外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 09 期, 页码:72 - 80
[1]Ahuja G.Collaboration networks,structural holes,and innovation:A longitudinal study[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2000,45(3):425-455.
[2]Assis J A B.External linkages and technological innovation:(Some)Topical issues[J].International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,2003,3(1/2):151175.
[3]Belderbos R.Cooperative R&D and firm performance[J].Research Policy,2004,33(10):1477-1492.
[4]Campbell A J and Cooper R G.Do customer partnerships improve new product success rates[J].Industrial Marketing Management,1999,28(5):507-519.
[5]Corsaro D.The impact of network configurations on value constellations in business markets—The case of an innovation network[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2012,41(1):54-67.
[6]Eizenhardt K M and Tabrizi B N.Accelerating adaptive processes:Product innovation in the global computer industry[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1995,40(1):84110.
[7]Ellinger A E.Improving marketing/logistics cross-functional collaboration in the supply chain[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2000,29(1):85-96.
[8]Feng T,et al.The effects of customer and supplier involvement on competitive advantage:An empirical study in China[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2010,39(8):1384-1394.
[9]Feng T,et al.Customer orientation for decreasing time-tomarket of new products:IT implementation as a complementary asset[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2012,41(6):929-939.
[10]Feng T and Wang D.Supply chain involvement for better product development performance[J].Industrial Management&Data Systems,2013,113(2):190-206.
[11]Fritsch M and Lukas R.Who cooperates on R&D?[J].Research Policy,2001,30(2):297-312.
[12]Gardner H K,et al.Dynamically integrating knowledge in teams:Transforming resources into performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(4):998-1022.
[13]Gebauer H,et al.Overcoming the service paradox in manufacturing companies[J].European Management Journal,2004,23(1):14-26.
[14]Gerwin D and Ferris J S.Organizing new product development projects in strategic alliances[J].Organization Science,2004,15(1):22-37.
[15]Gruner K E and Homburg C.Does customer interaction enhance new product success[J].Journal of Business Research,2000,49(1):1-14.
[16]Hartley J L,et al.Managing the buyer-supplier interface for on-time performance in product development[J].Journal of Operations Management,1997,15(1):57-70.
[17]Hsueh J T,et al.The effects of network embeddedness on service innovation performance[J].Service Industries Journal,2010,30(10):1723-1736.
[18]Katila R and Ahuja G.Something old something new:A longitudinal study of search behavior and new product introduction[J].Academy of Management Journal,2002,45(8):1183-1194.
[19]Kaufman A,et al.Collaboration and technology linkages:A strategic supplier typology[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):649-663.
[20]Koufteros X,et al.Internal and external integration for product development:The contingency effects of uncertainty,equivocality,and platform strategy[J].Decision Sciences,2005,36(1):97-133.
[21]Koufteros X A.“Black-box”and“gray-box”supplier integration in product development:Antecedents,consequences and the moderating role of firm size[J].Journal of Operations Management,2007,25(4):847-870.
[22]Lam A.Organizational learning in multinationals:R&D networks of Japanese and US MNEs in the UK[J].Journal of Management Studies,2003,40(3):673-703.
[23]Lhuillery S and Pfister E.R&D cooperation and failures in innovation projects:Empirical evidence from French CIS data[J].Research Policy,2009,38(1):45-57.
[24]Li Q,et al.Migrating to Agility 2.0:How social computing creates strategic value[J].Organizational Dynamics,2011,40(2):119-126.
[25]Lovelace K,et al.Maximizing cross-functional new product teams’innovativeness and constraint adherence:A conflict communications perspective[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(8):779-793.
[26]Lu L and Wang G A.Study on multi-agent supply chain framework based on network economy[J].Computers&Industrial Engineering,2008,54(2):288-300.
[27]Mishra A A and Shah R.In union lies strength:Collaborative competence in new product development and its perfor mance effects[J].Journal of Operations Management,2009,27(2):324-338.
[28]Mora-Valentin E M,et al.Determining factors in the success of R&D cooperative agreements between firms and research organizations[J].Research Policy,2004,33(1):1740.
[29]Okamuro H.Determinants of successful R&D cooperation in Japanese small businesses:The impact of organizational and contractual characteristics[J].Research Policy,2007,36(10):1529-1544.
[30]Perks H.An empirical evaluation of R&D-Marketing NPD integration in Chinese firms:The Guanxi effect[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2009,26(6):640-651.
[31]Petersen K J,et al.Supplier integration into new product development:Coordinating product,process and supply chain design[J].Journal of Operations Management,2005,23(3/4):371-388.
[32]Rothaermel F T and Deeds D L.Exploration and exploitation alliances in biotechnology:A system of new product development[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(3):201-221.
[33]Simpson D F,et al.Greening the automotive supply chain:A relationship perspective[J].International Journal of Operations&Productions Management,2007,27(1):28-48.
[34]Song X M,et al.Antecedents and consequences of cross-functional cooperation:A comparison of R&D,manufacturing,and marketing perspectives[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,1997,14(1):35-47.
[35]Souder W E.Environmental uncertainty,organizational integration,and new product development effectiveness:A test of contingency theory[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,1998,15(6):520-533.
[36]Swink M and Song M.Effects of marketing-manufacturing integration on new product development time and competitive advantage[J].Journal of Operations Management,2007,25(1):203-217.
[37]Tolstoy D and Agndal H.Network resource combinations in the international venturing of small biotech firms[J].Technovation,2010,30(1):24-36.
[38]Tsai K H.Collaborative networks and product innovation performance:Toward a contingency perspective[J].Research Policy,2009,38(5):765-778.
[39]Tsai W.Knowledge transfer in intra organizational networks:Effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(5):996-1004.
[40]Un C A,et al.R&D collaborations and product innovation[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2010,27(5):673-689.
[41]Wasti S N and Liker J K.Collaborating with suppliers in product development:US and Japan comparative study[J].IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,1999,46(4):444-461.
[42]Wong C Y,et al.The contingency effects of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between supply chain integration and operational performance[J].Journal of Operations Management,2011,29(6):604-615.
[2]Assis J A B.External linkages and technological innovation:(Some)Topical issues[J].International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,2003,3(1/2):151175.
[3]Belderbos R.Cooperative R&D and firm performance[J].Research Policy,2004,33(10):1477-1492.
[4]Campbell A J and Cooper R G.Do customer partnerships improve new product success rates[J].Industrial Marketing Management,1999,28(5):507-519.
[5]Corsaro D.The impact of network configurations on value constellations in business markets—The case of an innovation network[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2012,41(1):54-67.
[6]Eizenhardt K M and Tabrizi B N.Accelerating adaptive processes:Product innovation in the global computer industry[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1995,40(1):84110.
[7]Ellinger A E.Improving marketing/logistics cross-functional collaboration in the supply chain[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2000,29(1):85-96.
[8]Feng T,et al.The effects of customer and supplier involvement on competitive advantage:An empirical study in China[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2010,39(8):1384-1394.
[9]Feng T,et al.Customer orientation for decreasing time-tomarket of new products:IT implementation as a complementary asset[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2012,41(6):929-939.
[10]Feng T and Wang D.Supply chain involvement for better product development performance[J].Industrial Management&Data Systems,2013,113(2):190-206.
[11]Fritsch M and Lukas R.Who cooperates on R&D?[J].Research Policy,2001,30(2):297-312.
[12]Gardner H K,et al.Dynamically integrating knowledge in teams:Transforming resources into performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2012,55(4):998-1022.
[13]Gebauer H,et al.Overcoming the service paradox in manufacturing companies[J].European Management Journal,2004,23(1):14-26.
[14]Gerwin D and Ferris J S.Organizing new product development projects in strategic alliances[J].Organization Science,2004,15(1):22-37.
[15]Gruner K E and Homburg C.Does customer interaction enhance new product success[J].Journal of Business Research,2000,49(1):1-14.
[16]Hartley J L,et al.Managing the buyer-supplier interface for on-time performance in product development[J].Journal of Operations Management,1997,15(1):57-70.
[17]Hsueh J T,et al.The effects of network embeddedness on service innovation performance[J].Service Industries Journal,2010,30(10):1723-1736.
[18]Katila R and Ahuja G.Something old something new:A longitudinal study of search behavior and new product introduction[J].Academy of Management Journal,2002,45(8):1183-1194.
[19]Kaufman A,et al.Collaboration and technology linkages:A strategic supplier typology[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):649-663.
[20]Koufteros X,et al.Internal and external integration for product development:The contingency effects of uncertainty,equivocality,and platform strategy[J].Decision Sciences,2005,36(1):97-133.
[21]Koufteros X A.“Black-box”and“gray-box”supplier integration in product development:Antecedents,consequences and the moderating role of firm size[J].Journal of Operations Management,2007,25(4):847-870.
[22]Lam A.Organizational learning in multinationals:R&D networks of Japanese and US MNEs in the UK[J].Journal of Management Studies,2003,40(3):673-703.
[23]Lhuillery S and Pfister E.R&D cooperation and failures in innovation projects:Empirical evidence from French CIS data[J].Research Policy,2009,38(1):45-57.
[24]Li Q,et al.Migrating to Agility 2.0:How social computing creates strategic value[J].Organizational Dynamics,2011,40(2):119-126.
[25]Lovelace K,et al.Maximizing cross-functional new product teams’innovativeness and constraint adherence:A conflict communications perspective[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(8):779-793.
[26]Lu L and Wang G A.Study on multi-agent supply chain framework based on network economy[J].Computers&Industrial Engineering,2008,54(2):288-300.
[27]Mishra A A and Shah R.In union lies strength:Collaborative competence in new product development and its perfor mance effects[J].Journal of Operations Management,2009,27(2):324-338.
[28]Mora-Valentin E M,et al.Determining factors in the success of R&D cooperative agreements between firms and research organizations[J].Research Policy,2004,33(1):1740.
[29]Okamuro H.Determinants of successful R&D cooperation in Japanese small businesses:The impact of organizational and contractual characteristics[J].Research Policy,2007,36(10):1529-1544.
[30]Perks H.An empirical evaluation of R&D-Marketing NPD integration in Chinese firms:The Guanxi effect[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2009,26(6):640-651.
[31]Petersen K J,et al.Supplier integration into new product development:Coordinating product,process and supply chain design[J].Journal of Operations Management,2005,23(3/4):371-388.
[32]Rothaermel F T and Deeds D L.Exploration and exploitation alliances in biotechnology:A system of new product development[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(3):201-221.
[33]Simpson D F,et al.Greening the automotive supply chain:A relationship perspective[J].International Journal of Operations&Productions Management,2007,27(1):28-48.
[34]Song X M,et al.Antecedents and consequences of cross-functional cooperation:A comparison of R&D,manufacturing,and marketing perspectives[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,1997,14(1):35-47.
[35]Souder W E.Environmental uncertainty,organizational integration,and new product development effectiveness:A test of contingency theory[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,1998,15(6):520-533.
[36]Swink M and Song M.Effects of marketing-manufacturing integration on new product development time and competitive advantage[J].Journal of Operations Management,2007,25(1):203-217.
[37]Tolstoy D and Agndal H.Network resource combinations in the international venturing of small biotech firms[J].Technovation,2010,30(1):24-36.
[38]Tsai K H.Collaborative networks and product innovation performance:Toward a contingency perspective[J].Research Policy,2009,38(5):765-778.
[39]Tsai W.Knowledge transfer in intra organizational networks:Effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(5):996-1004.
[40]Un C A,et al.R&D collaborations and product innovation[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2010,27(5):673-689.
[41]Wasti S N and Liker J K.Collaborating with suppliers in product development:US and Japan comparative study[J].IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,1999,46(4):444-461.
[42]Wong C Y,et al.The contingency effects of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between supply chain integration and operational performance[J].Journal of Operations Management,2011,29(6):604-615.
冯泰文, 李一, 张颖. 合作创新研究现状探析与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(9): 72–80.