-443.
[14]Boyreau-Debray G.Financial intermediation and growth:Chinese style[R].Working Paper,World Bank,2003.
[15]Chen H.Development of financial intermediation and economic growth:The Chinese experience[J].China Economic Review,2006,17:347-362.
[16]Cheng X,Degryse H.Theimpact of bank and non-bankfinancial institutions onlocal e-conomic growthin China[R].Working Paper,2006.
[17]Dasgupta B.Capital accumulationinthe presence of informal credit contracts:Does the incentive mechanism work better than credit rationing under asymmetric information-[R].Working Paper,2004.
[18]Gregory N,Tenev S,Wagle D.China’s emerging private enterprises:Prospects for the newcentury[R].International Finance Corporation,2000.
[19]Jappelli T,Pagano M.Savings,growth and liquidity constraints[J].The QuarterlyJournal of Economics,1994,1:109-120.
[20]Kropp E.Linking self-help groups and banks in developing countries[R].Eschborn:GTZ-Verlag,1989.
[21]Levine R.Finance and growth:Theory and evidence[A].Aghion P,Durlauf S.Hand-book of economic growth elsevier science[C].The Netherlands,2005.
[22]Lin Y,Sun X.Information informal finance and SME financing[J].Frontiers of Eco-nomics in China,2006,1:69-82.
[23]Linton K.Access to capital in China:Competitive conditions for foreign and domestic firms[R].Working Paper,2006.
[24]Ljungwall C,Li J.Financial sector development,FDI and economic growth in China[R].CCER Discussion Paper,2007.
[25]Lu S,Yao Y.The effectiveness of the law,financial development,and economic growthin an economy of financial repression:Evidence from China[R].Stanford Cen-ter for International Development Working Paper No.179,2004.
[26]Mohieldin M,Wright P.Formal and informal credit markets in Egypt[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change,2000,48(3):657-670.
[27]Park A,Sehert K.Tests of financial intermediation and banking reformin China[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2001,29:608-644.
[28]Tsai K.Back-Alley banking:Private entrepreneurs in China[M].Cornell University Press,2002.
[9]Allen F,Qian J,Qian M.Law,finance,and economic growth in China[R].Working Paper,University of Pennsylvania,2002.
[10]Anders Isaksson.Informal finance and intermediation[R].Working Paper,UB&SDRC.Germany,ISSN0936-3408,2002.
[11]Ayyagari M,Demirgü-Kunt A,Maksimovic V.Formal versus informal finance:Evi-dence from China[R].World Bank,2007.
[12]Aziz J,Duenwald C.Growth-financial intermediation nexus in China[R].I MF Work-ing Paper,2002.
[13]Barro R.Economic growthin a cross-section of countries[J].Quarterly Journal of E-conomics,1991,56:407-443.
[14]Boyreau-Debray G.Financial intermediation and growth:Chinese style[R].Working Paper,World Bank,2003.
[15]Chen H.Development of financial intermediation and economic growth:The Chinese experience[J].China Economic Review,2006,17:347-362.
[16]Cheng X,Degryse H.Theimpact of bank and non-bankfinancial institutions onlocal e-conomic growthin China[R].Working Paper,2006.
[17]Dasgupta B.Capital accumulationinthe presence of informal credit contracts:Does the incentive mechanism work better than credit rationing under asymmetric information-[R].Working Paper,2004.
[18]Gregory N,Tenev S,Wagle D.China’s emerging private enterprises:Prospects for the newcentury[R].International Finance Corporation,2000.
[19]Jappelli T,Pagano M.Savings,growth and liquidity constraints[J].The QuarterlyJournal of Economics,1994,1:109-120.
[20]Kropp E.Linking self-help groups and banks in developing countries[R].Eschborn:GTZ-Verlag,1989.
[21]Levine R.Finance and growth:Theory and evidence[A].Aghion P,Durlauf S.Hand-book of economic growth elsevier science[C].The Netherlands,2005.
[22]Lin Y,Sun X.Information informal finance and SME financing[J].Frontiers of Eco-nomics in China,2006,1:69-82.
[23]Linton K.Access to capital in China:Competitive conditions for foreign and domestic firms[R].Working Paper,2006.
[24]Ljungwall C,Li J.Financial sector development,FDI and economic growth in China[R].CCER Discussion Paper,2007.
[25]Lu S,Yao Y.The effectiveness of the law,financial development,and economic growthin an economy of financial repression:Evidence from China[R].Stanford Cen-ter for International Development Working Paper No.179,2004.
[26]Mohieldin M,Wright P.Formal and informal credit markets in Egypt[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change,2000,48(3):657-670.
[27]Park A,Sehert K.Tests of financial intermediation and banking reformin China[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2001,29:608-644.
[28]Tsai K.Back-Alley banking:Private entrepreneurs in China[M].Cornell University Press,2002.
姚耀军. 非正规金融发展的区域差异及其经济增长效应[J]. 财经研究, 2009, 35(12): 131–141.