财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 06 期, 页码:42 - 51
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[7]Dirk WV,Swapna N.Foreign direct invest ment,services trade negotiations and devel-opment[R].DSA Conference,2005.
[8]Ivar K,Espen V.Determinants of foreign direct invest ment in services[EB/OL].www.cmi.no/ppublic.ht m.2004.
[9]Michael Frenkel,Katja Funke,Georg Stadt mann.A panel analysis of bilateral FDI flows to emerging economies[J].Economic Systems,2004,28(3):281-300.
[10]Walter.Barriers to trade in banking and financial services[R].London:Trade Policy Research Centre,1985.
[11]UNCTAD.World invest ment report2004:The shift towards services[R].United Nations Publication,2004.
[12]OECD.Introduction to the OECDcodes of liberalization[R].OECD.Paris,1987.
[13]UNCTC.International accounting and reporting issues:1984review[R].NewYork:UNO,1988.
[14]Chanda R.Trade liberalization and foreign direct invest ment in producer services:A theoretical and empirical study[R].Working Paper.,II MBangalore,1997.
[15]Dixit A,Pindyck R.Invest ments under Uncertainty[M].Princeton University Press,1994.
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