财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 07 期, 页码:30 - 41
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[6]Romer,Paul M.Endogenous technological change[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,10(2):71~102.
[7]Grossman,Gene M Helpman and Elhanan.Endogenous product cycles[J].EconomicJournal,1991,101(9):1214~1229.
[8]Mankiw,N Gregory Romer,David and Weil David N.A contribution to the empirics ofeconomic growth[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1990,107(5):407~437.
[9]Arrow,Kenneth J.The economic implications of learning by doing[J].Review of Eco-nomic Studies,1962,29(6):155~173.
[10]Lucas,Robert E Jr.On the mechanics of development planning[J].Journal of MonetaryEconomics,1988,22,1(7):3~42.
[11]Evans C.Productivity shocks and real buainess cycles[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1992,29(1):191~208.
[12]Hall R E.The relation between price and marginal cost in U.S.industry[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1996,96:921~947.
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