外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 07 期, 页码:75 - 81
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[8]Fang E.Customer participation and the trade-off between new product innovativeness and speed to market[J].Journal of Marketing,2008,72(4):90-104.
[9]Feng T,et al.The effects of customer and supplier involve-ment on competitive advantage:An empirical study in China[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2010,39(8):1384-1394.
[10]Henfridsson O,Lindgren R.User involvement in developing mobile and temporarily interconnected systems[J].Informa-tion Systems Journal,2010,20(2):119-135.
[11]LaBahn D W and Krapfel R.Early supplier involvement in customer new product development:A contingency model of component supplier intentions[J].Journal of Business Re-search,2000,47(3):173-190.
[12]Lagrosen S.Customer involvement in new product develop-ment:A relationship marketing perspective[J].European Journal of Innovation Management,2005,8(4):424-436.
[13]Lin X and Germain R.Antecedents to customer involvement in product development:Comparing US and Chinese firms[J].European Management Journal,2004,22(2):244-255.
[14]Mishra A A and Shah R.In union lies strength:Collabora-tive competence in new product development and its perform-ance effects[J].Journal of Operations Management,2009,27(4):324-338.
[15]PléL.Managing multichannel coordination in retail banking:The influence of customer participation[J].International Journal of Bank Marketing,2006,24(5):327-345.
[16]Ragatz G L,et al.Benefits associated with supplier integra-tion into new product development under conditions of tech-nology uncertainty[J].Journal of Business Research,2002,55(5),389-400.
[17]Ritter T and Walter A.Relationship-specific antecedents of customer involvement in new product development[J].In-ternational Journal of Technology Management,2003,26(5-6):482-501.
[18]Shahin A and Nikneshan P.Integration of CRM and QFD:A novel model for enhancing customer participation in design and delivery[J].The TQM Journal,2008,20(1):68-86.
[19]Singh P J and Power D.The nature and effectiveness of col-laboration between firms,their customers and suppliers:A supply chain perspective[J].Supply Chain Management:An International Journal,2009,14(3):189-200.
[20]Swan J E,et al.Customer involvement in the selection of service specifications[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2002,16(1):88-103.
[21]Van Echtelt F E A,et al.Managing supplier involvement in new product development:A multiple-case study[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2008,25(2):180-201.
[22]Walter A.Relationship-specific factors influencing supplier involvement in customer new product development[J].Jour-nal of Business Research,2003,56(9):721-733.
[23]Wu J T B,et al.The impact of a customer profile and cus-tomer participation on customer relationship management performance[J].International Journal of Electronic Business Management,2009,7(1):57-69.
[24]Wynstra F and Pierick E.Managing supplier involvement in new product development:A portfolio approach[J].Europe-an Journal of Purchasing&Supply Management,2000,6(1):49-57.
[25]Zsidisin G A and Smith M E.Managing supply risk with ear-ly supplier involvement:A case study and research proposi-tions[J].Journal of Supply Chain Management,2005,41(4):44-57.
[2]Carbonell P,et al.Customer involvement in new service devel-opment:An examination of antecedents and outcomes[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2009,26(5):536-550.
[3]Carr A S,et al.Supplier dependence:Impact on supplier’s participation and performance[J].International Journal of Operations&Production Management,2008,28(9):899-916.
[4]Chang S C,et al.Supplier involvement and manufacturing flexibility[J].Technovation,2006,26(10):1136-1146.
[5]Clark K B.Project scope and project performance:The effect of parts strategy and supplier involvement on product develop-ment[J].Management Science,1989,35(10):1247-1263.
[6]Danese P and Filippini R.Modularity and the impact on new product development time performance:Investigating the mod-erating effects of supplier involvement and interfunctional in-tegration[J].International Journal of Operations&Produc-tion Management,2010,30(11):1191-1209.
[7]Eisenhardt K M and Tabrizi B N.Accelerating adaptive processes:Product innovation in the global computer industry[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1995,40(1):84-110.
[8]Fang E.Customer participation and the trade-off between new product innovativeness and speed to market[J].Journal of Marketing,2008,72(4):90-104.
[9]Feng T,et al.The effects of customer and supplier involve-ment on competitive advantage:An empirical study in China[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2010,39(8):1384-1394.
[10]Henfridsson O,Lindgren R.User involvement in developing mobile and temporarily interconnected systems[J].Informa-tion Systems Journal,2010,20(2):119-135.
[11]LaBahn D W and Krapfel R.Early supplier involvement in customer new product development:A contingency model of component supplier intentions[J].Journal of Business Re-search,2000,47(3):173-190.
[12]Lagrosen S.Customer involvement in new product develop-ment:A relationship marketing perspective[J].European Journal of Innovation Management,2005,8(4):424-436.
[13]Lin X and Germain R.Antecedents to customer involvement in product development:Comparing US and Chinese firms[J].European Management Journal,2004,22(2):244-255.
[14]Mishra A A and Shah R.In union lies strength:Collabora-tive competence in new product development and its perform-ance effects[J].Journal of Operations Management,2009,27(4):324-338.
[15]PléL.Managing multichannel coordination in retail banking:The influence of customer participation[J].International Journal of Bank Marketing,2006,24(5):327-345.
[16]Ragatz G L,et al.Benefits associated with supplier integra-tion into new product development under conditions of tech-nology uncertainty[J].Journal of Business Research,2002,55(5),389-400.
[17]Ritter T and Walter A.Relationship-specific antecedents of customer involvement in new product development[J].In-ternational Journal of Technology Management,2003,26(5-6):482-501.
[18]Shahin A and Nikneshan P.Integration of CRM and QFD:A novel model for enhancing customer participation in design and delivery[J].The TQM Journal,2008,20(1):68-86.
[19]Singh P J and Power D.The nature and effectiveness of col-laboration between firms,their customers and suppliers:A supply chain perspective[J].Supply Chain Management:An International Journal,2009,14(3):189-200.
[20]Swan J E,et al.Customer involvement in the selection of service specifications[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2002,16(1):88-103.
[21]Van Echtelt F E A,et al.Managing supplier involvement in new product development:A multiple-case study[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2008,25(2):180-201.
[22]Walter A.Relationship-specific factors influencing supplier involvement in customer new product development[J].Jour-nal of Business Research,2003,56(9):721-733.
[23]Wu J T B,et al.The impact of a customer profile and cus-tomer participation on customer relationship management performance[J].International Journal of Electronic Business Management,2009,7(1):57-69.
[24]Wynstra F and Pierick E.Managing supplier involvement in new product development:A portfolio approach[J].Europe-an Journal of Purchasing&Supply Management,2000,6(1):49-57.
[25]Zsidisin G A and Smith M E.Managing supply risk with ear-ly supplier involvement:A case study and research proposi-tions[J].Journal of Supply Chain Management,2005,41(4):44-57.
冯泰文. 新产品开发中的客户参与和供应商参与前沿研究述评与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(7): 75–81.