财经研究 2005 年 第 31 卷第 10 期, 页码:97 - 109
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[12]Jones Charles I.Introduction to economic growth[M].W.W.Norton&Company,Inc.,USA,1998.
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[14]Kydland F E,E C Prescott.Time to build and aggregate fluctuations[J].Econometrica,L,1982,8:1345~1370.
[15]Kydland F E.Business cycle and aggregate labor market fluctuation[A].inT.F.Cooley(ed.).Frontier of business cycle research[C].Princeton:Princeton Univer-sity Press,1995.
[16]Lucas R E.On the mechanism of economic development[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1988,22:3~42.
[17]Mankiw,N Gregory,Romer,David&Weil,David N.A contribution to the empirics ofeconomic growth[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1992,107(2):407~437.
[18]Romer P M.Increasing returns and long run growth[J].Journal of Political Economy,1986,94(5):1002~1037.
[19]Romer P M.Capital,labor and productivity[J].Brookings Papers on Economic ReviewPapers on Economy,1990,98(5):71~102.
[20]Rubinstein M.An aggregation theorem for securities market[J].Journal of Financial E-conomies,1974,1:225~244.
[21]Ryder H E,Stafford F P,Stephan,P E.Labor,leisure and training over the life cycle[J].International Economic Review,1976,17:651~674.
[4]Arrow K J.The economic implications of learning by doing[J].Review of EconomicStudies,1962,29:155~173.
[5]Barro,Robet J,Xavier Sala-I-Martin.Public finance in models of economic growth[J].Review of Economic Studies,1992,59:645~661.
[6]Chase E S.Leisure and consumption[A].in K.Shell(ed.),Essays on the Theory of Op-timal Economic Growth[C].Cambridge:MIT Press,1967.
[7]Eichenbaum S M,Hansen L P,S F Richard.The dynamic equilibrium pricing of durableconsumption goods[Z].manuscript,Carnegie-Mellon University,1985.
[8]Gali J.Technology,employment and the business cycle:Do technology shocks explainaggregate fluctuation?[J].American Economic Review,1999,89(1):249~271.
[9]Hall R E.Labor supply and aggregate fluctuation[A].in K.Brunner and A.Meltzer(ed.).On the state of macroeconomics,carnegie-rochester conference on public policy[C],XII,Amsterdam:North-Holland,1980.
[10]Jones Charles I.R&D-based modeld of economic growth[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1995,103(8):759~784.
[11]Jones Charles I.Time series tests of endogenous growth models[J].Quarterly Journalof Economics,1995,110(2):495~525.
[12]Jones Charles I.Introduction to economic growth[M].W.W.Norton&Company,Inc.,USA,1998.
[13]Kaldor N.Capital accumulation and economic growth[Z].In The Theory of Capital,e-d.F.A.Lutz and C.C.Hague.New York:St.Martins,1961.
[14]Kydland F E,E C Prescott.Time to build and aggregate fluctuations[J].Econometrica,L,1982,8:1345~1370.
[15]Kydland F E.Business cycle and aggregate labor market fluctuation[A].inT.F.Cooley(ed.).Frontier of business cycle research[C].Princeton:Princeton Univer-sity Press,1995.
[16]Lucas R E.On the mechanism of economic development[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1988,22:3~42.
[17]Mankiw,N Gregory,Romer,David&Weil,David N.A contribution to the empirics ofeconomic growth[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1992,107(2):407~437.
[18]Romer P M.Increasing returns and long run growth[J].Journal of Political Economy,1986,94(5):1002~1037.
[19]Romer P M.Capital,labor and productivity[J].Brookings Papers on Economic ReviewPapers on Economy,1990,98(5):71~102.
[20]Rubinstein M.An aggregation theorem for securities market[J].Journal of Financial E-conomies,1974,1:225~244.
[21]Ryder H E,Stafford F P,Stephan,P E.Labor,leisure and training over the life cycle[J].International Economic Review,1976,17:651~674.
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