In recent decades, leaders are gradually becoming the symbol of the organization and have more and more important influence on the survival and development of the organization. However, it is a common and sad fact that when charismatic individual leaders leave office, the organization may face a crisis or even fail to develop sustainably. How to keep prosperity after the departure of their star leaders is a significant issue. Recent researches on institutional leadership suggest that the organization can achieve sustainable and stable development, if leaders can systematize and institutionalize their own leadership in the organization. Therefore, institutional leadership has attracted much attention from scholars and leaders of enterprises. This paper systematically reviews the previous studies on institutional leadership in the following respects: First, it comprehensively introduces the connotation of institutional leadership and other related concepts, as well as comparing the differences between institutional leadership(leadership of organization)and some other leaderships in the organization. Institutional leadership is the process and result that leaders institutionalize leadership into organizational system through institutional work, which can make organizational system become the source of leadership, reduce the instability of individual leadership, and realize the sustainable and stable development of the organization. Existing researches mainly focus on the role of institutional leadership from multiple aspects, without in-depth discussion of its mechanism of action and the interconnections between varied mechanisms. The results show that there are obvious differences between institutional leadership and leadership in the organization in four aspects: leader task, leader focus, leadership source and stability of influence of leadership on the organization. Second, it expounds the theoretical basis of institutional leadership from two aspects: the source of institutional leadership and the important influence of leaders on organizational system. Subsequently, the construction and outcomes of institutional leadership are summarized in this study. In the end, the future directions about institutional leadership research are prospected. This paper provides the following reference for the next step of institutional leadership:(1)Based on the research of leaders’ initiative in building institutional leadership, the future research should integrate internal and external driving forces, and further explore the comprehensive impact of these two driving forces on leaders’ building institutional leadership.(2)Future research can deconstruct the construction process of institutional leadership from the perspective of value management, and clarify the specific practical activities of value management and institutional work.(3)Scholars can explore the mechanism of institutional leadership to achieve the sustainable and stable development of enterprises from the perspective of brand theory and social impact theory.(4)In the future, we can study the dynamic balance and interactive coupling mechanism of institutional leadership and individual leadership.(5)Scholars should pay attention to the localization practice of China’s institutional leadership in the future research, and contribute to the success of Chinese enterprises to build “century old enterprises”.

Foreign Economics & Management
LiZengquan, Editor-in-Chief
ZhengChunrong, Vice Executive Editor-in-Chief
YinHuifang HeXiaogang LiuJianguo, Vice Editor-in-Chief
A Literature Review of Institutional Leadership and Prospects
Foreign Economics & Management Vol. 42, Issue 07, pp. 108 - 120 (2020) DOI:10.16538/j.cnki.fem.20200226.203
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Dai Jianghong, Ge Jing. A Literature Review of Institutional Leadership and Prospects[J]. Foreign Economics & Management, 2020, 42(7): 108-120.
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