财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 07 期, 页码:42 - 53
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[7]Baptista R M,Swann G M P.Do firms in clusters innovate more?[J].Research Policy,1998,27:527~542.
[2]Beaudry C,Breschi S.Are firms in clusters really more innovative?[J].Economics ofInnovation&New Technology,2003,12(4):325~340.
[3]Glaeser E L,kallal H D,Scheinkman J,Shleifer A.Growth in cities[J].Journal of Polit-ical Economy,1992,100:1162~1152.
[4]Audretsch D B,Feldman M.Knowledge spillovers and the geography of innovation andproduction[J].American Economic Review,1996,86:630~640.
[5]Bair J.Beyond the maquila model?NAFTA and the mexican apparel industry[J].In-dustry and Innovation,2002,32:211~221.
[6]Gereffi G.International trade and industrial upgrading in the apparel commodity chain[J].Journal of International Economics,1999,25:1230~1245.
[7]Baptista R M,Swann G M P.Do firms in clusters innovate more?[J].Research Policy,1998,27:527~542.
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