财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 02 期, 页码:5 - 15
[1]Alba Joseph D,Donghyun Park.Non-linear mean reversion of real exchange rates andpurchasing power parity:Some evidence from Turkey[J].Applied Economics Letters,2005,12:701-704.
[2]Caner Mehmet,Bruce E Hansen.Threshold autoregression with a unit root[J].Econo-metrica,2001,69:1555-1596.
[3]Chan K S.Percentage points of likelihood ratio tests for threshold autoregression[J].Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,Series B,1991,53:691-696.
[4]Chan K S.Consistency and limiting distribution of the least squares estimator of athreshold autoregressive model[J].The Annals of Statistics,1993,21:520-533.
[5]Chan K S,R S Tsay.Limiting properties of the least squares estimator of a continuousthreshold autoregressive model[J].Biometrika,1998,45:413-426.
[6]Hansen Bruce E.Inference in TAR models[J].Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econ-ometrics,1997b,1:119-131.
[7]Hansen Bruce E.Sample splitting and threshold estimation[J].Econometrica,2000,68:575-603.
[8]Henry Olèan T.Exchange rate instability:A threshold autoregressive approach[J].TheEconomic Record,2001,237:160-166.
[9]Imbs Jean,Morten O Ravn,Haroon Mumtaz,Helene Rey.Nonlinearities and real ex-change rate dynamics[J].Journal of the European Economic Association,2003,1(2-3):639-649.
[10]Kilian Lutz,Mark P Taylor.Why is so difficult to beat the random walk forecast ex-change rates[J].Journal of International Economics,2003,60(1):85-107.
[11]Michael Panos,A Robert Nobay,David A Peel.Transactions costs and nonlinear ad-justment in real exchange rates:An empirical investigation[J].The Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1997,105(4):862-879.
[12]Regoff R.The purchasing power parity puzzle[J].Journal of Economic Literature,1996,34:647-668.
[13]Sollis Robert,Mark E Wohar.The real exchange rate-real interest rate relation:Evi-dence from tests for symmetric and asymmetric threshold cointegration[J].Internation-al Journal of Finance and Economics,2006,11:139-153.
[14]Taylor A M.Potential pitfalls for the purchasing power parity puzzle?Sampling andspecification biases in mean reversion test of the law of one price[R].Working Paper2006b,No.7577.
[15]Taylor M P,D A Peel,L Sarno.Nonlinear mean-reversion in real exchange rates:To-ward a solution to the purchasing power parity puzzles[J].International Economic Re-view,2001,42:1015-1042.
[16]Taylor Mark P,Lucio Sarno.International real interest rate differentials,purchasingpower parity and the behaviour of real exchange rates:The resolution of a conundrum[J].Journal of International Finance and Economics,2004,9(1):15-23.
[17]Tong H.On a threshold model,in pattern recognition and signal processing[M].Am-sterdam:Sijhoff and Noordhoff,1978.
[18]Tong H.Threshold models in non-linear time series analysi[M].Lecture Notes in Sta-tistics,21.Berlin:Springer.1983.
[2]Caner Mehmet,Bruce E Hansen.Threshold autoregression with a unit root[J].Econo-metrica,2001,69:1555-1596.
[3]Chan K S.Percentage points of likelihood ratio tests for threshold autoregression[J].Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,Series B,1991,53:691-696.
[4]Chan K S.Consistency and limiting distribution of the least squares estimator of athreshold autoregressive model[J].The Annals of Statistics,1993,21:520-533.
[5]Chan K S,R S Tsay.Limiting properties of the least squares estimator of a continuousthreshold autoregressive model[J].Biometrika,1998,45:413-426.
[6]Hansen Bruce E.Inference in TAR models[J].Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econ-ometrics,1997b,1:119-131.
[7]Hansen Bruce E.Sample splitting and threshold estimation[J].Econometrica,2000,68:575-603.
[8]Henry Olèan T.Exchange rate instability:A threshold autoregressive approach[J].TheEconomic Record,2001,237:160-166.
[9]Imbs Jean,Morten O Ravn,Haroon Mumtaz,Helene Rey.Nonlinearities and real ex-change rate dynamics[J].Journal of the European Economic Association,2003,1(2-3):639-649.
[10]Kilian Lutz,Mark P Taylor.Why is so difficult to beat the random walk forecast ex-change rates[J].Journal of International Economics,2003,60(1):85-107.
[11]Michael Panos,A Robert Nobay,David A Peel.Transactions costs and nonlinear ad-justment in real exchange rates:An empirical investigation[J].The Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1997,105(4):862-879.
[12]Regoff R.The purchasing power parity puzzle[J].Journal of Economic Literature,1996,34:647-668.
[13]Sollis Robert,Mark E Wohar.The real exchange rate-real interest rate relation:Evi-dence from tests for symmetric and asymmetric threshold cointegration[J].Internation-al Journal of Finance and Economics,2006,11:139-153.
[14]Taylor A M.Potential pitfalls for the purchasing power parity puzzle?Sampling andspecification biases in mean reversion test of the law of one price[R].Working Paper2006b,No.7577.
[15]Taylor M P,D A Peel,L Sarno.Nonlinear mean-reversion in real exchange rates:To-ward a solution to the purchasing power parity puzzles[J].International Economic Re-view,2001,42:1015-1042.
[16]Taylor Mark P,Lucio Sarno.International real interest rate differentials,purchasingpower parity and the behaviour of real exchange rates:The resolution of a conundrum[J].Journal of International Finance and Economics,2004,9(1):15-23.
[17]Tong H.On a threshold model,in pattern recognition and signal processing[M].Am-sterdam:Sijhoff and Noordhoff,1978.
[18]Tong H.Threshold models in non-linear time series analysi[M].Lecture Notes in Sta-tistics,21.Berlin:Springer.1983.
丁剑平, 谌卫学. 汇率非线性因素在部分亚洲货币汇率中的特征——检验购买力平价论的新方法[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(2): 5–15.