外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 06 期, 页码:1 - 8
[1]Aarstad S A and Haugland A G.Performance spillover effects in entrepreneurial networks:Assessing a dyadic theory of so-cial capital[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2010,34(9):1003-1019.
[2]Aldrich H E and Martinez M A.Many are called,but few are chosen:An evolutionary perspective for the study of entrepre-neurship[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2001,25(4):41-56.
[3]Andersson U and Mats P T.Subsidiary performance in multina-tional corporations:The importance of technology embeddedness[J].International Business Review,2001,10(1):3-23.
[4]Aspelund A,et al.Initial resources’influence on new venture survival:A longitudinal study of new technology-based firms[J].Technovation,2005,25(11):1337-1347.
[5]Boschma Ron.Proximity and innovation:A critical assessment[J].Regional Studies,2005,39(1):61-74.
[6]Brush C G.From initial idea to unique advantage:The entre-preneurial challenge of constructing a resource base and execu-tive commentary[J].Academy of Management Executive,2001,15(1):64-80.
[7]Dirk F,et al.The role of labor mobility and informal networks for knowledge transfer[M].New York:Springer,2005:145.
[8]Dess G G,et al.Emerging issues in corporate entrepreneurship[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):351-378.
[9]Elfring T and Hulsink W.Networks in entrepreneurship:The case of high-technology firms[J].Small Business Economics,2003,21(4):409-422.
[10]Granovetter M.Economic action and social structure:The problem of embeddedness[J].American Journal of Sociolo-gy,1985,91(3):481-510.
[11]Gulati H.Which ties matter when?The contingent effects of interorganizational partnerships on IPO success[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(2):127-271.
[12]Havnes P and Senneseth K.A panel study of firm growth a-mong SMEs in networks[J].Small Business Economics,2001,16(4):293-302.
[13]Hagedoorn J and Duysters G.Learning in dynamic inter-firm networks:The efficacy of multiple contacts[J].Organization Studies,2002,23(4):525-548.
[14]Koka B and Madhavan R P.The evolution of inter-firm net-works:Environmental effects on patterns of network change[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(3):721-737.
[15]Li J J,et al.Relational mechanisms,formal contracts,and lo-cal knowledge acquisition by international subsidiaries[J].Strategic Management Journal,2010,31(4):349-370.
[16]Luo Y D.Shifts of Chinese government policies on inbound foreign direct investment[J].Strategy Management Journal,2008,9(4):291-314
[17]Lumpkin G T and Lichtenstein B B.The role of organizational learning in the opportunity-recognition process[J].Entrepre-neurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(7):451-472.
[18]McEvily B and Marcus A.Embedded ties and the acquisition of competitive capabilities[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,2005,26(11):1033-1055.
[19]McDougall P P and Oviatt B.Some fundamental issues in in-ternational entrepreneurship[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2003,27(1):124-151.
[20]Oliver C and Holzinger I.The effectiveness of strategic politi-cal management:A dynamic capabilities framework[J].A-cademy of Management Review,2008,33(2):496-520.
[21]Rothaermel F T and Alexandre M T.Ambidexterity in tech-nology sourcing:The moderating role of absorptive capacity[J].Organization Science,2009,20(4):759-780.
[22]Saxenian A.From brain drain to brain circulation:Transna-tional communities and regional upgrading in India and China[J].Studies in Comparative International Development,2005,40(2):35-61.
[23]Shane S and Khurana K.Career experience and firm founding[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2003,12(2):519-544.
[24]Steensma H,et al.The evolution and internalization of inter-national joint ventures in a transitioning economy[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2008,39(3):491-507.
[25]Lui X H and Mike W.Human mobility and international knowledge spillovers:Evidence from high-tech small and me-dium enterprises in an emerging market[J].Strategic Entre-preneurship Journal,2010,4(4):340-355.
[26]Zhang Y and Li H Y.Innovation search of new ventures in a technology cluster:The role of ties with service intermediar-ies[J].Stategic management journal,2010,31(1):88-109.
[2]Aldrich H E and Martinez M A.Many are called,but few are chosen:An evolutionary perspective for the study of entrepre-neurship[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2001,25(4):41-56.
[3]Andersson U and Mats P T.Subsidiary performance in multina-tional corporations:The importance of technology embeddedness[J].International Business Review,2001,10(1):3-23.
[4]Aspelund A,et al.Initial resources’influence on new venture survival:A longitudinal study of new technology-based firms[J].Technovation,2005,25(11):1337-1347.
[5]Boschma Ron.Proximity and innovation:A critical assessment[J].Regional Studies,2005,39(1):61-74.
[6]Brush C G.From initial idea to unique advantage:The entre-preneurial challenge of constructing a resource base and execu-tive commentary[J].Academy of Management Executive,2001,15(1):64-80.
[7]Dirk F,et al.The role of labor mobility and informal networks for knowledge transfer[M].New York:Springer,2005:145.
[8]Dess G G,et al.Emerging issues in corporate entrepreneurship[J].Journal of Management,2003,29(3):351-378.
[9]Elfring T and Hulsink W.Networks in entrepreneurship:The case of high-technology firms[J].Small Business Economics,2003,21(4):409-422.
[10]Granovetter M.Economic action and social structure:The problem of embeddedness[J].American Journal of Sociolo-gy,1985,91(3):481-510.
[11]Gulati H.Which ties matter when?The contingent effects of interorganizational partnerships on IPO success[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(2):127-271.
[12]Havnes P and Senneseth K.A panel study of firm growth a-mong SMEs in networks[J].Small Business Economics,2001,16(4):293-302.
[13]Hagedoorn J and Duysters G.Learning in dynamic inter-firm networks:The efficacy of multiple contacts[J].Organization Studies,2002,23(4):525-548.
[14]Koka B and Madhavan R P.The evolution of inter-firm net-works:Environmental effects on patterns of network change[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(3):721-737.
[15]Li J J,et al.Relational mechanisms,formal contracts,and lo-cal knowledge acquisition by international subsidiaries[J].Strategic Management Journal,2010,31(4):349-370.
[16]Luo Y D.Shifts of Chinese government policies on inbound foreign direct investment[J].Strategy Management Journal,2008,9(4):291-314
[17]Lumpkin G T and Lichtenstein B B.The role of organizational learning in the opportunity-recognition process[J].Entrepre-neurship Theory and Practice,2005,29(7):451-472.
[18]McEvily B and Marcus A.Embedded ties and the acquisition of competitive capabilities[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,2005,26(11):1033-1055.
[19]McDougall P P and Oviatt B.Some fundamental issues in in-ternational entrepreneurship[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2003,27(1):124-151.
[20]Oliver C and Holzinger I.The effectiveness of strategic politi-cal management:A dynamic capabilities framework[J].A-cademy of Management Review,2008,33(2):496-520.
[21]Rothaermel F T and Alexandre M T.Ambidexterity in tech-nology sourcing:The moderating role of absorptive capacity[J].Organization Science,2009,20(4):759-780.
[22]Saxenian A.From brain drain to brain circulation:Transna-tional communities and regional upgrading in India and China[J].Studies in Comparative International Development,2005,40(2):35-61.
[23]Shane S and Khurana K.Career experience and firm founding[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2003,12(2):519-544.
[24]Steensma H,et al.The evolution and internalization of inter-national joint ventures in a transitioning economy[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2008,39(3):491-507.
[25]Lui X H and Mike W.Human mobility and international knowledge spillovers:Evidence from high-tech small and me-dium enterprises in an emerging market[J].Strategic Entre-preneurship Journal,2010,4(4):340-355.
[26]Zhang Y and Li H Y.Innovation search of new ventures in a technology cluster:The role of ties with service intermediar-ies[J].Stategic management journal,2010,31(1):88-109.
何会涛, 袁勇志. 海外人才跨国创业研究现状探析与未来展望——基于双重网络嵌入视角[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(6): 1–8.