外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 05 期, 页码:
[1]Benjamin B A and Podolny J M.Status,quality,and social order in the California wine industry[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1999,44:563-589.
[2]Bitektine A and Montreal H.Toward a theory of social judgments of organizations:the case of legitimacy,reputation,and status[J].Academy of Management Review,2011,36(1):151-179.
[3]Bunderson J S and Reagans R E.Power,status,and learning in organizations[J].Organization Science,2011,22(5):1182-1194.
[4]Castellucci F and Ertug G.What’s in it for them? Advantages of higher status partners in exchange relationships[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(1):149-166.
[5]Chen Y,Peterson R S,Phillips D J,Podolny J M and Ridgeway C L.Introduction to the special issue:Bringing status to the tableattaining,maintaining,and experiencing status in organizations and markets[J].Organization Science,2012,23(2):299–307.
[6]Chung S,Singh H and Lee K.Complementarity,status similarity and social capital as drivers of alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21:1-22.
[7]Cowen A P.An expanded model of status dynamics:The effects of status transfer and interfirm coordination[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(5):1169-1186.
[8]D’Aveni R A.A multipleconstituency,statusbased approach to interorganizational mobility of faculty and inputoutput competition among top business schools[J].Organization Science,1996,7(2):166-189.
[9]Fombrun C.Reputation:Realizing value from the corporate image[M].Harvard Business School Press:Boston,MA.1996.
[10]Jensen M and Roy A.Staging exchange partner choices:When do status and reputation matter?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2008,51(3):495-516.
[11]Jensen M.The role of network resources in market entry:Commercial banks’ entry into investment banking,1991-1997[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2003,48:466-497.
[12]Jensen M.The use of relational discrimination to manage market entry:When do social status and structural holes work against you?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2008,51(4):723-743.
[13]Li S X and Berta W B.The ties that bind:Strategic actions and status structure in the US investment banking industry[J].Organization Studies,2002,23(3):339-368.
[14]Lin Z,Yang H,and Arya B.Alliance partners and firm performance:Resource complementarity and status association[J].Strategic Management Journal,2009,30:921-940.
[15]Milanov H and Shepherd D A.The importance of the first relationship:The ongoing influence of initial network on future status[J].Strategic Management Journal,2013,34:727-750.
[16]Park D Y and Podolny J M.The competitive dynamics of status and niche width:US investment banking,1920-1949[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2000,9(3):377-414.
[17]Pearce J L.Status in management and organizations[M].New York:Cambridge University Press,2011.
[18]Phillips D J and Zuckerman E W.Middlestatus conformity:Theoretical restatement and empirical demonstration in two markets[J].American Journal of Sociology,2001,107(2):379-429.
[19]Piazza A and Castellucci F.Status in organization and management theory[J].Journal of Management,2014,40(1):287-315.
[20]Podolny J M and Phillips D J.The dynamics of organizational status[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,1996,5(2):453-471.
[21]Podolny J M and Stuart T E.A rolebased ecology of technological change[J].American Journal of Sociology,1995,100(5):1224-1260.
[22]Podolny J M.A statusbased model of market competition[J].American Journal of Sociology,1993,98(4):829-872.
[23]Podolny J M.Networks as the pipes and prisms of the market[J].American Journal of Sociology,2001,107:33-60.
[24]Roberts P W and Dowling G R.2002.Corporate reputation and sustained superior financial performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23:1077-1093.
[25]Shen R,Tang Y and Chen G.When the role fits:How firm status differentials affect corporate takeovers[J].Strategic Management Journal,2014,35:2012-2030.
[26]Shipilov A V and Li S X.Can you have your cake and eat it too? Structural holes’ influence on status accumulation and market performance in collaborative networks[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2008,53:73-108.
[27]Stern I,Dukerich J M and Zajac E.Unmixed signals:How reputation and status affect alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,2014,35:512-531.
[28]Washington M and Zajac E J.Status evolution and competition:Theory and evidence[J].Academy of Management Journal,2005,48(2):282-296.
[29]Zaheer A and Soda G.Network Evolution:The origins of structural holes[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2009,54(1):1-31.
[30]Zhao W and Zhou X.Status inconsistency and product valuation in the California wine market[J].Organization Science,2011,22(6):1435-1448.
[2]Bitektine A and Montreal H.Toward a theory of social judgments of organizations:the case of legitimacy,reputation,and status[J].Academy of Management Review,2011,36(1):151-179.
[3]Bunderson J S and Reagans R E.Power,status,and learning in organizations[J].Organization Science,2011,22(5):1182-1194.
[4]Castellucci F and Ertug G.What’s in it for them? Advantages of higher status partners in exchange relationships[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(1):149-166.
[5]Chen Y,Peterson R S,Phillips D J,Podolny J M and Ridgeway C L.Introduction to the special issue:Bringing status to the tableattaining,maintaining,and experiencing status in organizations and markets[J].Organization Science,2012,23(2):299–307.
[6]Chung S,Singh H and Lee K.Complementarity,status similarity and social capital as drivers of alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21:1-22.
[7]Cowen A P.An expanded model of status dynamics:The effects of status transfer and interfirm coordination[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(5):1169-1186.
[8]D’Aveni R A.A multipleconstituency,statusbased approach to interorganizational mobility of faculty and inputoutput competition among top business schools[J].Organization Science,1996,7(2):166-189.
[9]Fombrun C.Reputation:Realizing value from the corporate image[M].Harvard Business School Press:Boston,MA.1996.
[10]Jensen M and Roy A.Staging exchange partner choices:When do status and reputation matter?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2008,51(3):495-516.
[11]Jensen M.The role of network resources in market entry:Commercial banks’ entry into investment banking,1991-1997[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2003,48:466-497.
[12]Jensen M.The use of relational discrimination to manage market entry:When do social status and structural holes work against you?[J].Academy of Management Journal,2008,51(4):723-743.
[13]Li S X and Berta W B.The ties that bind:Strategic actions and status structure in the US investment banking industry[J].Organization Studies,2002,23(3):339-368.
[14]Lin Z,Yang H,and Arya B.Alliance partners and firm performance:Resource complementarity and status association[J].Strategic Management Journal,2009,30:921-940.
[15]Milanov H and Shepherd D A.The importance of the first relationship:The ongoing influence of initial network on future status[J].Strategic Management Journal,2013,34:727-750.
[16]Park D Y and Podolny J M.The competitive dynamics of status and niche width:US investment banking,1920-1949[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2000,9(3):377-414.
[17]Pearce J L.Status in management and organizations[M].New York:Cambridge University Press,2011.
[18]Phillips D J and Zuckerman E W.Middlestatus conformity:Theoretical restatement and empirical demonstration in two markets[J].American Journal of Sociology,2001,107(2):379-429.
[19]Piazza A and Castellucci F.Status in organization and management theory[J].Journal of Management,2014,40(1):287-315.
[20]Podolny J M and Phillips D J.The dynamics of organizational status[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,1996,5(2):453-471.
[21]Podolny J M and Stuart T E.A rolebased ecology of technological change[J].American Journal of Sociology,1995,100(5):1224-1260.
[22]Podolny J M.A statusbased model of market competition[J].American Journal of Sociology,1993,98(4):829-872.
[23]Podolny J M.Networks as the pipes and prisms of the market[J].American Journal of Sociology,2001,107:33-60.
[24]Roberts P W and Dowling G R.2002.Corporate reputation and sustained superior financial performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23:1077-1093.
[25]Shen R,Tang Y and Chen G.When the role fits:How firm status differentials affect corporate takeovers[J].Strategic Management Journal,2014,35:2012-2030.
[26]Shipilov A V and Li S X.Can you have your cake and eat it too? Structural holes’ influence on status accumulation and market performance in collaborative networks[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2008,53:73-108.
[27]Stern I,Dukerich J M and Zajac E.Unmixed signals:How reputation and status affect alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,2014,35:512-531.
[28]Washington M and Zajac E J.Status evolution and competition:Theory and evidence[J].Academy of Management Journal,2005,48(2):282-296.
[29]Zaheer A and Soda G.Network Evolution:The origins of structural holes[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2009,54(1):1-31.
[30]Zhao W and Zhou X.Status inconsistency and product valuation in the California wine market[J].Organization Science,2011,22(6):1435-1448.
王是业, 杜国臣. 战略管理研究中的组织地位:内涵、演进和影响[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(5): 0.