外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 05 期, 页码:
[1]Adams G S and E Mullen.The social and psychological costs of punishing[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2012,35:15-16.
[2]Balafoutas L and Nikiforakis N.Norm enforcement in the city:A natural field experiment[J].European Economic Review.2012,56(8):1773-1785.
[3]Barclay P.Proximate and ultimate causes of punishment and strong reciprocity[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):16-17.
[4]BerebyMeyer Y.Reciprocity and uncertainty[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):18-19.
[5]Binmore K.Natural justice[M].Oxford University Press,2005.
[6]Blanco M,et al.A withinsubject analysis of otherregarding preferences[J].Games and Economic Behavior,2011,72(2):321-338.
[7]Bowles S and Gintis H.The origins of human cooperation.in:Peter Hammerste in Genetic and Cultural Evolution of Cooperation[M].MIT Press,2003:430-443.
[8]Bowles S and Gintis H.Behavioural science:Homo reciprocans[J].Nature,2002,415:125-28.
[9]Boyd R,et al..The evolution of altruistic punishment[J].Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America,2003,100(6):3531.
[10]BrosigKoch J,et al.Selfish in the end? An investigation of consistency and stability of individual behaviour[D].OttoVonGuericke University Magdeburg,Faculty of Economics and Management,2007.
[11]Bruni L,et al.Reciprocity:Theory and facts[J].International Review of Economics,2008,55(1):1-11.
[12]Casari M.Emergence of endogenous legal institutions:Property rights and community governance in the Italian Alps[J].Journal of Economic History,2007,67(1):191-226.
[13]Casari M.Weak reciprocity alone cannot explain peer punishment[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2012,35(01):21-22.
[14]Chaudhuri A.Sustaining cooperation in laboratory public goods experiments:A selective survey of the literature[J].Experimental Economics,2011,14(1):47-83.
[15]Cinyabuguma M,et al.Can secondorder punishment deter perverse punishment?[J]Experimental Economics,2006,9(3):265-279.
[16]De Oliveira A,et al.Are preferences stable across domains? An experimental investigation of social preferences in the field[J].Southern Economic Journal,2012,79(1).
[17]De Quervain D J F,et al.The neural basis of altruistic punishment[J].Science,2004,305(5688):1254.
[18]DenantBoemont L,et al.Punishment,counterpunishment and sanction enforcement in a social dilemma experiment[J].Economic Theory,2007,33(1):145-167.
[19]Dos Santos M and Wedekind C.Examining punishment at different explanatory levels[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):23-24.
[20]Egloff B,et al.Need for conclusive evidence that positive and negative reciprocity are unrelated[J].Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences.2013,110(9):E786-E786.
[21]Fehr E and Schmidt K M.A theory of fairness,competition,and cooperation[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1999,114(3):817-868.
[22]Fehr E and Leibbrandt A.A field study of cooperativeness and impatience in the tragedy of commons[J].Journal of Public Economics,2011,95(9-10):1144-1155.
[23]Fehr E and Gchter S.Altruistic punishment in humans[J].Nature,2002,415(6868):137-140.
[24]Fehr E and Gchter S.Cooperation and punishment in public goods experiments[J].The American Economic Review,2000,90(4):980-994.
[25]Feinberg M,et al.Gossip as an effective and lowcost form of punishment[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):25.
[26]Feinberg M,et al.The existence and dynamics of prosocial gossip[J].Unpublished Manuscript,University of California,Berkeley,2011.
[27]Fischbacher U,et al.Are people conditionally cooperative? Evidence from a public goods experiment[J].Economics Letters,2001,71(3):397-404.
[28]Fischbacher U,et al.The behavioral validity of the strategy method in public good experiments[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2012,33(4):897-913.
[29]Fischbacher U and Gchter S.Social preferences,beliefs,and the dynamics of free riding in public goods experiments[J].The American Economic Review,2010,100(1):541-556.
[30]Fisman R,et al.Individual preferences for giving[J].The American Economic Review,2007,1858 -1876.
[31]Gchter S and Herrmann B.The limits of selfgovernance when cooperators get punished:Experimental evidence from urban and rural Russia[J].European Economic Review,2011,55(2):193-210.
[32]Gchter S.Human prosocial motivation and the maintenance of social order[J].Discussion Papers,2014.
[33]Gchter S.In the lab and the field:Punishment is rare in equilibrium[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):26-28.
[34]Gehrig T,et al.Buying a pig in a poke:An experimental study of unconditional veto power[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2007,28(6):692-703.
[35]Gintis H and Fehr E.The social structure of cooperation and punishment[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):28-29.
[36]Gintis H.Strong reciprocity and human sociality[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,2000,206(2):169-179.
[37]Guala F.Reciprocity:Weak or strong? What punishment experiments do (and do not) demonstrate[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):1-59.
[38]Güney and Newell B R.Is strong reciprocity really strong in the lab,let alone in the real world?[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):29-29.
[39]Hamilton W D.The genetical evolution of social behavior[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,1964,7:1-52.
[40]Harrison G W and List J A.Field experiments[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2004,42:1009 -1055.
[41]Hauert,et al.Volunteering as a mechanism for cooperation in public goods games[J].Science,2002,296:1129-1132.
[42]Hauert C,et al.Via freedom to coercion:The emergence of costly punishment[J].Science,2007,316:1905-1907.
[43]Henrich J and Chudek M.Understanding the research program[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):29-30.
[44]Herrmann B,Thni C and Gchter S.Antisocial punishment across societies[J].Science,2008, 319(5868):1362-1367.
[45]Janssen M A and Bushman C.Evolution of cooperation and altruistic punishment when retaliation is possible[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,2008,254(3):541-545.
[46]Johnson T.The strategic logic of costly punishment necessitates natural field experiments,and at least one such experiment exists[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35 (01):31-32.
[47]Kamei K and Putterman L.In broad daylight:Fuller information and higherorder punishment opportunities can promote cooperation.Working Paper,2013.
[48]Laury S K and Taylor L O.Altruism spillovers:Are behaviors in contextfree experiments predictive of altruism toward a naturally occurring public good?[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,2008,65(1):9-29.
[49]Ledyard J.Public goods:A survey of experimental research.in:Kagel J and Roth A.Handbook of Experimental Economics[M].Princeton University Press,Princeton,1995.
[50]Li Y and Yamagishi T.A test of the strong reciprocity model:Relationship between cooperation and punishment[J].The Japanese Journal of Psychology,2014,85(1):100-105.
[51]Mayr E.Cause and effect in biology kinds of causes,predictability,and teleology are viewed by a practicing biologist[J].Science,1961,134(3489):1501-1506.
[52]Muller L,et al.Strategic behavior and learning in repeated voluntary contribution experiments[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,2008,67:782-793.
[53]Nikiforakis N.Altruistic punishment:What field data can (and cannot) demonstrate[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):32-33.
[54]Nikiforakis N and Engelmann D.Altruistic punishment and the threat of feuds[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,2011,78(3),319-332.
[55]Nikiforakis N.Punishment and counterpunishment in public good games:Can we really govern ourselves?[J]Journal of Public Economics,2008,92(1-2):91-112.
[56]Ostrom E,et al.Covenants with and without a sword:Selfgovernance is possible[J].The American Political Science Review,1992,86(02),404-417.
[57]Rand D G,et al.Antisocial punishment can prevent the coevolution of punishment and cooperation[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,2010,265(4):624-632.
[58]Richerson P J and Boyd R.Not by genes alone:How culture transformed human evolution[M].University of Chicago Press,2005.
[59]Ross D.Evolutionary game theory and the normative theory of institutional design:Binmore and behavioral economics[J].Politics,Philosophy,and Economics,2006,5:51-79.
[60]Rustagi D,et al.Conditional cooperation and costly monitoring explain success in forest commons management[J].Science,2010,330:961-965.
[61]Sanfey A G,et al.The neural basis of economic decisionmaking in the ultimatum game[J].Science,2003,300(5626):1755-1758.
[62]Sigmund K,et al.Social learning promotes institutions for governing the commons[J].Nature,2010,466(7308):861-863.
[63]Smirnov O,et al.The behavioral logic of collective action:Partisans cooperate and punish more than nonpartisans[J].Political Psychology,2010,31(4):595-616.
[64]Traulsen A,et al.Exploration dynamics in evolutionary games[J].Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences USA,2009,106(3):709-712.
[65]Volk S,et al.Temporal stability and psychological foundations of cooperation preferences[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,2011,81(2):664-676.
[66]West S A,et al.Sixteen common misconceptions about the evolution of cooperation in humans[J].Evolution and Human Behavior,2011,32(4):231-262.
[67]The World Bank.World development report 2015:Mind,society,and behavior[R].http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2015.
[68]Yamagishi T,et al.Rejection of unfair offers in the ultimatum game is no evidence of strong reciprocity[J].Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences,2012,109(50):364-368.
[2]Balafoutas L and Nikiforakis N.Norm enforcement in the city:A natural field experiment[J].European Economic Review.2012,56(8):1773-1785.
[3]Barclay P.Proximate and ultimate causes of punishment and strong reciprocity[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):16-17.
[4]BerebyMeyer Y.Reciprocity and uncertainty[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):18-19.
[5]Binmore K.Natural justice[M].Oxford University Press,2005.
[6]Blanco M,et al.A withinsubject analysis of otherregarding preferences[J].Games and Economic Behavior,2011,72(2):321-338.
[7]Bowles S and Gintis H.The origins of human cooperation.in:Peter Hammerste in Genetic and Cultural Evolution of Cooperation[M].MIT Press,2003:430-443.
[8]Bowles S and Gintis H.Behavioural science:Homo reciprocans[J].Nature,2002,415:125-28.
[9]Boyd R,et al..The evolution of altruistic punishment[J].Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America,2003,100(6):3531.
[10]BrosigKoch J,et al.Selfish in the end? An investigation of consistency and stability of individual behaviour[D].OttoVonGuericke University Magdeburg,Faculty of Economics and Management,2007.
[11]Bruni L,et al.Reciprocity:Theory and facts[J].International Review of Economics,2008,55(1):1-11.
[12]Casari M.Emergence of endogenous legal institutions:Property rights and community governance in the Italian Alps[J].Journal of Economic History,2007,67(1):191-226.
[13]Casari M.Weak reciprocity alone cannot explain peer punishment[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2012,35(01):21-22.
[14]Chaudhuri A.Sustaining cooperation in laboratory public goods experiments:A selective survey of the literature[J].Experimental Economics,2011,14(1):47-83.
[15]Cinyabuguma M,et al.Can secondorder punishment deter perverse punishment?[J]Experimental Economics,2006,9(3):265-279.
[16]De Oliveira A,et al.Are preferences stable across domains? An experimental investigation of social preferences in the field[J].Southern Economic Journal,2012,79(1).
[17]De Quervain D J F,et al.The neural basis of altruistic punishment[J].Science,2004,305(5688):1254.
[18]DenantBoemont L,et al.Punishment,counterpunishment and sanction enforcement in a social dilemma experiment[J].Economic Theory,2007,33(1):145-167.
[19]Dos Santos M and Wedekind C.Examining punishment at different explanatory levels[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):23-24.
[20]Egloff B,et al.Need for conclusive evidence that positive and negative reciprocity are unrelated[J].Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences.2013,110(9):E786-E786.
[21]Fehr E and Schmidt K M.A theory of fairness,competition,and cooperation[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1999,114(3):817-868.
[22]Fehr E and Leibbrandt A.A field study of cooperativeness and impatience in the tragedy of commons[J].Journal of Public Economics,2011,95(9-10):1144-1155.
[23]Fehr E and Gchter S.Altruistic punishment in humans[J].Nature,2002,415(6868):137-140.
[24]Fehr E and Gchter S.Cooperation and punishment in public goods experiments[J].The American Economic Review,2000,90(4):980-994.
[25]Feinberg M,et al.Gossip as an effective and lowcost form of punishment[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):25.
[26]Feinberg M,et al.The existence and dynamics of prosocial gossip[J].Unpublished Manuscript,University of California,Berkeley,2011.
[27]Fischbacher U,et al.Are people conditionally cooperative? Evidence from a public goods experiment[J].Economics Letters,2001,71(3):397-404.
[28]Fischbacher U,et al.The behavioral validity of the strategy method in public good experiments[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2012,33(4):897-913.
[29]Fischbacher U and Gchter S.Social preferences,beliefs,and the dynamics of free riding in public goods experiments[J].The American Economic Review,2010,100(1):541-556.
[30]Fisman R,et al.Individual preferences for giving[J].The American Economic Review,2007,1858 -1876.
[31]Gchter S and Herrmann B.The limits of selfgovernance when cooperators get punished:Experimental evidence from urban and rural Russia[J].European Economic Review,2011,55(2):193-210.
[32]Gchter S.Human prosocial motivation and the maintenance of social order[J].Discussion Papers,2014.
[33]Gchter S.In the lab and the field:Punishment is rare in equilibrium[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):26-28.
[34]Gehrig T,et al.Buying a pig in a poke:An experimental study of unconditional veto power[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2007,28(6):692-703.
[35]Gintis H and Fehr E.The social structure of cooperation and punishment[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):28-29.
[36]Gintis H.Strong reciprocity and human sociality[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,2000,206(2):169-179.
[37]Guala F.Reciprocity:Weak or strong? What punishment experiments do (and do not) demonstrate[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):1-59.
[38]Güney and Newell B R.Is strong reciprocity really strong in the lab,let alone in the real world?[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):29-29.
[39]Hamilton W D.The genetical evolution of social behavior[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,1964,7:1-52.
[40]Harrison G W and List J A.Field experiments[J].Journal of Economic Literature,2004,42:1009 -1055.
[41]Hauert,et al.Volunteering as a mechanism for cooperation in public goods games[J].Science,2002,296:1129-1132.
[42]Hauert C,et al.Via freedom to coercion:The emergence of costly punishment[J].Science,2007,316:1905-1907.
[43]Henrich J and Chudek M.Understanding the research program[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):29-30.
[44]Herrmann B,Thni C and Gchter S.Antisocial punishment across societies[J].Science,2008, 319(5868):1362-1367.
[45]Janssen M A and Bushman C.Evolution of cooperation and altruistic punishment when retaliation is possible[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,2008,254(3):541-545.
[46]Johnson T.The strategic logic of costly punishment necessitates natural field experiments,and at least one such experiment exists[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35 (01):31-32.
[47]Kamei K and Putterman L.In broad daylight:Fuller information and higherorder punishment opportunities can promote cooperation.Working Paper,2013.
[48]Laury S K and Taylor L O.Altruism spillovers:Are behaviors in contextfree experiments predictive of altruism toward a naturally occurring public good?[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,2008,65(1):9-29.
[49]Ledyard J.Public goods:A survey of experimental research.in:Kagel J and Roth A.Handbook of Experimental Economics[M].Princeton University Press,Princeton,1995.
[50]Li Y and Yamagishi T.A test of the strong reciprocity model:Relationship between cooperation and punishment[J].The Japanese Journal of Psychology,2014,85(1):100-105.
[51]Mayr E.Cause and effect in biology kinds of causes,predictability,and teleology are viewed by a practicing biologist[J].Science,1961,134(3489):1501-1506.
[52]Muller L,et al.Strategic behavior and learning in repeated voluntary contribution experiments[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,2008,67:782-793.
[53]Nikiforakis N.Altruistic punishment:What field data can (and cannot) demonstrate[J].Behavioral and Brain Sciences,2012,35(01):32-33.
[54]Nikiforakis N and Engelmann D.Altruistic punishment and the threat of feuds[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,2011,78(3),319-332.
[55]Nikiforakis N.Punishment and counterpunishment in public good games:Can we really govern ourselves?[J]Journal of Public Economics,2008,92(1-2):91-112.
[56]Ostrom E,et al.Covenants with and without a sword:Selfgovernance is possible[J].The American Political Science Review,1992,86(02),404-417.
[57]Rand D G,et al.Antisocial punishment can prevent the coevolution of punishment and cooperation[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,2010,265(4):624-632.
[58]Richerson P J and Boyd R.Not by genes alone:How culture transformed human evolution[M].University of Chicago Press,2005.
[59]Ross D.Evolutionary game theory and the normative theory of institutional design:Binmore and behavioral economics[J].Politics,Philosophy,and Economics,2006,5:51-79.
[60]Rustagi D,et al.Conditional cooperation and costly monitoring explain success in forest commons management[J].Science,2010,330:961-965.
[61]Sanfey A G,et al.The neural basis of economic decisionmaking in the ultimatum game[J].Science,2003,300(5626):1755-1758.
[62]Sigmund K,et al.Social learning promotes institutions for governing the commons[J].Nature,2010,466(7308):861-863.
[63]Smirnov O,et al.The behavioral logic of collective action:Partisans cooperate and punish more than nonpartisans[J].Political Psychology,2010,31(4):595-616.
[64]Traulsen A,et al.Exploration dynamics in evolutionary games[J].Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences USA,2009,106(3):709-712.
[65]Volk S,et al.Temporal stability and psychological foundations of cooperation preferences[J].Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,2011,81(2):664-676.
[66]West S A,et al.Sixteen common misconceptions about the evolution of cooperation in humans[J].Evolution and Human Behavior,2011,32(4):231-262.
[67]The World Bank.World development report 2015:Mind,society,and behavior[R].http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2015.
[68]Yamagishi T,et al.Rejection of unfair offers in the ultimatum game is no evidence of strong reciprocity[J].Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences,2012,109(50):364-368.
汪崇金, 聂左玲. 破解社会合作难题:强互惠真的够强吗?——基于公共品实验研究[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(5): 0.