财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 02 期, 页码:88 - 98
[11]Acemoglu D.Directed technical change[J].Review of Economic Studies,2002,69(4):781-809.
[12]Acemoglu D.Patterns of skill premia[J].Review of Economic Studies,2003a,70(2):199-230.
[13]Acemoglu D.Labor-and capital-augmenting technical change[J].Journal of the European Economic Association,2003b,1(1):1-37.
[14]Bentolina S,Saint-Paul G.Explaining movements in labor share[J].The B.E.Journal of Macroeconomics,2003,3(1):1-33.
[15]Blanchard O.The medium run[J].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,1997,28(2):89-158.
[16]Harrison A E.Has globalization eroded labor’s share?Some cross-country evidence[R].MPRA Paper No.39649,2002.
[17]Kaldor N.Capital accumulation and economic growth[A].Lutz F A,Hague D C,The theory of capital[C].New York:Martin Press,1961.
[18]Kravis I B.Relative income shares in fact and theory[J].American Economic Review,1959,49(5):917-949.
[19]Kessing S G.A note on the determinants of labor share movements[J].Economic Letters,2003,81(1):9-12.
[20]Klump R,McAdam P,Willman A.Factor substitution and factor-augmenting technical progress in the United States:A normalized supply-side system approach[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics,2007,89(1):183-191.
[21]Di Maria C,Valente S.The direction of technical change in capital-resource economies[R].MPRA Paper No.1040,2006.
[22]Solow R M.A skeptical note on the constancy of relative shares[J].American Economic Review,1958,48(4):618-631.
[23]Young A T.One of the things we know that ain’t so:Is U.S.labor’s share relatively stable?[J].Journal of Macroeconomics,2010,32(1):90-102.
[24]Zuleta H.Why labor income shares seem to be constant[J].The Journal of International Trade Economic Development,2007,16(4):551-557.
[25]Zuleta H,Young A T.Labors shares-aggregate and industry:Accounting for both in a model of unbalanced growth with induced innovation[R].Documento de Trabajo No.003105,2007.
[11]Acemoglu D.Directed technical change[J].Review of Economic Studies,2002,69(4):781-809.
[12]Acemoglu D.Patterns of skill premia[J].Review of Economic Studies,2003a,70(2):199-230.
[13]Acemoglu D.Labor-and capital-augmenting technical change[J].Journal of the European Economic Association,2003b,1(1):1-37.
[14]Bentolina S,Saint-Paul G.Explaining movements in labor share[J].The B.E.Journal of Macroeconomics,2003,3(1):1-33.
[15]Blanchard O.The medium run[J].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,1997,28(2):89-158.
[16]Harrison A E.Has globalization eroded labor’s share?Some cross-country evidence[R].MPRA Paper No.39649,2002.
[17]Kaldor N.Capital accumulation and economic growth[A].Lutz F A,Hague D C,The theory of capital[C].New York:Martin Press,1961.
[18]Kravis I B.Relative income shares in fact and theory[J].American Economic Review,1959,49(5):917-949.
[19]Kessing S G.A note on the determinants of labor share movements[J].Economic Letters,2003,81(1):9-12.
[20]Klump R,McAdam P,Willman A.Factor substitution and factor-augmenting technical progress in the United States:A normalized supply-side system approach[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics,2007,89(1):183-191.
[21]Di Maria C,Valente S.The direction of technical change in capital-resource economies[R].MPRA Paper No.1040,2006.
[22]Solow R M.A skeptical note on the constancy of relative shares[J].American Economic Review,1958,48(4):618-631.
[23]Young A T.One of the things we know that ain’t so:Is U.S.labor’s share relatively stable?[J].Journal of Macroeconomics,2010,32(1):90-102.
[24]Zuleta H.Why labor income shares seem to be constant[J].The Journal of International Trade Economic Development,2007,16(4):551-557.
[25]Zuleta H,Young A T.Labors shares-aggregate and industry:Accounting for both in a model of unbalanced growth with induced innovation[R].Documento de Trabajo No.003105,2007.
刘志恒, 王林辉. 相对增进型技术进步和我国要素收入分配——来自产业层面的证据[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(2): 88–98.