财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 11 期, 页码:52 - 62
[3]Bailliu J,Fujii E.Exchange rate pass-through and the inflation environment in industrial-ized countries:An empirical investigation[R].Working Paper,No.21,Bank of Canada,2004.
[4]Campa J,Goldberg L S.Exchange rate pass through into import prices[J].Review ofEconomics and Statistics,2005,87(4):679-690.
[5]Devereux M B,Yetman J.Price adjustment and exchange rate pass-through[R].Work-ing Papers,2008.
[6]Shintani M.Akiko T H,Tomoyoshi Y.Exchange rate pass-through and inflation:A non-linear time series analysis[R].Working Papers,2009.
[7]Taylor J B.Low inflation,pass-through,and the pricing power of firms[J].EuropeanEconomic Review,2000,44(7):1389-1408.
[8]Terasvirta T.Specification,estimation,and evaluation of smooth transition autoregres-sive models[J].Journnal of the American Statistical Association,1994,(89):208-218.
[3]Bailliu J,Fujii E.Exchange rate pass-through and the inflation environment in industrial-ized countries:An empirical investigation[R].Working Paper,No.21,Bank of Canada,2004.
[4]Campa J,Goldberg L S.Exchange rate pass through into import prices[J].Review ofEconomics and Statistics,2005,87(4):679-690.
[5]Devereux M B,Yetman J.Price adjustment and exchange rate pass-through[R].Work-ing Papers,2008.
[6]Shintani M.Akiko T H,Tomoyoshi Y.Exchange rate pass-through and inflation:A non-linear time series analysis[R].Working Papers,2009.
[7]Taylor J B.Low inflation,pass-through,and the pricing power of firms[J].EuropeanEconomic Review,2000,44(7):1389-1408.
[8]Terasvirta T.Specification,estimation,and evaluation of smooth transition autoregres-sive models[J].Journnal of the American Statistical Association,1994,(89):208-218.
项后军, 王清. 通货膨胀环境视角下的人民币汇率传递——理论模型和实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(11): 52–62.