外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 06 期, 页码:9 - 16
[1]Avlonitis G J and Salavou H E.Entrepreneurial orientation of SMEs,product innovativeness,and performance[J].Journal of Business Research,2007,60(5):566-575.
[2]Awang A,et al.Entrepreneurial orientation and performance relations of Malaysian Bumiputera SEMs:The impact of some perceived environmental factors[J].International Journal of Business and Management,2009,4(9):84-96.
[3]Bollen K A and Lennox R.Conventional wisdom on measure-ment:A structural equation perspective[J].Psychological Bul-letin,1991,110(2):305-314.
[4]Chang S C,et al.Achieving manufacturing flexibility through entrepreneurial orientation[J].Industrial Management&Data Systems,2007,107(7):997-1017.
[5]Covin J G and Slevin D P.Strategic management of small firms in hostile and benign environments[J].Strategic Management Journal,1989,10(1):75-87.
[6]Coltman T,et al.Formative versus reflective measurement models:Two applications of formative measurement[J].Jour-nal of Business Research,2008,61(6):1250-1262.
[7]Covin J G and Slevin D P.A conceptual model of entrepreneur-ship as firm behavior[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-tice,1991,15(1):7-24
[8]Covin J G and Miles M P.Corporate entrepreneurship and the pursuit of competitive advantage[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1999,23(1):47-63.
[9]Covin J G and Wales W J.The measurement of entrepreneurial orientation[J/OL].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2011:1-26.At http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1540-6520.2010.00432.x/full.
[10]George B A.Entrepreneurial orientation:A theoretical and empirical examination of the consequences of differing con-struct representations[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(6):1291-1313.
[11]Ginsberg A.Measuring changes in entrepreneurial orientation following industry deregulation:The development of a dia-gnostic instrument[R].Proceedings of the International Council of Small Business,1985:50-57.
[12]Hoskisson R E,et al.Revitalizing entrepreneurship:The search for new research opportunities[J].Journal of Man-agement Studies,2011,48(6):1141-1168.
[13]Hughes M and Morgan E R.Deconstructing the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business perform-ance at the embryonic stage of firm growth[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2007,36(5):651-661.
[14]Khandwalla P N.Some top management styles,their context and performance[J].Organization&Administrative Sci-ences,1977,7(4):21-51.
[15]Lee S M and Lim S.Entrepreneurial orientation and the per-formance of service business[J].Service Business,2009,3(1):1-13.
[16]Lumpkin G T and Dess G G.Clarifying the entrepreneurial o-rientation construct and linking it to performance[J].Acade-my of Management Review,1996,21(1):135-172.
[17]Lumpkin G T and Dess G G.Linking two dimensions of en-trepreneurial orientation to firm performance:The modera-ting role of environment and industry life cycle[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2001,16(5):429-451.
[18]Lumpkin G T,et al.Understanding and measuring autono-my:An entrepreneurial orientation perspective[J].Entrepre-neurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):47-69.
[19]MacKenzie S B,et al.The problem of measurement model misspecification in behavioral and organizational research and some recommended solutions[J].Journal of Applied Psycho-logy,2005,90(Sum.):710-30.
[20]Miller D.The correlates of entrepreneurship in three types of firms[J].Management Science,1983,29(7):770-791.
[21]Mintzberg H.Strategy making in three modes[J].California Management Review,1973,16(2):44-53.
[22]Morris M H and Paul G W.The relationship between entre-preneurship and marketing in established firms[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1987,2(3):247-59.
[23]Niu F,et al.Acquisition of resources,formal organization and entrepreneurial orientation of new ventures[J].Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship,2009,1(1):40-52.
[24]Pearce J A,et al.Entrepreneurial orientation and the per-formance of religious congregations as predicted by rational choice theory[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):19-248.
[25]Short J C,et al.Construct validation using computer-aided text analysis(CATA):An illustration using entrepreneurial orientation[J].Organizational Research Methods,2010,13(2):320-347
[26]Tang J T,et al.Exploring an inverted U-shape relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance in Chi-nese ventures[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2008,32(1):219-239.
[27]Walter A,et al.The impact of network capabilities and entre-preneurial orientation on university spin-off performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2006,21(4):541-567.
[28]Wilcox J B,et al.Questions about formative measurement[J].Journal of Business Research,2008,61(12):1219-1228.
[2]Awang A,et al.Entrepreneurial orientation and performance relations of Malaysian Bumiputera SEMs:The impact of some perceived environmental factors[J].International Journal of Business and Management,2009,4(9):84-96.
[3]Bollen K A and Lennox R.Conventional wisdom on measure-ment:A structural equation perspective[J].Psychological Bul-letin,1991,110(2):305-314.
[4]Chang S C,et al.Achieving manufacturing flexibility through entrepreneurial orientation[J].Industrial Management&Data Systems,2007,107(7):997-1017.
[5]Covin J G and Slevin D P.Strategic management of small firms in hostile and benign environments[J].Strategic Management Journal,1989,10(1):75-87.
[6]Coltman T,et al.Formative versus reflective measurement models:Two applications of formative measurement[J].Jour-nal of Business Research,2008,61(6):1250-1262.
[7]Covin J G and Slevin D P.A conceptual model of entrepreneur-ship as firm behavior[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-tice,1991,15(1):7-24
[8]Covin J G and Miles M P.Corporate entrepreneurship and the pursuit of competitive advantage[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,1999,23(1):47-63.
[9]Covin J G and Wales W J.The measurement of entrepreneurial orientation[J/OL].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2011:1-26.At http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1540-6520.2010.00432.x/full.
[10]George B A.Entrepreneurial orientation:A theoretical and empirical examination of the consequences of differing con-struct representations[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(6):1291-1313.
[11]Ginsberg A.Measuring changes in entrepreneurial orientation following industry deregulation:The development of a dia-gnostic instrument[R].Proceedings of the International Council of Small Business,1985:50-57.
[12]Hoskisson R E,et al.Revitalizing entrepreneurship:The search for new research opportunities[J].Journal of Man-agement Studies,2011,48(6):1141-1168.
[13]Hughes M and Morgan E R.Deconstructing the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business perform-ance at the embryonic stage of firm growth[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2007,36(5):651-661.
[14]Khandwalla P N.Some top management styles,their context and performance[J].Organization&Administrative Sci-ences,1977,7(4):21-51.
[15]Lee S M and Lim S.Entrepreneurial orientation and the per-formance of service business[J].Service Business,2009,3(1):1-13.
[16]Lumpkin G T and Dess G G.Clarifying the entrepreneurial o-rientation construct and linking it to performance[J].Acade-my of Management Review,1996,21(1):135-172.
[17]Lumpkin G T and Dess G G.Linking two dimensions of en-trepreneurial orientation to firm performance:The modera-ting role of environment and industry life cycle[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2001,16(5):429-451.
[18]Lumpkin G T,et al.Understanding and measuring autono-my:An entrepreneurial orientation perspective[J].Entrepre-neurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):47-69.
[19]MacKenzie S B,et al.The problem of measurement model misspecification in behavioral and organizational research and some recommended solutions[J].Journal of Applied Psycho-logy,2005,90(Sum.):710-30.
[20]Miller D.The correlates of entrepreneurship in three types of firms[J].Management Science,1983,29(7):770-791.
[21]Mintzberg H.Strategy making in three modes[J].California Management Review,1973,16(2):44-53.
[22]Morris M H and Paul G W.The relationship between entre-preneurship and marketing in established firms[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1987,2(3):247-59.
[23]Niu F,et al.Acquisition of resources,formal organization and entrepreneurial orientation of new ventures[J].Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship,2009,1(1):40-52.
[24]Pearce J A,et al.Entrepreneurial orientation and the per-formance of religious congregations as predicted by rational choice theory[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,33(1):19-248.
[25]Short J C,et al.Construct validation using computer-aided text analysis(CATA):An illustration using entrepreneurial orientation[J].Organizational Research Methods,2010,13(2):320-347
[26]Tang J T,et al.Exploring an inverted U-shape relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance in Chi-nese ventures[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2008,32(1):219-239.
[27]Walter A,et al.The impact of network capabilities and entre-preneurial orientation on university spin-off performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2006,21(4):541-567.
[28]Wilcox J B,et al.Questions about formative measurement[J].Journal of Business Research,2008,61(12):1219-1228.
张宏云. 创业导向构念测量研究前沿探析与未来研究建议——基于反映型和构成型模型[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(6): 9–16.