外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 12 期, 页码:30 - 38
[1]Dahmus J B,et al.Modular product architecture[J].Design Studies,2001,22(5):409-424.
[2]DeFillippi R,et al.Introduction to paradoxes of creativity:Man-agerial and organizational challenges in the cultural economy[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2007,28(5):511-521.
[3]Djelic M L and Ainamo A.The telecom industry as cultural industry?The transposition of fashion logics into the field of mobile telephony[J].Research in the Sociology of Organiza-tions,2005,23(1):45-82.
[4]Eikhof D R and Haunschild A.Lifestyle meets market:Bohe-mian entrepreneurs in creative industries[J].Creativity and Innovation Management,2006,15(3):234-241.
[5]Eikhof D R and Haunschild A.For art’s sake!Artistic and e-conomic logics in creative production[J].Journal of Organiza-tional Behavior,2007,28(5):523-538.
[6]Ethiraj S K and Levinthal D.Modularity and innovation in complex systems[J].Management Science,2004,50(2):159-173.
[7]Gander J,et al.A paradox of alliance management:Resource contamination in the recorded music industry[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2007,28(5):607-624.
[8]Gibson C B and Birkinshaw J.The antecedents,conse-quences,and mediating role of organizational ambidexterity[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,23(1):209-226.
[9]Helfat C E and Eisenhardt K M.Inter-temporal economies of scope,organizational modularity,and the dynamics of diversi-fication[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(13):1217-1232.
[10]Holland J H.Studying complex adaptive systems[J].Jour-nal of Systems Science and Complexity,2006,19(1):1-8.
[11]Howkins J.The creative economy:How people make money from ideas[M].London:Penguin Global,2002.
[12]Johns J.Video games production networks:Value capture,power relations and embeddedness[J].Journal of Economic Geography,2006,6(2):151-180.
[13]Jones N.Competing after radical technological change:The significance of product line management strategy[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(13):1265-1287.
[14]Karim,S.Modularity in organizational structure:The reconfig-uration of internally developed and acquired business units[J].Strategic Management Journal,2006,27(9):799-810.
[15]Lampel J,et al.Balancing act:Learning from organizing practices in cultural industries[J].Organization science,2000,11(3):263-269.
[16]Lehrer M and Behnam M.Modularity vs programmability in design of international products:Beyond the standardization-adaptation tradeoff?[J].European Management Journal,2009,27(4):281-292.
[17]Mikkola J H.Capturing the degree of modularity embedded in product architectures[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2006,23(2):128-146.
[18]Mikkola J H.Management of product architecture modularity for mass customization:Modeling and theoretical considerations[J].IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,2007,54(1):57-69.
[19]Perretti F and Negro G.Mixing genres and matching people:a study in innovation and team composition in Hollywood[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2007,28(5):563-586.
[20]Schilling M A.Toward a general modular systems theory and its application to interfirm product modularity[J].Acade-my of Management Review,2000,25(2):312-334.
[21]Simon H A,The architecture of complexity[J].American Philosophical Society,1962,106(2):467-482.
[22]Simsek Z,et al.A typology for aligning organizational ambidexterity’s conceptualizations,antecedents,and out-comes[J].Journal of Management Studies,2009,46(5):864-894.
[24]Starr M K.Modular production—A new concept[J].Har-vard Business Review,1965,43(6):131-42.
[25]Swaminatham J M.Enabling customization using standarized operations[J].California Management review,2001,43(Spr.):125-135.
[26]Thompson P,et al.From conception to consumption:Crea-tivity and the missing managerial link[J].Journal of Organi-zational Behavior,2007,28(5):625-640.
[2]DeFillippi R,et al.Introduction to paradoxes of creativity:Man-agerial and organizational challenges in the cultural economy[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2007,28(5):511-521.
[3]Djelic M L and Ainamo A.The telecom industry as cultural industry?The transposition of fashion logics into the field of mobile telephony[J].Research in the Sociology of Organiza-tions,2005,23(1):45-82.
[4]Eikhof D R and Haunschild A.Lifestyle meets market:Bohe-mian entrepreneurs in creative industries[J].Creativity and Innovation Management,2006,15(3):234-241.
[5]Eikhof D R and Haunschild A.For art’s sake!Artistic and e-conomic logics in creative production[J].Journal of Organiza-tional Behavior,2007,28(5):523-538.
[6]Ethiraj S K and Levinthal D.Modularity and innovation in complex systems[J].Management Science,2004,50(2):159-173.
[7]Gander J,et al.A paradox of alliance management:Resource contamination in the recorded music industry[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2007,28(5):607-624.
[8]Gibson C B and Birkinshaw J.The antecedents,conse-quences,and mediating role of organizational ambidexterity[J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,23(1):209-226.
[9]Helfat C E and Eisenhardt K M.Inter-temporal economies of scope,organizational modularity,and the dynamics of diversi-fication[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(13):1217-1232.
[10]Holland J H.Studying complex adaptive systems[J].Jour-nal of Systems Science and Complexity,2006,19(1):1-8.
[11]Howkins J.The creative economy:How people make money from ideas[M].London:Penguin Global,2002.
[12]Johns J.Video games production networks:Value capture,power relations and embeddedness[J].Journal of Economic Geography,2006,6(2):151-180.
[13]Jones N.Competing after radical technological change:The significance of product line management strategy[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(13):1265-1287.
[14]Karim,S.Modularity in organizational structure:The reconfig-uration of internally developed and acquired business units[J].Strategic Management Journal,2006,27(9):799-810.
[15]Lampel J,et al.Balancing act:Learning from organizing practices in cultural industries[J].Organization science,2000,11(3):263-269.
[16]Lehrer M and Behnam M.Modularity vs programmability in design of international products:Beyond the standardization-adaptation tradeoff?[J].European Management Journal,2009,27(4):281-292.
[17]Mikkola J H.Capturing the degree of modularity embedded in product architectures[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2006,23(2):128-146.
[18]Mikkola J H.Management of product architecture modularity for mass customization:Modeling and theoretical considerations[J].IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,2007,54(1):57-69.
[19]Perretti F and Negro G.Mixing genres and matching people:a study in innovation and team composition in Hollywood[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2007,28(5):563-586.
[20]Schilling M A.Toward a general modular systems theory and its application to interfirm product modularity[J].Acade-my of Management Review,2000,25(2):312-334.
[21]Simon H A,The architecture of complexity[J].American Philosophical Society,1962,106(2):467-482.
[22]Simsek Z,et al.A typology for aligning organizational ambidexterity’s conceptualizations,antecedents,and out-comes[J].Journal of Management Studies,2009,46(5):864-894.
[24]Starr M K.Modular production—A new concept[J].Har-vard Business Review,1965,43(6):131-42.
[25]Swaminatham J M.Enabling customization using standarized operations[J].California Management review,2001,43(Spr.):125-135.
[26]Thompson P,et al.From conception to consumption:Crea-tivity and the missing managerial link[J].Journal of Organi-zational Behavior,2007,28(5):625-640.
黄学, 魏江, 刘洋. 二元视角下的文化创意产业模块化研究[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(12): 30–38.