外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 05 期, 页码:39 - 44
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[10]Katz,E,&Coleman,M.The Influence of research on career development at academic colleges of education in Israel[J].Journal of Education for Teaching,2002,28(1):45-61.
[11]Kanfer,R&Ackerman,P L.Aging,adult development and motivation[J].Academy of Management Review,2004,29(3):440-458.
[12]Sparrow,P R,&Davis,D R.Effects of age,tenure,training,and job complexity on technical performance[J].Psycho-logy and Aging,1988,3(1):307-314.
[13]Waldman,D A,&Avolio,B J.A meta-analysis of age differences in job performance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1986,71(1):33-38.
[14]McEvoy,G M,&Cascio,W F.Cumulative evidence of the relationship between employee age and job performance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1989,74(1):11-17.
[15]Ali,H,&Davis,D R.The effects of age,sex and tenure on the job performance of rubber tappers[J].Journal of Occupa-tional and Organizational Psychology,2003,76(3):381-391.
[16]Simonton,D K.Age and outstanding achievement:what do we know after a century of research?[J].Psychological Bul-letin,1988,104(2):51-267.
[17]Avolio,B J,Waldman,D A&McDaniel,M A.Age and work performance in non-managerial jobs:the effects of experi-ence and occupational type[J].Academy of Management Journal,1990,33(2):407-422.
[18]Pelz,D C,&Andrews,E M.Scientist in organization[M].New York:Wiley,1976.
[2]Schmidt,F L,Hunter,J E,&Outerbridge,A N.Impact of job experience and ability on job knowledge,work sample per-formance,and supervisory ratings of job performance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1986,71(3):432-439.
[3]Bosman,E A.Age-related differences in motoric aspects of transcription typing skill[J].Psychology and Aging,1993,8(2):87-102.
[4]Slocum,J W,et al.Business strategy and the management of plateaued employee[J].Academy of Management Journal,1985,28(1):133-154
[5]Clark,A,Oswald,A,&Warr,P.Is job satisfaction U-shaped in age?[J].Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psy-chology,1996,69(1),57-81.
[6]Evans,M G,&Gilbert,E.Plateaued managers:their need gratifications and their effort-performance expectation[J].Journal of Management Studies,1984,2(1):99-108.
[7]Warr,P,Miles,A,&Platts,C.Age and personality in the British population between 16 and 64 years[J].Journal of Oc-cupational and Organizational Psychology,2001,74:(2):165-199.
[8]Gross,J J,Carstensen,L L,Pasupathi,M,Tsai,J,Skorpen,C G,&Hsu,A Y C.Emotion and aging:experience,expressionand control[J].Psychology and Aging,1997,12(4):590-599.
[9]Bourne,B.Effect of aging on work satisfaction[J].Aging and Work,1982,5(1):37-47.
[10]Katz,E,&Coleman,M.The Influence of research on career development at academic colleges of education in Israel[J].Journal of Education for Teaching,2002,28(1):45-61.
[11]Kanfer,R&Ackerman,P L.Aging,adult development and motivation[J].Academy of Management Review,2004,29(3):440-458.
[12]Sparrow,P R,&Davis,D R.Effects of age,tenure,training,and job complexity on technical performance[J].Psycho-logy and Aging,1988,3(1):307-314.
[13]Waldman,D A,&Avolio,B J.A meta-analysis of age differences in job performance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1986,71(1):33-38.
[14]McEvoy,G M,&Cascio,W F.Cumulative evidence of the relationship between employee age and job performance[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1989,74(1):11-17.
[15]Ali,H,&Davis,D R.The effects of age,sex and tenure on the job performance of rubber tappers[J].Journal of Occupa-tional and Organizational Psychology,2003,76(3):381-391.
[16]Simonton,D K.Age and outstanding achievement:what do we know after a century of research?[J].Psychological Bul-letin,1988,104(2):51-267.
[17]Avolio,B J,Waldman,D A&McDaniel,M A.Age and work performance in non-managerial jobs:the effects of experi-ence and occupational type[J].Academy of Management Journal,1990,33(2):407-422.
[18]Pelz,D C,&Andrews,E M.Scientist in organization[M].New York:Wiley,1976.
刘莹, 廖建桥. 员工年龄对工作绩效的影响探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2006, 28(5): 39–44.